A hair's breadth

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When you got back to Shield Headquarters, the first thing you and Gabby did was follow Wolf and Bear to bring the prisoners for processing. Bucky and Loki were in the lead, and Tony was in the back. You had filled out your mission paperwork on the way back on your phones so you didn't have anything to worry about tonight. The only thing that really irked you, was now you had to send a copy to both Fury and Tony at the same time. It would be something you would have to get used to. Missions were normally highly classified, and the intel went to Fury first. Having Tony on it felt odd.
After the prisoners were sent for processing you made your way to the cafeteria for an early supper. Something that only Wolf and Bear (Jeff and Morgan), had in mind as well. The two of you piled your plates high and sat down with them at their table since the rest of the room was empty.
"You're seriously giving us up for them?" Jeff (Bear) finally asked.
"Yes. We made a deal" Gabby said, looking the least bit regretful.
"I didn't like being left outside," Morgan groaned. "That was Hell"
"Try being the team leader and being stuck with watching one of the jets" Jeff growled.
"I think he's testing us," you said thoughtfully. "Like he wants to see how far he can push it maybe" you mused.
"He almost got a piece of my mind," Jeff huffed.
"Mine too!" Gabby admitted.
"We have to play nice for now. We need to take down that big base in Paris" you took a large bite of food.
"We could have swayed Fury" Morgan said with confidence.
"I don't think after that last mission. It might take a while" Gabby said sadly.
"Yeah, that got ugly. They were supposed to send in backup. I didn't see any damn backup until after I was in a holding cell" Morgan growled.
"You missed the girls trying to take on the base on their own, and that's about it. We got our asses handed to us" Jeff sighed, the memory still fresh.
"That I would have paid to see," Morgan chuckled. "I'll bet AIM was terrified"
"Probably more interested in catching us alive" you finally spoke up again. "Why does the food always taste so good after a mission?" you sighed happily.
"It's probably going to taste even better when you're at your new digs. We heard that. They probably know how to use a spice rack rather than a salt and pepper shaker" Jeff grimaced at his food.
"If you don't eat it, I will," you warned him, flashing him your fork threateningly.
"I'm eating woman, leave me be" Jeff chuckled and dug right in.

The rest of supper was quiet as people started to trickle in. The four of you finished and had some dessert which felt well deserved before separating for the rest of the night. You didn't bother going to your apartment, however went to get Willow from the doggy daycare instead. You were starting to wonder what you would do with her while you are living at the Avengers compound instead, but decided to take it one step at a time. Willow was excited to see the two of you and trotted between the pair of you proudly before you got back to Shield again.
When you got to your apartment you were confused. You could have sworn you locked the door. You grabbed your gun and opened the door only to see the room was empty save for several packed boxes that weren't there before. The living room seemed untouched save for the boxes in the middle of it. Your awards and accolades that the two of you had received still decorated the walls.
"What the hell is this?" Gabby demanded as she came in behind you. You spied a note left on your coffee table and walked towards it with hesitation. Gabby had her gun out and went to check the rooms. "All our stuff is gone!" she exclaimed while you sat on the couch dumbfounded. "What is it?" she asked.
"It's a note from Fury. He hired someone to come in and pack our clothes and personal items but asked for them to leave our linens and living room alone. You presented her with the note. Nick had even signed it himself.
"Well, I'm going to bite him," she said, crossing her arms. You got up and looked at the boxes and saw they were all carefully labeled for you. Boxes were separated by name, and what was inside them. You grabbed one of your knives and opened one of the boxes labeled "Y/N bathroom". You pulled out your shampoo, conditioner, hair brush and soap before moving onto the box labeled "Y/N dresser". You fished around and found a pair of pink satin pajama shorts, lace panties, a bralette, and a matching pink satin pajama top. Gabby had followed your lead and went into her own boxes as well.
"See you in twenty?" she asked expectantly.
"Make it thirty" you grinned and pulled out your elastic, letting your long hair fall down your back. She nodded and you went your separate ways.
You took a long hot shower and when you were done you brushed your hair and used your towel to crush the tendrils so your hair was wavy. You brought your items back out and put them back in the boxes, except for your towels which were hung to dry. You put your soiled garments on top of one of the boxes and stopped to give Willow some affection.
"You're leaving your hair down?" Gabby came out with a smirk on her face.
"I'm just going to my music room and laying on the swing" you shrugged.
"Loki might join you" she warned you.
"He wouldn't dare," you giggled.
"I wouldn't be so sure" she sang, grabbing her book and sitting down. You went to the fridge and grabbed a two liter bottle of water and then went to the front door. You peeked out into the hallway and didn't see anyone, so you tapped your thigh and Willow quickly started following you.

