Fox and Rose

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When you came to your senses again, a cold nose and furry face was looking at you worriedly from under the shield that you had created. You could see the pain in the blue eyes staring back at you, and you knew they were reliving the same thing you were. AIM, the bastards had taken so much of your lives away from both of you. You groaned, the thump of blood in your ears, the screams of the past dwindled down again. Another nightmare for another day. Gabby's eyes flicked pointedly to the blood that was caked on your soiled uniform and you nodded in understanding and called back your ice shield. It took a moment for anyone else to notice that you were visible again, and Gabby switched back to her human form. She casually slid off of your lap and grabbed her clothes. Pietro finally registered that there was a naked woman in the jet and he turned around quickly to give her the privacy she needed.
"What happened to the badass on the field? You see a few needles and freak out, soldier?" your team leader looked over at you and you looked down bashfully.
"I thought I was in AIM again" you grumbled in discomfort
"You're losing too much blood" Gabby said, matter of factly. "What you did was stupid" she added with a roll of her eyes. "You should have shot him first," she sighed and finished getting her clothes on.
"Do you have names, or do I just call you all soldiers?" Clint asked.
"Fox" Gabby held out her hand as he came closer. He squinted at her, considering her word carefully. It was obviously a handle name, but he seemed resigned to the fact that he wasn't getting real names today.
"Bear" the team leader said, and came over closer to you and Gabby protectively. Most of the squad was passed out or eating.
"Rose" you said shyly, not taking his hand on account of your shoulder. Your eyes ticked around the jet. Twenty people laid in various areas, with different severities of wounds. Some were lucky with only scrapes and bruises, but handcuffed. Pietro was picking the locks on the handcuffs to free them.
"More of my team are in the building" Bear said, their eyes hollow, still remembering them all being taken. They had led a team of fifty agent's. Half of them, like themself, were enhanced.
"Fury called in more teams, they are on their way. We are just waiting for them to land, and we will be taking off back to SHIELD headquarters. We've got food and water for the time being." Clint said, starting to hand the three of you some protein bars and bottles of water. Gabby quickly opened her bottle of water and took a sip of water before going to the back of the jet, gurgling the water, and spitting it out. She made a disgusted face and came back and chugged the rest of her water.
"The taste of blood never gets old, no?" she asked Bear, who gave a grimace in disgust.
"Thank you" you didn't forget your manners.
"Merci," Gabby said quickly.
"Thanks," Bear sighed and quickly opened their protein bar.
You ripped the corner off your protein bar and nearly shoved the entire thing in your mouth because you were so hungry. Gabby was taking small bites and savoring her food. She reached over and opened your bottle of water for you and you chugged down the water to quench your thirst.
"Alright, your turn" Bruce came over with a kind smile. "Hello Rose, I need to look at your shoulder and your hip" he pointed out that you were bleeding on the floor and wall.
"I'll patch her up, Doctor Banner" Bear seemed a little hesitant, knowing Gabby might show her fangs if you showed any signs of pain.
"I promise, I'll be gentle," Bruce said softly. You hesitated and Gabby let out a small growl. You put your hand on her arm and she nodded before backing away. You stumbled slightly as you stood up and Bear reached out their arm to steady you. Gabby came in closer and you gave a soft smile before closing the distance between you and Bruce. You unbuttoned your shirt to show you were wearing a pink tank top underneath the standard black outfit. The pink top had blood oozing down the front of it as well, and you were embarrassed. Bruce first cleaned the wound before he gave you a needle to numb the area. You carefully schooled your face to not give anything away as he checked and found the bullet was still in you.
"This is going to hurt a little," he warned you. "We need to get this out of you" he said, eyeing you worriedly. You nodded and turned your face away as he used a scalpel to open up the wound more and he fished out the bullet. He cleaned the wound and put on butterfly stitches and bandages on it to hold over until you got back to base. This did take some time to do, and by the time he was down your shoulder wound, a second jet was landing beside the one you were in.
"I'll go lead them into the building," Pietro announced and zipped out quickly.
"While we wait on him, can I clean your other wound?" Bruce asked kindly. You nodded and fumbled with your pants before getting them down a portion of the way to reveal matching pink panties, the side soaked with blood. Bruce pulled them down slightly while Gabby growled, but Bear held her back. He professionally cleaned the wound, while Clint was looking over the rest of the Shield agents that were on the floor. He bandaged the wound, then helped you put your pants back on. "You need to see the doctors right away when we get back, but I did the best that I could considering the circumstances" Bruce washed his hands of the blood at a small station to the side then used sanitizer on his hands.

