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*Talia's POV*

"-Then I threw the droid I had into a different group of droids, taking them all out at once!" Wrecker brags. I laugh, "they didn't stand a chance." He agrees instantly, starting a new war story.

"Alright, that's enough for now," Hunter says calmly, coming to the belly of the ship and leaning against the wall. "You," he states, motioning with his head towards me. His arms cross over his chest as he inspects me. "Her name is Talia," Echo calls back, earning a sign from the leader. "Right, Talia. What skills do you have?"

Silence. Skills? Definitely nothing that would be useful to them. "Well?" He speaks again, interrupting my thoughts. "Sorry- um, I don't really have any.. nothing you'd be interested in at least." He raises an eyebrow but stays quiet, sighing and rubbing his head a minute later. "Kaminoans didn't teach you anything?" He remarks, sounding slightly hostile.

"For starters, I haven't been on Kamino in years. And no. They taught me planets and species as I got older, then we left. I don't remember anything from when I was younger." I retort. He sighs again, pushing himself off the wall and heading back to the front. I slouch back in my bunk, already feeling like a disappointment to them.

"Hey Kid, he'll come around," Wrecker says softly, surprising me with the change of attitude. I smile gratefully towards him, turning back towards the front. The voices of the others drift back, and I'm able to hear their conversation.

"Well, I'm sure Kaminoans created her for a reason. But if she doesn't know and her file doesn't say, then it doesn't really matter." Tech informs.

"It's not her fault she has no experience, Hunter. We just need to teach her." I smile as I hear Echo, defending me yet again.

"You're talking like she is staying. That hasn't been decided yet." I feel my heart drop at the leaders words, my mind instantly racing to what might happen to me. Would they drop me off at a random planet? Are they going to bring me to stay at Kamino?

"We need to land soon and refuel. I also need to finish working on the shields, I got cut short from the droids."

"Right, we are near a republic system... go here." Crosshair then comes walking back to where me and Wrecker are. He glances toward me, face neutral as he does, and hops up onto a bunk. I watch him, him focused on removing his armor. Echo comes back at well, but comes towards me unlike the other clone.

"Hey, we are gonna land soon. We need fuel," he explains kindly. I acknowledge him and he keeps going, "I was thinking I could teach you a few things, see what your natural skills are."

My eyes widen, and I can't stop the smile forming on my face, "really?" I question happily. He smiles back, "we can start with the ship, and then target practice if we have time." I nod excitedly and he laughs, jumping up on a bunk above mine.

I relax a bit as I wait for us to land, scrolling a holopad the Echo gave me to use. After some time, the ship bumps, Tech and Hunter exiting the ship. Echo hops down, waking Wrecker and Crosshair, then motioning to me to follow him.

He doesn't leave the ship, but instead brings me to the front and flops into a pilot seat. I slide myself into the other pilot seat, eyes wandering the brightly lit controls. "Alright, now I don't expect you to remember all of this, but I'm going to tell you what everything does."

He goes through everything, stopping to explain what everything is, like the 'thrusters' and other vocabulary I've never heard before. I listen intently, trying to remember as much as I can. After he finishes, he asks me to tell him what I remember.

I stare at the controls, feeling myself growing nervous. "Hyperdrive.." I start slowly, looking for confirmation as I point. He smiles and nods, and I keep going. I name about 5 things, blanking out as I try to think of the rest. "I don't.. remember the rest," I say softly, admitting my defeat. "Hey that's alright, you did great! You'll catch on quick." He tells me, encouraging me.

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