Twenty Three

189 6 13

-8 months later-

*Talia's POV*

I stand as the door opens, smiling up at the welcoming clone. His helmet propped by his waist as he smiles back. "Morning, Sunshine," he jokes. "Morning Deadshot," I greet with a small smile.

He leads the way down the hall, as I glance behind us. The girl smiles as she sees me, and waves. I wave back, before turning forwards again. It took a while, but I finally got to interact with her without her running off.

Deadshot brings me to the lab, where Nala Se is working on creating new clones. I take a seat in my chair, Deadshot placing the odd hat-like device on my head. Nala Se then dismissed him, adjusting the device, then turning on the data collection screen.

She nods slightly towards me, and I do what they want, raising the small ball ahead of me into the air, watching it fly around smoothly.

It's quite boring, but it beats some of the alternatives. I continue like that for quite some time, a headache slowly forming. Nala Se walks back over, turning off the device and telling me I can take a break.

I watch her walk back to her station, a different Kaminoan walking in and pulling her away a moment later.

She glances towards me, then leaves the room. I lean my head back, closing my eyes, and only open if them when I hear the door open again.

My eyes land on the blonde, who is staring up at me with a large smile. "Hello," I greet, leaning forwards to meet her gaze. "I'm Omega," she greets happily.

I smile, "I'm Talia, it's good to finally meet you." She smiles wider. I glance towards the door, "I don't want you in trouble, though."

Her face drops slightly, "well.. that's why I'm here. Things are changing." I raise an eyebrow in question, causing her to continue. "The clones, they are acting weird."

I hum in response. "That's why I'm going to ask my brothers to take me with them." I huff in response, "brothers?" I ask.

"Yeah! They are clones too. Just, different."

"Ah, I see. Are they friendly?"

She looks down at her feet, "well, I haven't ever talked to them before.." I smile at her embarrassment, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Well, maybe they'll take me too," I joke, sighing at the idea of leaving this place. "That's why I'm here! I want you to come with me, Kamino isn't safe anymore."

I tilt my head slightly, smiling sadly at her words. "Oh, kid. I don't see that happening. I'm as good as stuck."

She frowns, "I'll find a way, and I'll be back for you." Her promise lingers in the air as she scurries off, leaving me alone once more. I sigh, trying to relax, only to be cut short by Deadshot approaching.

"What's going on?" I ask. He shrugs, "not sure, I was told to bring you back to your quarters." He removed the head piece, holding out a hand to help me up and then leads me back to my room.

"I'll be back with food," he promises, the door shutting behind him. I sit back on the bed, him returning a moment later with two trays.

I happily take one, him taking up his spot on the foot of the bed, as we dig into our food. "So," I start, finishing my bite of food, "I got word the clones are acting weird. You feel funny?" It's mostly a joke, mixed with the seriousness of my question.

He scoffs, "heard? You hardly interact with anyone besides me." He roll my eyes, "I hear things. Is it true?" He thinks for a moment, before shrugging, "not sure, I don't interact with much of anyone besides you."

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