Optional Hostages

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"I don't expect any prisoners this time," Bear remarked after landing the jet and you were checking your equipment to make sure your guns were ready, just in case you came across anybody. The four of you turned to look at him and you could only blink at him. "Hostages are optional" he said with finality.
"That's not how we work" Nat said in response, bristling at the implication of what Bear was saying.
"We always take prisoners when we can. They have valuable intel, but they also might have made a bad decision. They just need to be brought to justice" Steve added with a furrowed brow.
"Orders are orders!" Bear growled and both you and Gabby nodded and Steve and Nat looked at you incredulously.
"Sure Bear. Let's get the hostage holding cell ready just in case" you gave a small smile to him and he nodded, but you knew he didn't like it. You put in your comms and Steve started leading the way to the base itself. It was a good hike out, which suited you just fine. Natasha was at the back and you had Gabby to your left watching the left side, while you had the right.
"You aren't seriously going to listen to that order are you?" Nat asked once Bear was out of earshot.
"Non" Gabby said.
"No," you said at the same time. "His thirst for vengeance for our fallen team members runs deep. He's not field ready" you said with a hint of sorrow in your voice.
"Good" Steve nodded in approval. "Some orders shouldn't be followed," he said with a sigh.
"Like when you went rogue after the accords?" Gabby asked quickly and you saw his ears go red. "I'm glad that the bill wasn't passed," she added. "We did not choose this life, but it is the life we were forced to live" she sighed.
"Funny how that happens," Nat chuckled. "I think the only one here that chose this is Steve!" she gestured to him while still keeping an eye on everyone's flank. You both graced her with a giggle and you couldn't help but feel you were completely comfortable with her, even in the short period of time you had been getting to know her. Bear suddenly caught up and took the front, leaving Steve as second in line. Steve didn't say anything. Technically this wasn't his mission. Both you and Gabby got serious very quickly and it was evident in your demeanor. Gone was the shy and withdrawn attitudes you had all morning, and the soft joking side of yourselves for a brief moment. Now it was all business, and they were a little surprised at the change.
You walked through the woods and Bear seemed far more comfortable than usual, which was usual for him. His pack had lived in the woods before he had been taken all those years ago. When he went to go back, they had relocated and he never found them again. So he joined SHIELD instead, and helped the were's settle in or look for their packs. Some stayed, but most left and went back to their packs before relocating again.

When you got to a small clearing you could see the base in front of you. Its grey cement walls were drab, with windows on the first and second floor, and one set of iron doors right in the front just baiting you to come into it. You saw two guards on either side of the door and licked your lips in anticipation.
"You still owe me sangrias," Gabby said softly.
"I'll take you for drinks tonight after Willow's walk" you said quickly.
"Where are we going?" Nat asked with an arched eyebrow, liking the candor.
"Moxie's. It's within walking distance" you took the safety off your gun, just in case.
"I'll go ahead and let the team know" she chuckled.
You got down onto the forest floor and crawled on your belly to a good vantage point to get a better look, while Steve and Natasha hid in the bushes and Bear went up a tree. Gabby followed your lead and the two of you watched carefully. You finally turned your comms on, just in case Bear gave any orders, but otherwise didn't dare whisper another word. You watched for over an hour before they changed positions. Another two guards came from the back, and the changeover took about three minutes. It was all you needed to make it inside of the base. You remained still for another hour and when changeover started you and Gabby scrambled to your feet and started running. Nat barely had a moment to register what was happening before she was on your heels.
The three of you got through the initial door in record timing and closed it before taking in your surroundings. You changed your comm to listen in only, and Gabby nodded and did the same. You both gestured to Nat to do the same and she complied.
"Let's take a floor each, we will clear it a lot faster. I'll take the main floor, Gabby has second, and Nat you take the basement. We will all check for hostages and if you get seen, wound them if you have to but cuff them and gag them" you said, taking charge.
"If there's hostages, we rescue them. If you get in trouble call it out by tapping your comm twice" Gabby added, already on the same wavelength as you.
"My widow bites are pretty effective" Nat gave a smirk.
The three of you immediately separated and started making your way through the smaller base, Gabby taking the stairs up and Nat taking the stairs down. You were quiet as a mouse as you went from room to room to clear it. You were listening for the fluctuations of a tap in the comms, but didn't hear it. You got to the room at the end and walked in on three lab assistance in front of computers and you went into action. You saw them reach for guns but you froze the guns to the desks quickly. Next you stormed the room, taking the three men on at once. One of them got a good punch in on your cheek and you felt the skin split in response. You knocked him out first in a fit of anger. The second and third man tried to surround you from the front and back, but you had been in this position before. You kicked back your left leg and broke the man's leg at the knee, while pushing forward with a punch and knocking out the second man with a punch to the temple. You turned around quickly and put the last agent in a sleeper hold until he passed out. Once he was out like a light you grabbed your zip ties and tied each of their hands and legs together with satisfaction before you went to the computer. You put in your first external hard drive and went straight to work.

