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*Talia's POV*

"Come on sweetie," she whispers, leading the way down the bright white hall. I follow behind quietly, feeling anxious and scared. She stops suddenly, holding her hand behind her to stop me as well.

"Let me go!" A male voice screams. I peek around the corner, watching Zorro being dragged off, fighting to get away. My breathing picks up, becoming rapid as I watch. They pull him into a room, Lama Su following behind. "No!" He screams.

As the door hisses shut, Momma continues to lead us down the hall. I glance into the room, trying to stay hidden as I watch through the window. Zorro is being strapped to a chair, the droid walks away, returning a minute later with an injection. "Stop!" He screams again, Lama Su watching with his back towards us.

The droid ignores him, approaching with the injection. He jams it roughly into his arm, Zorro yelping in response. I watch as the contents of the syringe are pushed into his arm, horrified as Zorro goes limp in the chair.

"Come on," Momma states, pulling my arm to follow her. Tears build up quickly as I try desperately to hold them back, haunted by what I just saw.


I sit on my knees in the cold, silent room. The Zabraks are seated across the room at an old wooden table. The top half of my armor lays scattered across the far wall. I shiver from the coldness, my blacks doing a horrible job of keeping me warm.

"That's not fair!" The smaller Zabrak argues, quieting down immediately when Novak stands, hovering over him. "You're glad you're getting a cut at all," he growls, jabbing a finger into his chest.

I freeze as he glances towards me, an evil looking grin forming on his lips. I try to sink back into my skin, and become invisible as he studies me. He walks towards me slowly, and I force myself to keep eye contact, and seem strong.

He crouches in front of me, raising a hand and gently brushing the back of his fingertips against my cheek. I pull away from him, my face twisting in disgust. He smirks at my actions, pulling his hand away.

"No need to be scared, sweetheart," he says softly. I glare at him, which causes him to chuckle. "As soon as we get payment, you won't have to see us again."

"Who's paying you," I question, voice shaking slightly. He tilts his head to the side, "you'll know soon enough." I watch him as he stands, turning to walk away from me.

"My friends will come for me," I call after him, trying to sound intimidating. He stops, turning to face me once more. "Oh, I don't think so." He walks back to the table, lowering himself into the seat.

"You know," he says out loud, leaning back in the seat, "the contract only said they needed you alive.. didn't specify what condition..."

He turns to face me once more, fear rising in me. "We'll be here for a while.. might as well make the most of it." He turns to face the other Zabrak, who is grinning up at him. I stay silent, the pair falling into hushed conversation.

I pull my legs out from under me, struggling to maintain balance with my hands secured behind my back. I sigh as I stretch my legs, leaning back against the wall the best I can. I shiver, the coldness seeping down to my bones.

I keep my gaze on the Zabraks, fighting the urge to close my eyes. I'm not sure how much time passes, but I'm pulled from my daze as Novak stands abruptly. "I'm tired of waiting," he hisses.

"Go wait outside, get me if they arrive with the payment." The other Zabrak nods quickly and leaves the room. My heart rate rises as Novak turns to me. "Seems they aren't that eager to retrieve you," he mocks, even though I still don't know who 'they' are.

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