No Timer

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That Friday started out like normal. Wiping the fogginess out of my mind and trying to stay awake while walking down the stairs. That date with Claire had been nice. After the sun went down we ate out for dinner and then I drove her home. Jeremy and I had continued bonding the day after. But Dash and I were best friends. We were basically inseparable. I also found out that there were very few people that disliked Dash. He was invited to the party by literally everyone. Here this was a routine. Somebody at the school hosted a party yearly and their parents could not be home. I talked to Claire at school before the party to make sure that we were good about what happened on Wednesday. I apologized for moving a little too quickly but again she didn't seem to mind too much. By the time I got home from school there was around 45 minutes to get ready. I put on a gray t-shirt, some jeans and then the finish of the outfit. My old brown leather jacket. Its soft leather fit me very well. My grandparents and dad wished me a fun time. I got in my M3 and started on my short way to Claire's house. When I got there the whole road was filled with cars but there was one that stuck out the most. It was the Mustang. Dash told me he wasn't going at first. I walked in the house with some other people that already looked drunk. The house was filled with people talking and dancing to music. Aiden was sitting at the counter with Joan talking. I walked in through the main entry and I was met by a very int#xicated Jeremy.

"Heya man, tons of good stuff over there." He said slurring his speech.

"Uhhhhh I think you had a little too much of the good stuff." I replied.

"Huh nuh I haven't not" He says laughing. I lead him over to the couch,

"Stay right here, don't go anywhere." I say to him, I see Dash sitting at the other table talking with Levi, Ky, and Natalee. I walk over and sit in the empty seat.

"Ah there you are, Claire just went to her room she'll be back down in a minute." Joan says.

"Ok that's fine." I say. Dash has a soda and not a beer can in his hand.

"Going s#ber?" I ask him. Aiden leaves the table And motions for Joan to leave she doesn't and stays at the table.

"Yeah I'm not trying to get my parents p#ssed at me." He replies. I nod my head.

"Understandable." I reply.

"I am gonna go get something though." I say as I get up and walk off to the cooler. I notice Aiden is gone from where he was standing and is nowhere at the table. I open up the door and am surprised by how many cans are left. I grab one and head back to the table and sit down at it. Joan is talking about something.

"Have you heard about the kid on Insta who's been posting threats to you 3?" She asks Dash and I.

"Uh no. why?" Dash replies.

"Well this guy from our school keeps saying he's gonna find yall." Natalee says. I look at her confused. Dash looks over at me.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Well he claims to be Jezen's nephew the guy who you were being to get into the club." Joan says.

"Oh sh#t Clement?" I ask. Ky who was spacing out looking out the window finally snaps back when she hears the name.

"Yeah he's here at the party right now." Dash's eyes widened. He whispers in my ear.

"We need to leave now." He says. I look back at him and I shake my head.

"You can but I'm staying. I got told I'm staying for the night." I whisper back. Dash gets up smacks the table and smiles sarcastically.

"Well good luck with that. I'm gonna get Jeremy's drunk #ss out of here. He's still laying down on the couch looking dazed out of his mind. He's pointing at the top corners of the room and naming them. Dash picks him up by the shoulders and carries him out of the house. I sigh and look at the beer can. Then I see Something move down the staircase. Its Claire. She has a shirt with a strap on one side and her right shoulder covered. She is wearing leggings part of her torso uncovered. She spots me at the table I wave at her and she comes and sits at the table. Claire smiles and waves at me and sits down beside me.

"This party is really nice." I say to her. She looks at me and puts her hand on my hand.

"Thanks, I can see you found the alcohol." She said.

"Yeah, have you seen Aiden? I want to talk to him?" I say. She looks at me again.

"No, you can't make him like you." she says.

"I can try. I don't want him and me to have issues considering I friends with everyone else." I say. I stay there and talk with Claire for around 30 minutes but then I go look for Aiden. I walk around upstairs and walk into an occupied bedroom. I saw a couple trying to make out in there. Damn that was awkward. I then saw the Bathroom with the door shut and locked.

"Aiden? You good in there?" I ask. Seconds later.

"Yeah man now fuck off!" He says back.

"Hey dude chill out. I don't remember doing anything to you." I say.

"I just don't like you alright. You did some pretty shitty stuff to Jeremy." He says.

"Who happened to hurt one of your friends? And then over his girlfriend k#ssing me try to paralyze me?" I say back. This causes Aiden to stutter a bit. We opens the door in my face and it hits my nose really hard.

"Well, I mean she should've broken up with him before she decided to get with you." He said.

"Fair point there but last time she tried she got hurt." I say back. He nods his head a little.

"Still kinda d#cky move but thanks for explaining." He says.

"Well if you don't understand something ask somebody first so then you don't possibly screw their life up. I've already had enough stress with this whole thing. Okay?" I say. He looks down at the ground.

"Okay, alright." He says. I walk off and go back down stairs Claire and her friends are laughing and having fun so I sit down at the otherside of the table. They were looking through Aiden's search history.

"Oh no! he looked up within the past 24 hours '######## #######' and '### #### ### ####'. " Joan says. They all burst out laughing again. I chuckle a bit but I don't find this kinda stuff funny anymore. Some guy who seems to be a 9th grader walls into the living room

"SPIN THE BOTTLE RIGHT HERE!!!!!" He says. He puts down a bottle in the middle of the room as people and couples flock to play it.

"Anybody the bottle lands on has to do either 7 minutes in h#aven or take off a bit of cl#thing and has to keep it off for the rest of the party!!" He says happily.

"Let's go play this." Claire says. I gut up out of the chair with her and sit down in the circle beside her. Joan and Aiden side by side.

"Everyone ready?" the 9th grader said in a game show-like voice.

"Ok, Since some of these 12th graders need some l#ve everybody but the 12th graders get up." the 9th grader says. There are some disapproving sighs as other people get out of the circle to watch from the sidelines.

"Alright now we are ready." he says. He walks over to the bottle and hits the tip it spins around for a good 20 seconds. To my luck it landed on Joan.

"And you, what would you like to do with your new found time." he says. Joan elbow bumps Aiden and looks at him with a smile. They walk off and shut a bedroom door behind them.

"Uhhhhh OK well thats... nice." HE clears his throat and starts talking again.

"Lets do it again!" He spins the bottle again and of course with my luck it lands on me.

"You Calvin, What will you pick?" he says.

"Uhhh." I stutter for a second. Claire then grabs the collar of my shirt.

"Let's go." She says. She stands up when I do.

"Wow, I guess that option is popular tonight!" he says as we walk up the stairs. She walks me to her room and she sits down on the bed. Her room has white walls and a desk in the corner.

"Do I need to set a timer?" I say as I sit down on the bed beside her.

"You're gonna be here for the sleepover too right?" She asks.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Then you don't need one." She said as She grabbed my shoulder and kissed me.

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