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Loki had read all the reports with fascination before he came to SHIELD headquarters, as did the rest of the team. They were trying to see if they could spend a few days getting to know the two women they wanted to join the team. The team was supposed to bring up the matter slowly, integrate themselves in the two women's lives.
He couldn't help but see the appeal in having more members on the team. When he looked in your eyes the first time, he thought time had finally stood still for him. The way your eyes met his, the way your hair was brushed back and tied in a strict bun. He wondered what it would look like down. When you finally spoke, he was a man addicted. He just wanted to find reasons to make you speak again. His eyes went to your rosebud lips when you bit them unsurely when he kept trying to get you to talk more. When Thor said his name, he wanted to stab him in the leg. Admittedly, the urges still came from time to time to be a menace, but he was getting used to being nice.
"Hello" Thor got to the table and Loki glared at him. He sat down next to Loki and put his tray down that had a box of pop tarts to the side of it, piled high with food. "I'm Thor Odinson" he introduced himself.
"Fox" Gabby said, looking as though her tail would be twitching from side to side as the table slowly filled up.
"Rose" you whispered, and Loki looked at you hopefully. Your cheeks were darkened a pinkish hue. He wanted you to look at him, but your eyes were downcast and focused. You gently picked up your fork and started eating. He turned his attention back to his food and resigned himself that he was in this for the long haul and had to take his time with you.
"Soldiers" a large man came over with his hair slicked back in a manbun and a large beard.
"Bear?" Gabby asked him.
"You are needed in Fury's office after breakfast. We have a mission" he said with a grunt. "Did you need anything?" he asked, wearily looking at each team member that had come to join you. Loki wondered if it was odd to have more than just the two of you at your table. Bear seemed to be protective of the two women they were trying to take from SHIELD.
"Not the analyst floor?" Gabby asked in surprise, her eyes watching him carefully.
"They screwed up the last mission. He took it personally. I'll be going with you" Bear nodded to the rest of the table again and walked away to sit with the rest of the were's.
"It's been a while since we saw Nick" you whispered to Gabby whose gaze softened as she looked at you. "I'd better call the daycare" you said as you took out your phone.
"After breakfast" Gabby said, putting her hand on your arm. You nodded and put your phone down again. Loki caught a glimpse of what looked like a large husky on the lock screen before you put your phone face down on the table.
"Are you a mother?" Natasha asked curiously, even though she already knew the answer.
"Of a dog" you chose your words carefully and gave a nod.
"I love dogs. I had a wolf named Fenrir on Asgard" Loki said, trying to make you talk more. You turned to face him and a smile bloomed across your face as you looked at him.
"Really?" you asked curiously, your voice still barely above a whisper.
"It's black and rather large, but yes. Mother let's it roam the woods near the castle" Thor spoke for Loki and your eyes ticked to Thor for a moment before settling back on Loki again and he puffed out his chest slightly.
"Maybe one day you shall meet him" Loki said, and he heard Thor start to say something but he used his spare hand to slip under the table and hold a knife to Thor's crotch. Thor stopped speaking immediately and nodded as though it would be that simple.
"That would be lovely" you smiled broadly and Loki felt his heart beating harshly in his chest. He turned back to his meal after nodding and you looked away. The table slowly filled up with the rest of the Avengers team, but you and Gabby seemed focused on the idea you were going on another mission.

