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*Talia's POV*

I stare at the large planet through the front glass, structures coming into view as Tech and Echo bring us in. "Steady now," Tech says. "I know how to fly," Echo replies, annoyed.

"Some days I'm not too sure.." Tech trails off, glancing towards Echo. He throws his head back dramatically, and a stifle a laugh. "Hey," a modulated voice says behind me. I turn and meet Hunter, well him helmet at least. "Stay close and keep your head down. We don't want unwanted attention from the regs or Kaminoans until we know what we are doing," he tells me.

I nod in understanding, getting a little nod in response before he walks back to the belly of the ship, starting conversation with Crosshair. "Are you excited to be home?" Wrecker asks loudly. I glance back out the glass, the tall gray buildings coming into view. "I'm not sure.." I answer truthfully, the dream I had returning to my thoughts.

The ship bumps as we land, and we all head to the ramp. The clones put on their helmets, leading the way off the ship. "After you," Crosshair says, nodding forward. I give him a soft smile before walking off after Echo. Wrecker brings up the rear, and I find myself in the center of them as we walk, probably trying to make me less noticeable.

The place is just as I remember. Bright white halls, droids and clones walking the halls. Hunter leads the way, opening a door and walking in. The room is spacious, bunks along outside, a table in the center, and other small items liter the room.

"Home sweet home," Echo states, pulling off his helmet and walking to a bunk. The others do the same, and I stand and watch them, unsure what I should do.

"Alright! Was that 3 new mission?" Wrecker calls over his shoulder, sitting down next to the door, carving tally's in the wall. "Talia, you can take this bunk," Tech calls to me. I smile and approach where he is pointing.

"So what should we do?" Wrecker asks happily. "Take a shower," Crosshair counters, lightly pushing the large clone. "I don't stink!" Wrecker counters, going to push Crosshair back, but he dodges it. "Gotta be quicker," he mocks playfully. "I could use a shower," I cut in, glancing around the room.

"How are we gonna do that..?" Echo asks, trailing off as he looks between Tech and Hunter. Both of their faces light up in a 'oh' emotion as they look towards me. "What?" I question, not understanding.

"The shower rooms we have access to don't give a lot of privacy, and are, you know... full of clones," Hunter explains awkwardly. Now I make the 'oh' face. "What if we bring her to the one by the lab? It's smaller, we can just block the door," Echo suggests.

"That could work, but what would we tell the regs," Hunter replies. "We could tell them Echo is embarrassed to be seen showering." Echo glares towards Tech, who is trying to hide a smile. Finally he sighs, "fine. But I don't like it."

"She'll need new clothes," Crosshair jumps in, placing a toothpick between his teeth. "Right, we can stop and get you some blacks on the way to the wash room," Hunter suggests. I smile gratefully and follow the group out of the room. Hunter ducks into a side room, coming back with black cloth. "Here," he says, handing me the outfit. "Thanks," I reply, looking down at the soft clothing. We continue on, and I recognize the area as we approach the lab, looking identical to my dream.

"Here we are," Tech states. Crosshair and Wrecker enter the room, returning a moment later. "Empty," Crosshair states, leaning up against the wall. "Echo can't be seen, so how about you show her where everything is, then stay out of sight in there," Hunter suggests. He nods, motioning for me to follow him inside.

The walls in here are surprisingly gray instead of white, but well lit like everything else. Echo points out the showers on the opposite wall, the towels, and everything else I'll need. "I'm gonna stay over here, call if you need me," he says kindly, the walks towards the wall he pointed too.I watch him go, turning back to the eerily familiar room.

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