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*Talia's POV*

I adjust my shirt as we approach the town, glad to be back in my normal clothing. The others are also wearing 'normal' clothing, trying to blend in with the town. Hunter said this planet was neutral territory, and our armor made us identifiable. So here we are, in normal clothing, strolling into town. Crosshair, Wrecker, and Echo stayed at the ship while the rest of us went to get supplies.

I will admit the costumes the boys have on are good, but their physiques are a bit more enhanced compared to the average human. As we enter the town, it seems many people don't seem to notice that. The walkways are paved, grey in color, most of the buildings one story, none no more than two. The stores littering the streets have large bay doors, lifted to give the bystanders an open view of what is offered.

Tech leads the way into one shop, walking the isles and inspecting the ship parts on display. I glance around as he grabs some parts, paying the owner then followed them out. We continue walking, the streets filled with locals enjoying the day.

My eye catches another store, filled with clothing and other cute looking items. My eyes widen as I peer inside, Tech noticing. "Would you like to check it out?" He questions. I turn towards him, "oh no, it's okay," I reply quickly. He smiles a bit, "well, we are gonna be here a while. Might as well relax and enjoy ourselves," he says kindly, leading the way to the shop.

Pleasant fragrances fill the area as we approach, and I find myself drifting towards what seems to be perfume. The shelf is filled with options, and I'm mesmerized by them all. I find one option that smells of flowers, reminding me of home once more. I sigh as I set it down, wandering over to some of the items on display, a variety of small glass structures, flower bouquets, and other little gadgets.

The boys hang back, occasionally picking up something, turning it over, then putting it down, quiet conversation between them. "Find anything you like?" A voice says to me, pulling my attention from the others. I glance up at a rather tall man, with bright blue eyes and shaggy, light brown hair. He has a kind smile on his face as he glances down at me. "It's all quite beautiful, but I'm only looking," I reply, twirling the little glass loth-cat in my hands.

"Well, perhaps you'll spot something you can't pass up," he replies warmly, finger brushing a nearby flower bunch. He pulls one from the cluster, twirling it before turning back to me.

He places it softly behind my ear, eyes meeting mine. I feel myself growing red, glancing down to break the eye contact. A small laugh comes from the man, but is quickly cut off by a rough hand grabbing my shoulder. I glance up quickly, eyes turning to meet Hunter, who is glaring fiercely at the man in front of me.

"She's with us," he growls, eyes narrowing as he inspects the man. The man, however, doesn't seem to react, and looks back down to meet my gaze. "Older brothers? Quite protective.. no need to worry, I'll be leaving," he says calmly, smirking towards me. "Here's my comm link, if you're interested," he continues, handing me a small, folded piece of paper. He then glances back to Hunter, smiling and nodding slightly, then walking away.

"Interesting," Tech says from behind us, watching him leave. "We're leaving," Hunter commands, pulling me behind him, dropping my wrist as we return outside. I glance down at the small paper, opening it and reading the comm link. "Well, are you going to contact him?" Tech asks, walking in step with me. I glance up at Hunter, who stays facing forward from in front of us.

I shrug, "I've never had that happen before." I glance up towards Tech, who is adjusting his glasses, "neither have we." I laugh a bit at his response, him smiling as well. "This is not a planet to be making friends on," Hunter replies coldly, slowing to fall into step with us. "Why?" I question, genuinely curious.

"This planet is a harbor for slave traders. Many come here to buy and sell. Though, this town doesn't seem to fall into that business," Tech informs. "You don't know that," Hunter replies, glancing over to Tech, who shrugs in return.

"There, bandage supplies," Tech states, pointing to a shop. "I will be back." Hunter and I wait outside as Tech enters the shop. Hunter sighs as he adjusts the ship parts in his arms, glancing around. I look back down at the comm link given to me, smiling a bit as I remember his kindness. "Hey!" Hunter exclaims, pulling my attention back up. "I'm so sorry!" A lady replies quickly, both of them crouching down to grab the fallen ship parts.

"I must not have been paying attention," she continues, glancing up to look at Hunter, who is focused on making sure the ship parts are okay. "I was distracted by you.." she says, her voice soft as she looks at the clone. I cringe as he freezes, finally glancing up at her. She grins sheepishly at him, the two of them standing, and she hands him the parts.

She finally seems to notice me, glancing between us. Hunter glances back towards me as well, his face one of confusion and 'please help'. I hold back my smile as the woman speaks up again. "Oh! I'm sorry, are you guys..?" She motions between us, my eyes widening. "Oh- uh.."

Tech comes from the building, "yes they are, now if you'll excuse us," and pulls Hunter away, I follow behind them. "The specimen on this planet have a much different nature than most humans," he remarks.

"Did you really have to lie to her?" Hunter mumbles, following behind Tech. I laugh as Tech stops and faces his brother. "I didn't realize you wanted her comm link, my mistake."

"What? No, but you didn't have-"

"Telling her you were not available was easier than telling her we are uninterested." Tech informs, then turns towards me, "I'm glad you find this amusing."

I laugh harder as we continue back to the ship, Hunter shaking his head in response. The others greet us as we return, Echo collecting the ship parts. I sit by Echo as he works, Tech coming and going as he works on other damaged components. "Comm link, huh?" He jokes, sending me a look. I roll my eyes. "Did you keep it?" He asks. When I don't answer right away, he stops and looks at me. I blush a bit, him laughing. "Guess you were interested," he jokes.

"Hey! I don't know, I probably won't contact him. I don't even know his name!" I reply. Echo laughing from under the ship. "You could figure it out if you contact him."

I scoff, glancing up as Hunter approaches. "How's it going?" He asks, leaning down to glance at Echo. "Getting there," Echo replies, pulling himself out from under the ship. "Hey, tell Talia to contact that guy," he continues.

I glare at him. "Guy?" Hunter asks, glancing between us. "Just the guy from the shop, gave me his comm link," I say shyly. Hunter scoffs, turning back towards Echo, "keep her focused," he jokes, grinning at me before walking away. I roll my eyes, Echo sliding back under the ship.

I sit with him a while more, handing him things and keeping him entertained. The sun slowly sets, a warm glow covering the planet. I sigh as I lean against the ship, watching it sink lower in the sky. Echo slides out from under the ship, leaning back against the ship next to me.

"Isn't it pretty?" I ask softly, smiling at the pretty view. He hums in response, sitting with me a while longer, before heading into the ship. The sky goes dark as the last sliver of sun disappears, the stars rising. I pull my legs to my chest, the cold breeze making me shiver.

Hunter comes from the ship, glancing towards the sky. "You alright, Tiny?" He asks, looking back down towards me. "Just stargazing," I reply with a smile. "It's a bit cold out here.." he trails off, tilting his head to the side. "I'll be in soon."

He sighs, heading back into the ship, returning a moment later with a blanket. "Hunter-" I start, him cutting me off. "You're gonna get a cold." He drapes it over me, taking a seat beside me. I sigh as I pull the warmth closer to me, watching the stars with Hunter.

Hope y'all are enjoying this as much as I am, vote and comment!! <3

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