You started making your way down the small hallway to your designated music room and nothing seemed amiss. It wasn't until you opened the door only to see Loki already sitting and waiting on your swing that you jumped, yelped, and called on your ice powers to block his view of your current state of dress. He was grinning like a cat and his eyes were burning with heat.
"Hello Kitten" he purred. "Why are you hiding? I'm afraid that image shall be ingrained in my mind for the rest of my days. What a beautiful sight" he stood up and came over, walking gracefully. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and an emerald green t-shirt. "Whatever shall I do with knowing you could look so unguarded" he purred as he got closer. He put his hand on the ice and his hand started to turn blue in response. You took a step back and his hand snaked out and caught your hand, making you feel electrified. "You don't have to run from me," he said, his eyes trained on your own. You felt your chest was heaving slightly and his eyes still didn't waiver. You let the ice go and stood in front of him with his hand still holding your own. One of the were's came walking down the hallway and was looking at you curiously. Loki quickly pulled on your arm until you were fully in the room, putting his one arm to cage you in as soon as the door was completely closed. His eyes were on fire as he looked at you, blue with emerald green sparks in them.
"Are you cold?" he asked, his voice soft but you could feel there was more of an undercurrent. Your nipples had gotten taught at the way he was acting possessive. You didn't know why, but you liked it.
"Yes" you lied, and he smirked knowing full well you were lying.
"Then I shall have to warm you" he purred. With the flick of his hand he materialized an emerald green cotton robe that looked quite fluffy. He let go of you and stood back to hold the robe open for you. You slowly turned and put your arm into the robe and he helped you get it on. "Since we are courting..." he drifted off and you turned to look at him sharply. "My apologies, since I am trying to court you I shall be as gentlemanly as possible" he said as he tied the robe closed with his hands. He had pulled on it enough that you took a step forward as you were jarred ahead. "But it's not without its challenges" he said as he dipped his head and breathed against your lips. You licked your lips in anticipation and his eyes went to your lips. You could see the anticipation in his eyes, and he licked his own lips before he took a step back.
"How was your supper?" you asked, not wanting him to move away.
"Lonely without your company" he said, his voice husky. "I learned you are moving in tomorrow" his nose was practically brushing against your own. Your eyes went hooded as you waited for him to make a move. Your entire body was electrified. "Our date still stands," he added, his voice speaking slowly. "Darling this is getting painful to not touch your lips" he whispered. "Bucky advised me it is necessary to wait for the first date to end, but I cannot help but fantasize of the feel of your lips against mine every minute of every hour. It's almost enough to drive a man mad with desire," he whispered with urgency, taking a small step back as though it would help cool his growing desire for contact with your body.
"I don't know what rules he's following, maybe he's just being old fashioned. But in a world where nothing is guaranteed, I would almost welcome you to take that opportunity." you finally found the words you were looking for.
"I want to do right by you and not rush a thing with you. I want our moments together to last a lifetime," he growled, his eyes looking at your lips with unhidden desire. You stood waiting for his resolve to crumble, but a careful mask went on his face and he stood back even further, making your heart feel like it was breaking a little on the inside from his rejection. You had put yourself out there, and though you could feel the tension from him he was masking it so easily. You wondered if he was being a trickster by voicing his wanting for you, or a trickster by hiding his desire from you. "Won't you sit down?" he asked.
"Your mood swings are giving me whiplash '' you finally growled at him annoyed by his constant back and forth. "First you act possessive, and like you want me for me. Then you push me away with words like this is forever" you pulled at the robe and pushed it off your shoulders. You threw the robe at him and stormed towards the door, with Willow by your side. He stood stunned for a moment and closed the distance between the two of you just as your hand went to the door knob.
"Do not take this as I'm toying with you. Barely a hair of restraint is all that keeps me from claiming you as my own, and tasting the sweet nectar of your lips" he closed the distance between the two of you and touched the side of your cheek with the mask gone again. Desire in his eyes. He started to close the distance between your lips and you finally found turned the doorknob and you opened the door, blocking him from you and rejecting his advance this time. Willow barked and followed you as you walked quickly down the hallway. You didn't want him to see the tears of frustration in your eyes as you got to your apartment and you threw open the door to see Gabby look up in surprise.
"What did he do?" she demanded with a growl.
"Absolutely nothing" you sighed and came in to sit beside your best friend. She knew enough not to push it, but she looked ready to hurt someone. You both ignored the knock on the door shortly after you sat down, although Willow barked.  

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