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You woke up in luxury, and that's putting it lightly. You were on satin gold sheets, with an emerald green satin comforter. The room was full of bookshelves and there were hints of golds and greens everywhere. The large window beside you had a wonderful view of the grounds outside, much like your own. You could smell the scent of exotic spices filling the room, and a hint of musk. You did a small stretch and the cat beside you let out a small "murp" that made you smile.
"Good morning kitty" you cooed, giving it a kiss on top of its head. It gave you a lick on your cheek and purred loudly. "I didn't even realize how tired I was," you sighed. The cat crawled up on your stomach and laid his head on your breasts, purring loudly. "Oh no, none of that today. I'm in the wrong bed" you giggled. "We should give the bed back to poor Loki," you gave him a small kiss on his forehead and he jumped off of you. You gave him a final scratch behind the ears and you started to get up. He leapt off of the bed and scampered out the partially open door. You quickly made the bed and came out to see Loki was laying on the couch on his back reading a book, in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"Hello darling" he practically purred as you came out and he sat up. "I trust you slept well?" he asked.
"I did, maybe too well. I'm sorry for taking your comfortable bed" you flushed.
"You can take it again anytime, perhaps one day we can share it" he added with a wink.
"Well, it is a king sized bed. It seems silly to have to sleep on the couch. And besides you should have woke me up. I could have slept in my own room" you pointed out.
"You were fast asleep, I was not going to be the man to interrupt such a beautiful sight" he shook his head.
"Where did Kitty go?" you asked, looking around.
"He ran out the door a few minutes ago. He's on the hunt again" he shrugged.
"He's such a good cuddler, you're lucky" you hid a yawn.
"Did you need to review the base data for tonight's mission?" he asked.
"I probably should," you nodded. "But first, dear Willow is probably looking for me" you went over to him and kissed him on the forehead. "Get a little more sleep in your bed this time. I'm going to take my baby for a walk" you advised.
"If it's not too much trouble, I would love to join you" he said, standing up.
"It's no trouble Loki" you giggled and he smiled again. You walked out of his room and headed to your own and opened the door but Willow wasn't there. You frowned, and Loki took your hand as he started to lead you downstairs. The pair of you went to the main living room where Willow was hanging out on the couch with Peter and Pietro. She let out a bark and jumped up.
"You two are back from your mission early" you paused and got down to kiss her softly on her head as she whimpered and danced around you.
"We just got in. Vision and Wanda went upstairs already to start working on their reports" Peter said a little shyly.
"I doubt they are working on reports," Pietro snickered.
"Same" Peter sighed, leaning his head back. "I guess our time with Willow is over?" he frowned.
"Well, I was going to take her for a walk" you bit your bottom lip.
"We just brought her back from one," Pietro advised.
"Then I guess we will sit in here with you and she can play with you for a bit" you suggested and they both seemed to be happy with the outcome. You patted Willow on the head and she ran back to the boys who had her toys, and you went to take a seat on one of the many couches in the room. Loki sat down beside you before he laid across the sofa with his head on your lap again. You ran your fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes in contentment.
"How are the night missions?" Pietro asked, throwing one of Willow's balls for her. She promptly chased after it and brought it back to him excitedly.
"I'm not used to being on the sidelines" you frowned a little.
"Yeah, that happens," Peter nodded. "I get put as guard duty a lot, Wanda and Pietro go in, and Vision goes for the data."
"Do you ever get to go in?" you asked curiously.
"Sometimes" he nodded. "They switch it up periodically. Clint see's better from far away, so he's always on guard duty on your team" he offered.
"He's pretty accurate with his bow and arrow," you nodded.
"Indeed" Loki said a little sleepily.
"Have you two seen Loki's cat, Kitty?" you asked, making conversation.
"No?" Pietro looked at you confused.
"Oh, that's a shame. It's cuddly, just like him" you sighed. You saw Loki glaring at the two boys and wondered about it, but they both just shrugged and continued to play with Willow. You rested your head back and closed your eyes, trying to relax for a few minutes before you would start looking at the mission material. You barely realized you were falling asleep again.

