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*Talia's POV*

I stretch as I wake, grateful there was no dream tonight. I roll over, spotting the clones already awake and sitting at the center table. I hop out of the bunk, drawing their attention.

"Hey kid, how you feeling?" Wrecker calls out, wide grin on his face. I smile softly, "good, thanks." Hunter stands, motioning me to come to the table. I walk forward, my eyes landing on some armor, laid nicely on the table. It's painted dark grey and black to match the others, red accents and a small white skull on the shoulder.

"What's this?" I manage to get out, eyes never leaving the armor. "It's for you," Hunter replies, a small grin on his lips. "Welcome to the team," Echo says happily, squeezing my shoulder. I glance around the group, too stunned to speak. "Really?" I finally manage, Wrecker encouraging me to try on the armor.

Echo shows me how to clip the pieces on, the heavy armor laying weird as they are attached. "Modifications are definitely needed," Tech comments. "It was the smallest size we had," Hunter defends, crossing his arms over his chest. "We can fix it," Echo reassures, glancing toward Tech, who nods in response. Tech heads to his chest, pulling out some tools.

I watch the two work, amazed as they cut and weld the pieces, holding them against me every once in a while to make sure they are on the right track. Soon, I'm replacing the armor, which now fits nice and snug. "Much better," I say happily, admiring the armor and the boys handy work. "We can start your training once we get back out in the field," Hunter informs, leaning forward over the table.

I nod in understanding, feeling a bit anxious at the thought. "New mission," Crosshair states, sliding a holopad over to Hunter. He scoffs as he reads the screen. "Regs need our help, 212th battalion." He informs, eye trailing the small screen. Tech rolls his eyes, "typical."

"Let's blow up some clankers!" Wrecker exclaims happily, grabbing his helmet and his pack. The others make their way to their bunks, grabbing things they need. I watch them, holding my helmet in front of me. "I'll grab you some extra blacks, you'll want them," Echo tells me, heading out of the room. He returns a moment later, handing me a small bag.

I thank him, throwing the bag over my shoulder. Hunter looks around the room, the others awaiting his lead. He turns and leaves the room, the rest of us following behind. I fall into step with Echo, glancing around at the other clones in the hall. They, again, don't pay us much attention as we head to the ship.

As we board, I take a seat just behind the pilot seats, watching as Echo and Tech turn everything on. They are talking to eachother, saying words and phrases I don't quite understand. Soon enough, we are in the air and jumping into hyperspace. I smile at the swirling blue lights, the others settling down for the ride. Tech heads to the hull of the ship, and Echo motions for me to sit by him. I take Tech's seat, glancing over to the clone.

"What do you remember?" He asks, motioning to the bright control panel. I take a deep breath, scanning the buttons, and slowly point out the very few I remember. He nods when I finish, and then starts teaching me the rest. Once he finishes, he asks me to name new ones I remember. We do this for majority of the trip, Tech joining for a bit to see my progress.

Wrecker joins towards the end, glancing over my seat as I finish naming what I know. "You'll be flying in no time!" He encourages. "Most certainly not," Tech counters quickly, adjusting his glasses. I smile as Wreckers face drops, and he sends me a look that makes me think he'll make sure I'm flying soon. "Once she learns a bit more, maybe," Echo cuts in. Tech rolls his eyes, "we are going to be exiting hyperspace soon," he says, changing the subject.

I take that as my sign to give him back his seat, and slide into the seat behind Echo. Wrecker goes to tell the others, who then join us and each take a seat. The stars soon slow, and we are met with some large ships ahead of us. "Woah," I breathe, leaning forward in my seat. The scene doesn't last long, when I notice blaster bolts flying back and forth between the large ships. I notice the smaller ships flying between, a few explosions here and there.

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