Your next

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 Ok, So I know you think the story took a harsh turn right there for the worse. But we will turn back to our normal story. You have passed the sexual content and are brought back into the main event. What happened the day after. I woke up next to Claire. I felt like shit. The hangover was insane. I guess I had more to drink then I thought. I got out of the bed and put my clothes on. Claire wakes up.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm going downstairs to get some water," I say wearily.

"Do you want some?" I ask.

"Yeah that would be nice." She replies. I open her door and see that the house is in decently nice condition after a party. I see my Leather jacket on the chair. It has something on the back. I walk down the stairs and see that the leather has darts and red paint splattered on the back. With the red paint it has something written on it.

"Your next" it says. I take out the darts and peel off some of the paint. I remember what Joan, Natalee, and Ky said last night about that kid who said he was gonna kill me, Dash, and Jeremy. I bet he did that. I put the Jacket on the chair again. I grab a plastic cup from the stack left on the table. I go to the fridge and fill it with water. I hear somebody start moving down the steps. I see a random couple walk down the steps, the guy without his shirt on and the girl has her hair tousled around. They awkwardly run out of the house. Claire then walks down the steps and sits down at the counter top.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking." She says. I couldn't get the image of last night out of my head. I got another cup and filled it up with water for Claire.

"Thanks." She says. I sit on the other side of the counter and rub my aching forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asks. I nod my head slowly.

"Yeah, I just got a bad headache." I reply.

"We have some Advil, do you want it?" She asks.

"Yes please, where is it?" I ask.

"I'll get it." She says. She walks to a cabinet and opens it. Another bedroom door opens and its Aiden and Joan. They are laughing and obviously still drunk.

"You guys are happy this morning!" Claire says as she gives me the capsule of advil which I take a pill out of and eat it.

"Yeah, We just pulled an all-nighter!" Joan says as she laughs some more and playfully punches Aiden in the shoulder as they both laugh again while walking down the steps.

"I'm gonna drive Joan home." Aiden says as he walks down the stairs and to the main doorway

"Okay, You both have a good weekend." I say. Instead of Aiden shoving me off he says something back.

"You to man." He says back. Joan waves to Claire and walks off with aiden. They walk out the front door. Claire sits back down at the counter top.

"Cal, You never told me what job you worked. I mean sure I know its in the military but what specifically do you do?" She asked. I think about replying with either a lie or the truth. I decided that the truth would cause less problems later.

"Will you think differently of me if I say what I work?" I ask her. She looks straight into my eyes.

"Of course not." She says. She grabs my hand.

"Ok alright, I am a special forces contractor. I am given objectives and I do them for pay." I say.

"Does that include Killing?" She asks. I didn't know how to respond.

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