Losing time fast

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I woke up to being dragged into a club of all places. My legs and arms were tied up and I saw Claire and Joan in the building as well. Jeremy walked in but was kicked into the room at the door way. Claire and Joan looked highly drugged. Jeremy had been conscious for the whole time so I asked him what was going on.

"What is going on?" I asked. Jeremy just looked at me for a second.

"It's over Dash, We're being sold. You heard Clement. He decided it would be easier to sell us." he replied. I trembled in rage. It was so wrong To sell people. And Yet Clement thought it was the right thing. I looked back At Claire and Joan who looked slightly happy to be here. It was so messed up. That someone would think to do this. Jeremy started laughing.

"What?" I asked as he continued cackling like a maniac.

"I never though it would end this way," he said. "I though it was going to go down with us dying like warriors. But I guess that won't happen. Forced to be sex slaves for some rich ass perverts." He said.

"Not the life I want to live. And how do you just accept it." I ask. He just stares off blankly.

"Because, its whats going to happen. While Claire wasn't drugged out of her mind she told me they killed Calvin. He can't save us now." I felt a new anger fill me. Jeremy was taking this really well. But I would not go down without a fight. I was able to wiggle out of my handcuffs a bit. Just enough to feel my ribs. None of them were broken which surprised me. They just felt like they were. I looked at my leg and saw it was bandaged. A man walked in the room as soon as I finished unwrapping my legs in rope. I ran up to punch the man but he dodged out of the way and kicked me into the now closed door.

"Dash, I'm guessing." He said as he turned around to me. Jeremy got up and lunged at him at one last attempt to get us out but he was punched in the face into the wall behind him. I limped to get up leaning against the door to help me.

"Why do I have to tell you?" I asked. The man looked back at me.

"I think I should know your name if I'm keeping you captive. Besides, all your friends are here too." he says coldly. I feel it become very hard to breathe again.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Clement punctured your lungs right? We have to get that patched up if you are gonna be ready for the auction 2 days from now." He sys as he opens the door and kicks me outside. I see two other men sitting there in chairs. They both look surprised. I push myself up and start to run out. I get to see more of the club as the 2 men yell at me. The guy busts out of the door as Jeremy knocks him down. The 2 men chasing me get sidetracked by Jeremy.

"RUN!!!! GO TELL CALVIN!!!!" he yells just before he gets tackled by one of the men. I run into the main portion of the club its completely packed and there is an auction on the stage happening. It makes me sick. I see a man walking by me with a gun. I swiftly pick it out of his pocket before he notices and I run through the place. I hit a girl with a drink tray and it spills all over the ground. She curses me in German.

"Sorry." I say as I dash off and to the exit door. But before I leave I pick the gun out of my pocket and shoot it into the ceiling. Mass panic insues as I bust through the door and wheeze. I see a valet toll unguarded which I take advantage of. I see a set of keys that I grab off. I click the unlock button and a red Ferrari beeps. I limp over to it and open the door. I drove off down the road soon to realize I was nowhere even close to home. I was in Germany.



I saw a blinding light in my eyes and a kick on my leg. I responded quickly and found myself on the same road. I got up and moved back from the two men. I Got up in a fighting stance which instantly showed me how much Clement and the guy in the track suit had hurt me.

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