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Gabby went with you to pick up Willow when you got back from your mission and you took her for a nice walk before supper. She had been excited to see you both and had pranced around your feet as you walked around the Shield headquarters. You sometimes wondered if this was the right life for her, but she seemed to be so happy when you spent time with her. She generally went with you to your soundproof room and laid by the door as the music played. You couldn't play it as loud as you wanted to when she joined you. Sometimes she wanted to stay with Gabby, and those nights you just turned up the music until your whole body went numb. Since you were going to be going out tonight, you made sure that you put a reminder on your phone to take her out for an extra walk before bed, just in case you were too inebriated.

Instead of going to the cafeteria for supper, the two of you decided to treat yourselves and went out for some fast food. You both got your favorites and some dessert. You both picked up a cold beverage for the walk home. When you got home you gave Willow some of your left overs and she barked happily as the two of you went to your separate rooms. She followed you to your room and jumped up on the bed. You each had a shower in your rooms so you had a shower and then put on some light makeup with bold red lips. You then put on a ditzy pink dress that went to your knees with little red roses embroidered at the collar, and a matching pair of pink ballet flats. You put your hair up in a strict bun like you normally wore, reserving your hair being down for when you were at home in your pajamas.
When you got to the living room Gabby was waiting in a tight black midthigh dress with off the collar short sleeves, and red thigh high suede boots. Her hair was down and slightly wavy, and she had an evening look for her makeup. Her lips were painted red, glam smokey eye and the perfect cat's eye.
"You should let me do your makeup, I can barely tell it's there" Gabby sassed you. "The only thing you did was make the bruise on your cheek look less purple."
"I'll get you to do it next time, it's almost seven and we don't want to be late" you reminded her.
"Next time I'm dressing you as well" she sighed heavily and scrutinized your outfit.
"I think it looks cute," you pouted.
"You like the one named Loki, yes?" she asked and you stuttered and flushed, finally giving up.
"He has kind eyes," you whispered. She nodded and walked over to you, pulling down the dress a little bit to show off cleavage.
"It will have to do" she decided. "Be good Willow" she led you to the door.
"Love you little girl!" you called to her and blew her a kiss.

