Finding out what I did

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 Both Claire and I get out of the Mustang at Clement's parent's house. Its a slightly run down house but still nice. Claire knocks on the door. A small older woman opens the door and sees Claire. Her eyes widened at her.

"Claire, Calvin. Calvin, you were on the news, correct?" She says while looking at me judgingly. I sigh.

"Yes and I am so sorry about what happened to Jezen." I say. She quickly responds.

"No, don't be. He was a disgrace to this family anyways." She says. She opens the door as wide as possible to let us both in.

"We haven't seen Clement for days now. I'm guessing this is what this is about." She says. My train of thought is lost though when I realize how bad this could be. I look at Claire and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Claire, we should go." I say. She shrugs her shoulder and asks the Clements mother a question.

"What did Jezen do." She asks. The woman looks at her sternly.

"He was a human trafficker and terrorist. Worthless human being. Clement got too mixed up with him. I failed him." she says as she tears up.

"No you didn't fail him. If you tell us where he may be, we could help you take care of him." Claire says. The woman looks at me.

"He could be at the old school. Jezen and Clement used to go there all of the time." she says. She grabs an old map out of a drawer and marks a location on it.

"There. Calvin, you better not kill him too." she points her finger at me as she starts to cry. I felt Bad and angry at the same time. I had no idea where Dash and Jeremy were and I wanted to kill Clement so bad for what he might be doing to them. My brain flashed back to the present as I snatched the map from her. The sudden anger taking control of my system.

"Thanks. No promises." I snap back. She looked understandably at me for the pissy mood. Our friends could be dead by now and she just sat back to watch. I turn around and walk out the door. Claire just stands there looking at me and then finally turns to leave with me. I get in the Mustang with Claire and turn on the ignition.

"She didn't do anything Cal." She says. I look at her.

"Yes she did. She brought Clement into this world and now she made me have to take him out." I reply as I slam on the gas pedal.




I was sitting on the couch with Joan watching reruns of the office with her. That morning was so peaceful. Just me and Joan together. Nothing to do. It was at my house. The night before there was a lot of tossing and turning between her and I but at least we both had fun. That's the first night we had both done it. I would say it was a pretty good experience for me. I heard that Calvin and Claire also lost their V-cards. So now we don't have to wonder what it feels like anymore. I looked down at Joan for a split second. All I could was the top of her head leaning against me. My parents were out for the weekend so it was just her and I. She looked up at me.

"What?" she asked as she turned her head to look back at the tv.

"Nothing. Just thinking about you." I say. She pushes in closer to me.

"Thinking what about me?" She asks with a small laugh.

"Just how beautiful and nice you are." I reply. She looks at me with smile.

"Are you just trying to butter me up for another round?" She asks laughing.

"What! No! I mean it." I say.

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