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*Talia's POV*

As soon as the sun rose today, Hunter was nagging to continue our training. So here I am, being thrown around like a rag doll because I can't hit a single blow. "Again," he commands, as I push myself slowly to my feet. My body is aching already from being tossed around, and I'm making absolutely zero progress.

"This is pointless," I grumble, turning to face him once more. His eyes don't falter as he stares at me, commanding me to strike again. I rush towards him, swinging in a desperate attempt to land a hit. He blocks my arm, sweeping it around and sending me stumbling to the side.

As I turn and regain my balance, I see him already ready for another attempt. "Did you hear me?" I state, getting fed up. His eyes soften, only for a second, before challenging me to strike once more. "I quit," I state, turning to walk off.

I don't even hear his footsteps approach, when I'm suddenly grabbed by the wrist and turned to face him. "You're not finished," he states, releasing his grip on me. "There is no point in this," I remark. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he thinks how to respond.

"Why do I need to know this," I push. "Because, Talia, there are people after you." He states angrily. I flinch a bit from the sudden tone, his face immediately flooding with guilt. "We might not always be there to protect you," he explains calmly, shoulders sagging a bit as he sighs.

I let out a deep breath, glancing down towards my feet, "I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help," I say softly. He's silent for a moment before speaking again, "how about we start with the basics?" I glance up at him, giving a small smile as I nod.

We stand in the middle of the clearing once more, as he starts going over the basic things I should know. He points out weak points, and how to use them to my advantage, along with some basic blocks and swings.

We go through the information slowly, as he demonstrates everything he is saying and makes sure I understand. When we finally finish that process, he tells me to swing at him once more. I take a deep breath, forcing myself to focus and remember everything we just talked about.

I take a swing towards him, him blocking it easily. I use his position to my advantage, remembering the weak points he told me. I manage to get my arm through his defense, landing a light blow on his chest plate. "I did it!" I exclaim, practically jumping from excitement.

He smiles as he watches me, praising my hard work. We go a few more times, each time getting more comfortable with the movements, until he finally calls it quits for the day. As we approach the ship, Tech exits, looking around. "Oh good," he states as he sees us approaching, "new mission has been assigned, I was going to come get you so we could take off."

Hunter takes the datapad and walks onto the ship, Tech and I following behind. "How did your training go?" He asks. I smile, turning to look at him, "made some progress," I say happily. He smiles, congratulating me for my hard work.

I take a seat in the cockpit, as the ship leaves the planet's surface. Tech turns his chair to face the rest of us as Wrecker and Crosshair make their way to us. "We are being sent to free a Jedi General, taken Captive by General Grievous." Tech starts, adjusting his goggles.

"This.. will not be an easy mission," Hunter sighs, looking between us all and turning on a hologram. A large base appears. It is at least 50 layers tall, shaped like a square. "That's a lot a space to cover," Echo remarks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's not all," Tech informs, zooming out the hologram, and revealing that majority of the base is underground, the top side covered in a variety of weapons meant to shoot us from the sky.

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