Arriving at Moxies, you were early and the place was almost packed with off duty Shield agents. You made your way to the bar and you opened a tab, got two large red wine sangria and asked them to keep them coming. You both perched on a stool and drank them back quickly in anticipation of the Avengers team joining you. You anxiously pulled down on your dress, trying to be comfortable with showing off your breasts.
"Stop fidgeting, keep drinking" Gabby sassed you.
"You keep drinking" you sassed back.
"It's on your tab" she giggled and ordered another round.
"Ladies" Wolf, one of there were's came up behind you both and put his arms around the two of you. His chocolate skin was a bit rough, but you didn't mind it. You turned to face him and his large brown eyes were smiling back kindly. You looked at his hair, and he had cut it short again. It looked good on the six foot tall man. "What are you up to tonight?" he asked, a slight slur on his tongue.
"Meeting a group of people" you said with a small smile, a little shy.
"You?!" he asked in surprise. "You two are like the untouchables. You don't talk to anyone, except this morning" he said, swaying slightly.
"Yes, they asked if they could join us when we said we were going for a drink tonight" you nodded.
"Baby girl, why don't you leave them and hang out with the pack tonight? We will have a howling good time" he winked and Gabby flashed her teeth.
"Go home, you're drunk" Gabby said in a clipped voice.
"Maybe I am," he chuckled.
"Do you need me to walk you home?" you asked sympathetically.
"No, I'll go back to my pack. They will get me home. Next time have a drink with us" he said and he stumbled away.
"Am I interrupting something?" Nat asked from behind you and you jumped. She was wearing jeans and a flattering red shirt. Wanda was beside her with her red thigh length dress. She was almost bouncing with excitement.
"Not at all" Gabby shook her head.
"I don't know if you could hear me this morning, but I'm Wanda Maximoff, and this is my husband Vision" she introduced herself and the dapper man standing beside her.
"Huh. I was expecting him to be red" Gabby shook her hand then Visions.
"Good evening" you shook their hands.
"Bar keep, a round for my friends" Thor said in his booming voice from behind Gabby and you giggled while Gabby cringed. Gabby knocked on the bar, indicating she wanted a refill for the two of you.
"Ladies, shall we grab a table?" Tony Stark asked.
"We just started a tab" Gabby shook her head.
"Close it out, the rest of the drinks are on me" he said with flourish and the bartender nodded and closed out your tab. You gave a good tip and sighed, wondering if he understood that with the enhancements your alcohol tolerance was higher, so you did tend to drink more. "I'll have four pitchers of what they have brought to the table I reserved on the balcony, and keep them coming. I'll also get ..." he continued to order everyone's drinks while you slid off your bar stool. Gabby was close beside you and Nat grabbed both of your hands and led you out to the balcony tables that had a reserved sign on them. She set you both down in the middle of a long table setting, and then she went around to the other side. Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Pietro, Clint, Steve, Thor, Bucky and Loki all took seats. Bucky on the other side of Gabby, and Loki on the other side of you, almost as though protecting the two of you. That left Sam and Tony to take either end of the table. They both joined a few minutes later with a few waitresses with the drink orders and glasses. Loki stood up as soon as the sangrias were delivered and he poured a drink for you and Gabby each, being light with the ice.
"Thank you," you said shyly.
"It's lovely to see you again" he practically purred. "Gabby, you've met my dear friend Bucky haven't you?" he asked. You saw the telltale blush on her cheeks as she nodded.
"Hello" she nodded to him.
"Hey doll" Bucky gave his signature smirk to her.
"I'll do introductions," Tony said. "I'm Tony" he said as he took a sip of his scotch on the rocks. He then went around the table introducing everyone. "And you two are Fox and Rose" he said, as though he didn't actually know your names. "Interesting name choices," he added.
"Nick gave us all code names," Gabby shrugged. "They match us" she gave a small smile. You pulled at your dress uncomfortably, and finished your drink. You were starting to feel the effects of them. Loki just refilled your drink automatically without asking. You gave him a grateful smile and he smiled softly back which made you blush all over again.
"You look lovely this evening" Loki whispered to you.
"As do you" you whispered. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, with a white button up and an emerald green tie.
"Do you come here often?" he asked, as though desperate to keep your attention on him. There was easy conversation going around the table, and Gabby seemed to be in an animated conversation with Nat again, with Bucky just grinning beside her.
"Maybe once a month. I promised Fox that I would buy her unlimited Sangria's if we got out of that last mission where you guys rescued us alive, so here we are" you gestured to Gabby.
"Did you get harmed today?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked pointedly at your cheek.
"Just a small cut and a bruise" you whispered and he had to strain his ears to hear it.
"Are they dead?" he asked in a deadpan voice.
"Of course not. Severely injured" you giggled. He smiled and nodded.
"For you fair maiden, I would not have been as kind" he said, his voice smooth like silk. Even though he sounded like he was being vindictive, you couldn't help but think he was being sweet.
"I get hurt more often than Fox does," you shrugged. "If I used my ice shields more often it probably wouldn't be as bad" you rolled your eyes when you saw Gabby nodding and looking in your direction.
"She needs to work on her defense," Gabby said suddenly.
"I would love to be of assistance," Loki offered. "I took the liberty of looking at your schedule and I saw you work in the gym in the mornings. I've been in many battles and wars. I would be more than happy to help you out" he finished and waited with baited breath.
"I wouldn't want to impose" you shook your head.
"Nonsense, it's no imposition. I shall meet you in the morning after breakfast" he wasn't taking no for an answer. You flushed again at the thought of being in close proximity to him and spending the morning with him seemed like a wonderful experience.
"I would be careful. Loki is a prince of Asgard, we train a bit differently there" Thor warned you and you turned your attention to him and Loki grimaced.
"I can handle him," you said, not one to back down. "But can he handle me?" you asked coyly.
Loki chuckled and made it very clear he was looking you up, drinking in your entire form and your curves. "Darling, I would love to see you try," he said with a sly smirk and you thought you wouldn't recover.
"Noted" you finally stammered out.
"You are like a little kitten, tiny but fierce" Loki purred out slowly in your direction. "Tell me Kitten, do you scratch?" he asked, giving you his bedroom eyes.
"No, but I do!" Gabby warned him, baring her teeth.
"Brother, are you causing trouble again?" Thor asked, a look of regret in his eyes.
"No, he's been a perfect gentleman" you lied for Loki and he looked at you in surprise. "We will settle the rest in the ring" you added with a wink. You drank down the rest of your sangria and Loki filled your glass again.

Tony picked up the conversation after that, really trying to get to know the two of you. Loki continued to refer to you as Kitten the rest of the night. It didn't bother you, but you were used to just being called Rose. You normally wouldn't tolerate a nickname from anyone, but then again, you always went by your handle name.
You really started to get comfortable with the team and felt a sense of belonging, and you could tell Gabby felt it too. It was easy to be yourselves around them, granted they all just had that quality that made you want to be yourself. When you got up to leave, both Wanda and Nat seemed a little put out that you were leaving and you saw both Bucky and Loki visibly seemed distressed that you were leaving before midnight.
"We might have a mission tomorrow," Gabby said regretfully. "This was fun," she added.
"Yes, I very much enjoyed myself" you quickly agreed, feeling a little tipsy. "I do have to take my sweet Willow for her evening walk" you said quickly.
"Shall I join you? It may not be safe for a lady to be out in the evening" Loki offered.
"I literally make arrows and spears of ice" you shook your head.
"I'd love to try your arrows sometime" Clint piped up.
"If we are ever on a mission together, I don't see why not" you giggled.
"Shall I walk you to your quarters?" Loki pressed.
"No, I'll get her home" Gabby said with a warning look. She was all for you having a boyfriend or male caller. But she wasn't going to let them into your lives easily. That's not the way it works in your close knit friendship.
"Thank you for the drinks!" you said, your speech slightly slurred.
"Thank you for the invite!" Tony said and watched as the two of you walked away and out of their sights.

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