"It's a simple recon mission, in and out. My sources say it's a nearly dead base" Fury said after you were both settled in his office. "You might be overnight as well, since we don't know what the staffing is really like," he added. "Bear has been appraised. Since this is possibly an AIM base and I don't trust our intel, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff from the Avengers will be joining you. The rest of their team will be on standby" Fury finished, handing you both your mission details booklet.
"Since when are the Avengers interested in AIM?" Gabby asked in her thick accent.
"Since they are interested in you two" he didn't mince words.
"Why us?" you asked in shock.
"Your success rate in the field. They didn't know about my enhanced team, and Tony took a look at the files and pulled your two names from the list. There's a lot of possibilities for you two if you transfer over, more money too. I know they would take care of the two of you, which is why I'm almost convinced to do the transfer itself" he said, his eyes went between the two of you, watching you carefully. You moved to tuck your legs under your body and thought about it carefully.
"But we don't like to be apart" Gabby said, reaching out her hand to you and sniffing the air, looking for what emotion you were feeling.
"They are aware. I'm sure Tony is looking to put your rooms beside one another. He also knows of your personal needs as well" he assured both of you.
"So this morning when they all introduced themselves to us, was this a ruse?" you asked softly, a little hurt at the implication.
"No Y/N, they wouldn't put up a front like that" he saw the hurt reflected in your eyes, and gave a white lie. "They wouldn't want to hurt your feelings," he added quickly. "I believe their intentions are to get to know you better before they move in on what they want. You had better call the doggy daycare" Fury said, clearly finished with giving you your orders. You nodded and stood up with Gabby at your side. The two of you made your way out of the office and you called the doggy daycare while you walked. Gabby was looking over the mission booklet and seeming to be memorizing the base that the two of you were supposed to go into. Normally you went and got the data while she watched your back, but sometimes you liked to switch it up. Both of you were just as good with computers as you were with a gun or a knife. It seemed Natasha was coming into the base with you to get data of her own this time, leaving Bear and Steve to watch the door outside.

After dropping off Willow at the doggy daycare around the corner from headquarters, both you and Gabby went back to change into your mission outfits. It was still the standard black, only these had your code names on the arm just in case you ever needed to be identified. You both sat down in the living room for half an hour to review the mission booklet and once you felt satisfied you both grabbed what you needed from the files and folded them up and put them in your pockets. Bear knocked at your door to signal it was time to go, and you quickly filed out, locking the door behind you.
You got to the jet and settled into your usual seats while Bear took the pilot seat. It really was going to be a skeleton crew today you supposed.
"Are you ladies going to be okay?" Bear asked a little gruffly.
"It's just another mission," Gabby shrugged while you decided to stay silent. His eyes peered at you and you shrugged in response.
"The rest of the team are all being sent on small missions as well. We are playing it safe for now," Bear said softly, and you looked at him in surprise.
"But we were just in a blood bath" you said, not mincing your words.
"We still have a job to do, soldier," he reminded you.
"Yes, sir" you nodded and looked at Gabby who nodded at him as well.
"You three look nice and cozy" Natasha and Steve came in the back hatch of the jet. Bear nodded while you and Gabby chose silence. Nat and Steve took the two seats facing you and strapped in. You looked at them curiously, but they only gave kind smiles. You bit your bottom lip unsurely and pulled the paper out of your pocket to study the base plans again just to be sure. Fury said it was going to be a fairly dead base, which you took him at his word. It didn't mean that mistakes didn't happen.
"What are you two looking at?" Steve asked as Bear started flying the jet high into the skies.
"Base intel" you said shyly.
"Are you shy?" Nat asked with a giggle.
"Not in the field," Bear said from the front of the jet. "She's a powerhouse," he added the complement.
"I'm not used to people talking to me," you admitted.
"It's usually just our team that's interested in AIM" Gabby added, putting her hand around your shoulders protectively.
"We didn't know they were still active" Steve admitted, looking to Nat to chip in.
"Yes, Tony thought he took them down years ago," Natasha added.
"No, they are still very active. They sometimes work with Hydra on some things. Which is why we were after that base a week ago" Gabby replied.
"We've been working at cracking the codes. Tony has his AI Friday on it. Shouldn't take too long" Steve gave a kind smile.
"Our data analysts have been trying for months on the new encryption codes. I wish him the best of luck" you said softly.
"So walk me through this base we are going in" Nat said, sitting forward a little.
"You're with her, I'll watch your backs" Gabby said quickly.
"As a human or as a fox?" Nat asked, raising her eyebrow.
"It doesn't matter the form, what matters is we get the job done. If I run out of ammo I'll probably be a fox. Rose knows to grab my uniform since it is chilly when I become human again" Gabby said with a smirk. Steve blushed a little bit and looked away.
"I'll have the front door with the Captain" Bear said, "I expect you ladies to be in and out nice and smooth" he finished.
"Yes Sir" both you and Gabby said at the same time and Nat raised her eyebrows at the were-bear. 

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