Not dead

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I hear everyone else clamoring around for a minute before I finally wake up. In the passenger seat of the car. They are all talking and yelling at eachother.

"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO HE'S D#AD!" I hear Claire say.

"Relax. I'm not d#ad."I say my voice very quiet.

"Pretty close too though." I say.

"What do we do!!!" Joan says.

"Dont take me to the hospital. I'm gonna be fine." They dont hear me and continue arguing for a while. I feel the pain in my shoulder leave.

"There is an exit on the other side of my shoulder. I'm going to be fine." I say mostly to reassure myself. But nothing was broken. It seems to have missed all my bones. I can still move perfectly fine. It just hurts a lot. I look down at my shoulder. It looks as bad as it feels I can see the entry too.

"Alright, we just got to cover it up. Right Calvin?" Natalee asks.

"Yeah." I say grimacing from moving a bit. Claire starts the car.

"Let's go to my house. My parents aren't home and won't notice us getting in." Natalee says. I turn my head a bit to see the back seat. Ky is looking down with her head in her hands. I close my eyes and feel the car sway along the road. I can hear the engine and its soft rumble until I black out again.



I am woken up by someone shaking me.

"Calvin, wake up! PLEASE!!!" Claire says.

I open my eyes slowly feeling less and less strong by the second.

"Yes Claire, I'm ok." I say. I start feeling really cold all of the sudden.

"Is it actually cold right now?" I ask. Natalee looks at me with a confused look.

"No its almost 70 degrees outside. He's going into shock. Help me get him inside." Natalee says.

"No no no. I'm fine I can stand up." I say. I pull myself out of the car, stumble around and then feel that weird feeling when you stand up way too fast. My legs get weak as I walk towards the door of the house and then I fall down to my knees.

"Please help me." I say. They turn around and drag me up the stairs and into the house they put me on the hardwood floor and then... I don't remember anything else other than maybe a few hours after that when Dash arrived. I heard a very loud car outside and then He busted into the front door and that woke me up. I looked down at my shoulder and it was all patched up.

"Where is he?" he asks. Claire points to where I am on the couch.

"DUDE ARE YOU OKAY?" He asks as he runs into the room

"What do you consider ok?" I say as I'm wincing from sitting up. Claire walks up from behind me and pushes me back down to lay down.

"You can't sit up yet. That's what Natalee told me." she says. Dash looks back at me.

"Bro, I heard about everything. You know what Jeremy's gonna do about this right?" He says. I nod at him. I generally understand. Its worth the cost though. Every little bit. After what happened on the log before I got shot. She's worth it.

"I am so sorry Calvin." Ky walks in the room forced in by Joan and Natalee.

"You cannot go to school tomorrow Calvin Jeremy is gonna bring a Crowbar tomorrow." she says.

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