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Arriving back at the compound it was early morning, and you had an hour before breakfast. The entire team took their time cleaning out the jet and getting it prepped for any missions next week. Clint advised he would be taking the jet home to visit his family on Friday, but would keep it locked up and the kids out of it.
When you went in you were getting pretty tired, and discovered that Gabby had already left for her mission with her team before you even landed. You stopped by the kitchen to give Willow some love, and pets while she was eating her breakfast and she whined happily at your presence. You promised her a walk later, but she went back to her food. You had to wonder how spoiled she was getting in your absence.
"Good morning!" Wanda said, almost dancing in her seat.
"Good morning" you chimed. You walked around the table to head to your usual seat and Loki was there pulling out your chair. "Thank you Loki," you said with a soft smile.
"My pleasure darling" Loki took the seat next to you.
"How was your mission?" Tony asked, from his seat at the head of the table.
"It went pretty good. We caught some bad guys, dropped them off at Shield. We blew up a building and brought home lots of data" Scott named everything off easily. "Now we get to sleep for a few hours and then work on our mission reports in Y/N's room" he added with a grin. You couldn't help but notice out of the corner of your eye that Loki was texting into his phone, and browsing something. Curiosity got the best of you and you turned to look at him and he gave a grin.
"I'm getting snacks for the evening" he advised softly.
"I should do that too" you started to take out your phone and he put his hand over it.
"Let me get enough for the group of us, love" he took your hand and kissed the knuckles. "I'm getting your favorites," he added.
"You don't know all my favorites," you said quickly.
"One moment of consent from you, and I'll peer into your mind and know everything about you" he replied.
"You do not have my consent" you shook your head.
"Alas, we shall go with only what I know" he went back to his phone, seeming unperturbed you wouldn't give him the permission he was looking for.
"We are working from the compound today, so anything delivered I can bring up to your suite" Happy offered Loki.
"Would you mind terribly bringing it to Y/N's room?" Loki asked him. "It's for her suite" he added with a slight pink on his cheeks.
"Sure, I've got you buddy" Happy nodded.
"Thank you" Loki gave him a quick smile.
"Can you make sure to order something with chocolate?" Clint asked.
"Consider it done," Loki chuckled.
Breakfast was fairly quiet after the minimal conversation. You weren't sure what all that Loki had ordered, but he seemed satisfied with what he had chosen. As soon as breakfast was over Wanda's team went on their mission while your team headed to the upper levels to get some well deserved sleep. You said goodnight to Loki in the hallway, and headed into your room only to realize that Willow didn't even follow you to your room. You were a bit sad, but she was obviously finding her own in the huge building. You left your suite door open and changed out of your suit in your bedroom, went and took a shower and then changed into just a pair of panties and you put on one of your old Shield t-shirts before climbing into bed. You barely were under the blankets when Kitty jumped up on your bed and curled up in front of you. You wrapped your arms around him and he purred loudly while you fell asleep.

When you woke up again Kitty was gone, but Willow was sleeping beside you instead. She was dead to the world, but you could hear some movement out in your kitchenette. You crawled out of bed and came out sleepily to see Loki already dressed in a button up, and a pair of black slacks, putting three large bags of groceries away.
"Loki?" you asked, wiping sleeping dust from your eyes.
"Good afternoon my darling, did you have a restful sleep?" he asked, turning to look at you. His gaze was heated as he looked you up and down and he licked his lips.
"What's all this?" you asked, a little confused and coming out more regardless of your attire. Your curiosity got the best of you.
"You used all your groceries yesterday, I simply replaced them and added in some snacks" he shrugged. His eyes were following you closely as you came towards him, and he magicked a robe, holding his hand out and offering it to you.
"Don't like what you see?" you teased, accepting it and putting on the black robe, and tying the sash.
"On the contrary. I just doubt my ability to hold myself back if another man should walk in here and see you like this as well. My brother, no doubt, is on his way and I'm feeling particularly stabby" he admitted.
"How come?" you asked.