"Aren't you a doctor?" Gabby asked.
"Not that kind of doctor. I've been trained to be a field doctor over the years, but I'm more of a scientist. My wife Natasha is the reason I learned how to help out in the field more since I didn't want to... you know. Hulk out at a moment's notice. We all contribute in our own way" he explained.
"I just got a text from Steve. The signal jammer is down, they are busy taking down the inside of the base. Our orders are to get everyone back that's in the jet already" Clint said looking at his phone after it pinged.
"I can't leave my team," Bear started to argue, clearly disagreeing with those orders.
"Our orders are clear, your team is in good hands" Clint assured before closing up the back of the jet. He went to the front and you heard the engines starting up. You sat down on the floor and both you and Gabby curled into one another while Bear sat beside you both. It was clear there was no room for argument today, and to be honest, all of you were too exhausted to try. Even Bear seemed weary. You closed your eyes and let the lull of the engines dull the rest of your senses.

You had ended up in the regeneration machine after they did surgery to get the rest of the shrapnel out of your body. The regeneration machine was a device that sped up the healing process by over a thousand percent and had been known to also take care of old scar tissue as well. You normally refused it, you were too tired to argue. You didn't mind scars, they reminded you of what you had survived.
While you were in surgery Gabby waited like she normally would. The two of you went to the cafeteria after and got an entire day's worth of food and sat down with three bottles of water to go with it to wash it down. You ate in silence, and most people knew not to even look at the two of you when you were in quiet mode.
Once you were done, you headed out to go pick up Willow, your Siberian Husky from the doggy day care that you had set her up with for a week. Thankfully you weren't gone that long, but you had anticipated a longer mission at least. Willow danced as you walked her outside before bringing her back to the shared apartment. Gabby went and made two pitchers of sangrias while you rested, still light headed from the surgery and blood transfusion. You were sitting on your plush pink couch, and Gabby brought you a glass before sitting down with her own. Willow was separating the two of you.
"You are lucky" Gabby finally said.

"We both are," you said softly.
"You could have died," she growled. "Who would take care of Willow?" she demanded. Who would stand by her side, was what was left unsaid.
"You would have," you said lightly.
"That's besides the point" she said as she took a long drink of her Sangria. "I do not think that is the last we will hear from the Avengers" she said softly. "Fury has been protecting us a long time," she huffed.
"They did save us," you reminded her.
"Now they know we exist. Bear said Fury had been hiding the enhanced team from them" she wrinkled her nose.
"We can't worry about what may or may not happen. For now, let's just enjoy our drink and then take a well deserved shower and get some shut eye" you suggested.
"Sleeping? You mean screaming" she chuckled darkly at her own joke.
"Well, after that panic attack, more than likely. But I'm too exhausted to care" you admitted. The two of you drank back the rest of your drinks and you went and got refills for the both of you before you went your separate ways for the night.
While you were in the shower you couldn't help but think of those curious blue eyes that had been looking at you when you were on the field wounded. You knew they belonged to the god of mischief, Loki. He looked like a god. He was handsome as sin, and had a curious glint in his eye. It may have had something to do with the rose you were leaving as a parting gift to Gabby in case you didn't make it out of the field. You really didn't know.
What you did know, is that when you went to bed that night in your standard issue black t-shirt and panties cuddled up to Willow, was that his eyes were all that you saw in your dreams. You wondered what he looked like when he smiled, and if it would reach his eyes? A pang of regret filled you, that you would never see him again. If you were going to be honest with yourself, you just wanted to see him in real life again. Something about him entranced you, and you were captivated by just a momentary glance and meeting of your eyes. Nightmares didn't plague you that night. Thoughts of him did. 

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