"Supper!" Clint came and shook your shoulder. You woke up confused and looked around. You were now laying on the couch side by side with Loki who looked like he was going to fall off if it wasn't for the fact that he was holding you so tightly.
"Shit, I fell asleep again" you groaned.
"Plenty of time to go over mission details on the jet," Clint assured you. "Come on Loki, I know you're awake," he added.
"I was enjoying my cuddle" Loki said, his words muffled against your hair. He kissed the side of your head and he got up first and waited for you. You got off the couch and Loki took your hand and you smiled at him and he led you to the dining room. Gabby and her team weren't back from their mission yet, so the table was missing a few key people.
"Someone's getting cuddly in his old age," Clint teased Loki.

"She's perfect for cuddling," he said without hesitation.
"Peter and Pietro thought you were going to stab them because they were in the same room as you when you were doing that" Clint chuckled and led the way to the dining room.
"Why? They didn't do anything" you said quickly. "They were playing with my Willow," you added with a bit of confusion.

"Loki doesn't usually let him guard down, and when he wakes up from a nap he can get a little stabby," Clint explained.
"You wouldn't hurt anyone like that, would you Loki?" you turned and looked at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. He looked lost for a moment before he gave a full smile.
"For you darling, I shall not any longer" he vowed.
"Thank you" you gave a smile and got on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. He looked like he was on cloud nine and Clint just shook his head good naturedly.
"Y/N, you are a welcome addition to the team" Clint said as you got to the table. He took his seat. Loki pulled out your chair and you sat down and he pushed your chair in before he sat down beside you.
"Still weird?" Peter whispered to Pietro.
"Yeah, still weird," Pietro eagerly agreed.
"Boys, Loki is turning over another new leaf" Wanda said, giving a knowing smile in your direction.
"I was a hundred percent sure I'd have to go in the regeneration machine again today" Pietro said in his defense.
"What Wanda is trying to say is that, as long as Y/N is around he is officially whipped" Tony said with a smirk and Loki chuckled.
"I could take away your clothes" Loki warned him.
"As if I haven't walked around here naked before. I was drunk, but I've done it" Tony shrugged. "How is the night shift holding up?" he asked.
"I didn't think I'd be so tired," you admitted. "It's been a while, but I can get used to it," you assured him.
"Good" Tony seemed pleased.
"I'll bring more snacks tonight" Clint said softly and you grinned.
"I'll bring some too" you said automatically.
"You guys got snack's last night? My blood sugar is no joke when it comes to changing my size" Scott pouted.
"I'll bring extra for you too, Scott" you giggled.
"Thank you" he nodded thankfully.
"May I ask, what does whipped mean?" Thor asked as everyone started serving themselves food.
"It means as long as she's around, he will do as she pleases and not harm anyone in the process," Wanda explained.
"Yes, whipped would be the correct term" Thor nodded.
"I will still stab you" Loki warned him.
"There's the brother that I know," Thor chuckled.
"Loki" you chastised.
"But darling, he might deserve it" he pouted.
"Please, my darling Loki, don't stab your brother" you reached over and took his hand and squeezed it. "Now or in the future" you added quickly. Loki looked pained but one look in your eyes his gaze softened.
"Alright, you have my word. No more stabbing unless they are deserving" he said softly.
"No, at all," you said firmly. He groaned and looked at you.
"Darling, please..." he insisted.
"Not at all" you repeated yourself.
"For you my darling, I won't stab my brother or anyone in the compound. But on missions, I reserve the right to use my rage" he said a little defeatedly.
"Thank you, sweetie pie" you said with a large smile on your face and an upbeat tone as you leaned over in your seat and gave him a large kiss on the cheek. He turned his head as you started to pull away and pressed his lips against your own.
"For you, anything" he said with a purr.

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