"It doesn't matter," he paused before answering. You could tell something was bothering him so you closed the distance between the two of you, and you wrapped your arms around him. You brought all of your thoughts of Loki to the surface of your mind, including the thoughts of spending the night with him in bed covered in nothing but sweat as the two of you made sweet love and he sang you praises. You had dreamt of it not that long ago, and it was in the forefront of your mind anyways.
"Look in my mind" you whispered.
"Darling?" he asked, a little confused.
"You have my consent," you gave a smile. He gazed into your eyes for a moment before his face broke out into a smile. He lowered his face and started kissing you slowly, you felt his hands go from your waist to your ass and he pulled up and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he held your weight easily. You could feel his generous length pressing against you as he walked you blindly to the couch and set you on the back of it. You moaned into the kiss as he deepened it, playing you like a fiddle. You barely thought of him touching your breasts when his hands went to them. He was completely in tune with your body's wants and needs. He pulled back from the kiss and rested his forehead against your own, and his hands went to your hips again. "Are we still feeling stabby?" you asked.
"We are not. I am feeling overwhelmed in... adoration and lustful thoughts" he said carefully.
"Mine or your own?" you asked, still reeling from the kiss.
"My own" he said softly. "I have never met a more perfect partner," he said. "You are the Queen of my heart" he started kissing along your jawline to your earlobe and stopping there for a moment. "Your mind is such a wondrous thing" he said as he started kissing the side of your neck. He stopped at your pulse point and gently nibbled and sucked at the supple flesh and you moaned, pulling him in more and moving your hips against him so he could feel your heat. You started to think about asking him to go to the bedroom with you and his hands tensed as though he was about to pick you up and bring you there when you both heard footsteps. "Now I'm feeling stabby again," he admitted.
"Loki, behave yourself" you giggled.
"I shall never forget the gift you have given me, or take it for granted" he kissed you softly on the lips again.
"Yes well, around Christmas I revoke my consent so I can at least surprise you" you giggled.
"I adore you" he purred.
"Good day brother and Y/N!" Thor came to the door but stayed outside of the room.
"Come in Thor, you are most welcome" you said, looking over at him.
"Thank you Y/N" he started to come into the room, but was watching Loki's hands.
"Don't you dare" you whispered to Loki and he looked at you with a small smile.
"For you, my darling" he said, and took a step back. His hands went to your hips again as he helped you down from the back of the couch.
"Why don't you have a seat?" you said to Thor. "I'm just going to get a pair of shorts on" you advised, taking a few steps away and heading into your bedroom. Willow came prancing out and went automatically to Loki who was taking out treats out of one of the bags, continuing to put everything away. He took a treat out of the bag and handed it to her and she took it gingerly from him before heading to her doggy bed to munch on her favorite treat. You came out a few moments later with the robe still on, but it was open and wearing a pair of black shorts. Thor was seated and looking comfortable, scrolling on his phone.
"Should we get our laptops out?" you asked, coming over to help Loki. You saw a large order of chocolate covered strawberries and you kissed his cheek as he put it in the fridge, taking up most of the spare room.
"We will wait for the rest first, why don't you leave this arduous task to me, and you find something for us to listen to" he suggested and you smiled and took out your phone. You went through and selected one of your playlists, then turned on the smart TV and synced up the music so it came from the surround sound speakers instead.
"I like this song," Thor said conversationally.
"Me too" you said while humming to "Take me to Church" by Hozier.
"Hmm" Loki said as he finally finished with his task and he sat directly beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "This song seems to be exactly how I feel about you" he commented. "It shall be our wedding song" he decided.
"Loki" you giggled, and gave him a tap on the chest flirtatiously.
"You love it darling, I shall never stop," he promised. "I shall worship the ground you walk on as long as I live," he said. "I would go to Valhalla to retrieve you should you pass before me" he added.
"You can't do that, besides I'm a human and you are a god" you pointed out.
"Then I should go and join you if I cannot bring you back. I am yours, fully and truly" he said softly.
"Would you really?" you asked in shock. "You can't just stop living because I do," you shook your head.
"A life without you is a life I do not wish to live" he said with finality and you weren't sure what scared you more. But one thing was for sure. You believed him, as he has never lied to you before.

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