"Base is clear" Nat came into the small room you were still extracting data from. "No hostages of theirs, but I grabbed a few of my own" she added with her red pouty lips. She came over to check your face seeing the bruise already coming out and she hummed to herself before she went to the second computer and started downloading her own data.
"Gabby didn't call out on comms, so she must be okay" you said, keeping your focus on the computer. You heard movement in the hallway and just as you grabbed your gun Gabby walked in, dragging two full grown men behind her petite frame.
"I only got two," she said with a pout. "They had a good fight in them though" she added with glee. You looked her over and noted the knife wound on her arm that she would likely go in the regeneration machine for and nodded.
"Almost done with the data" you said, looking back at the computer as the dropped the bodies to the floor.
"Speak for yourself, I need for it to download" Nat sighed.
"We have all the time in the world," you shrugged. "Or at least until Bear loses his temper and storms the building"
"Building is clear. We have hostages," Gabby turned on the two way on the comm and you all heard a grunt from Bear.
"Are there any injuries?" Steve asked worriedly.
"A few bruises and a knife wound. We will hit the medical bay after we get the hostages put in for processing. They might need medical attention though" Gabby said as she looked at your three, one with a clearly broken leg.
"I'll knock out the guards and take them prisoner before making my way in to take the prisoners" Steve said, and you heard a distinct pause before Bear came on.
"Yeah, alright. I'm coming too" Bear said with a small growl. "The two of us will take care of the hostages, but you three worry about the data," he said.
"Yes sir," Gabby turned the two way back off and took a seat. She grabbed a mirror from the wall and checked her face to make sure she didn't have any dirt or bruising on it. She rubbed at a speck of dirt with discontent, and you couldn't help but giggle. Nat was solely focused on her task at hand and ignored the two of you for the moment.
Eventually Bear and Steve came in and took the bodies and Nat advised she had four in the basement as well. You felt happy that there were no dead bodies. You didn't like killing people unless there was no other option. The mission they had discovered you on would be a great example. The room was quickly emptied of hostages and you relaxed a little, not looking forward to when they woke up again.

Getting back to base, other SHIELD agents came onto the jet and grabbed the screaming hostages and carried them one by one off the jet. You were grateful they were finally gone so you could think again. Bear murmured that you had done a good job before he exited.
"So when are we going for Sangria's?" Nat asked as you and Gabby stood up.
"Say seven? That gives us time to eat and go get Willow and bring her for a small walk" Gabby suggested.
"I'll let the others know. Wanda's been dying to get to know the two of you" Nat grinned.
"Don't forget to extend the invitation to the guys too Natasha" Steve reminded her.
"Yeah, yeah" she chuckled.
"You two did really well today" Steve said as the four of you made your way back inside headquarters.
"It's what we are used to. We like our missions simple like that" you gave a small smile.
"It had strange radio silence for a while though" he said with a knowing smile.
"Bear didn't need to know we were taking hostages," Gabby said easily. "We don't kill unless we need to."
"I think you made the right call" he complimented.
"Will all of the Avengers be coming?" Gabby asked and you looked at her to see her flushed cheeks. You suddenly knew she had her eye on one and you gave a mischievous smile.
"Since you're interested in us, we clearly want to know more about you as well" you added and both of them looked surprised at that comment.
"Yes, we all will be there" Steve promised and you nodded. "How did you know?" he asked.
"Nick doesn't mince words and tells the truth most of the time" you shrugged and made your way to the medical bay, leaving them behind you. 

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