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Important information:  incase you skipped the tail end of last chapter, here's some things you should know. Hunter said 'I love you' in mando'a though Talia didn't quite catch it as she was falling asleep. He also called her "Cyra'ika" (Mando'a for 'love' , 'darling' , and 'beloved')

That is all, hope y'all enjoy!

*Talia's POV*

I shift as I start to wake, strong arms wrapping tighter around me. I bury my face against Hunter, not wanting to get up as I breath in his familiar scent. He brings a hand up towards my face, softly brushing strands of hair out of the way.

I smile, keeping my eyes closed. "Good morning, Tiny," he says, his chest vibrating as he speaks. I hum, glancing up to meet his gaze. He smiles slightly as our eyes connect, as I lay back down against him.

I look towards the window, noticing it is quite bright outside. "Did you sleep in?" I ask, knowing him and the others are always up early. He shakes his head, and I look back up at him. "How long have you been up?" I question. He shrugs, "a while."

I push myself up onto my arms, "why didn't you wake me? Or go out to join the others?" I question, confused why he'd just lay here for hours. "I'm not just gonna leave you, Cyar'ika," he laughs, "besides, you're peaceful when you're sleeping."

I feel my cheeks heating up at his comment, faking annoyance as I flop down next to him. He sits up, leaning over me to give me a quick kiss, then pushing himself off the bed.

I watch him as he walks over to his discarded clothing, shaking out his pants before going to pull them on. My eyes land on the red lines climbing down his back, eyes widen as I realize what they are from.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask, already feeling guilty. He turns towards me as he buttons his pants, raising an eyebrow. "What?" He says with a short laugh. "Your back.." I trail off, feeling my face heat up as I remember everything from last night.

He smiles more at my reaction, crossing his arms over his chest. "No, love, you didn't hurt me. I didn't notice, I was focused on.. other things." He says, almost teasingly.

I feel like my face is in fire, him clearly enjoying my reactions. He laughs, reaching down for his shirt. I push myself out of the bed as well, the red fabric of my dress flowing over my skin, surprised I was able to sleep in it.

He adjusts his clothes as he finishes getting dressed, and I pull my regular clothes out of my bag. I start unzipping the back of my dress, stopping as I realize his eyes are still on me.

"Ahem?" I question with a raised eye brow. He smirks, rolling his eyes and turning away from me. I quickly change, brushing through my hair with my fingers, then tell him he's fine to turn back.

I head to the door of the room, pulling it open and walking out. The voices of the others go instantly silent, all heads turning towards me. I stand there, staring back, already feeling the embarrassment flooding my face.

Finally, Crosshair speaks up, "she's alone, pay up," and nudges Echo, who has a disappointed look on his face.

I feel a light hand on my shoulder as Hunter moves past me, stopping as he realized the others are staring. "Ha! Told you! Now you pay up!" Echo says triumphantly, shoving Crosshair back. The sniper frowns, dropping a few credits in Echo's outstretched hand.

"Really?" Hunter questions, shaking his head and going to grab a drink. Cut and Suu exchange a glance, that seems almost like an 'I told you so'.

"Bets?" I question, walking forwards and sitting next to Echo. "Free money, I know you too well to lose," he replies jokingly. I scoff, glancing up at Hunter sets a cup in front of me, sitting next to me with his own.

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