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Thirteen years.

Thats how long ago your brother Anthony had died.

The pain of his death still haunted you and now here you were. A nineteen year old woman living alone in an apartment, you could say it was depressing but that was too much of an understatement.

You lost Anthony at the age of six to say you had a lack of understanding of the situation at the time would be a half-lie, you were aware he was dying and you knew when he was dead but you didn't know why.

But now the more you think about it.

The more you remember the pill bottles on the floor, the blood dripping from his nose, the pained look in his eyes, your father leaving the room without properly shutting the door.

The more you realise Anthony had overdosed without meaning too and your father had just left him for dead.

As much as it pained you to say, you hated your father for what he did, sure you miss him, but no matter what you will never forgive him for what he did.

Anthony was not only your older brother but also your best friend and when you lost him it felt like a part of you had died inside.

The silence in your apartment was deafening as you sat on your sofa with a heavy sigh you got up and grabbed your bag and left your apartment and made your way to the apartment.

When you had turned sixteen the depression finally caught up to you and you had found yourself clearing your thoughts with not only alcohol but the occasional joint or even just a normal cigarette. Just to help you forget.

A few months before your nineteenth birthday you decided you were gonna quit and so you devoted the past months making sure you stayed clean and with a lot of work you felt like you could conquer the world.

The urge you felt to either drink or smoke was thin as a sheet of paper. However, occasionally you would drink when you want to just relax and have a bit of a laugh for no reason you'll have a few drinks but you always knew your limit.

As you entered the library you went into your usual area and sat down and hung your backpack on the back of your chair before grabbing a book and sitting down to read.

The closest book to you was a book you remember Anthony reading to you as a child, it was a very odd choice of book especially to read to a child of your age at the time.

The story was about a woman who had lost everything she ever loved and one day she found herself in a strange forest where the cruel king of a kingdom lost long ago had found the woman and he grew infatuated with her, obsessed even. The king invited the woman to be protected under his wing promising her many wonderful things, having no where else to go or no one to go to, she accepted. The king's heart filled with a deep longing for the woman, but, the longer she stayed with him the longer she began to realise his infatuation and so she tried to leave.

The king did not like this.

He did everything he could to find her, killing anyone who tried to stop him until he found her and he made her his and overtime she began to fall in love with him despite her fear of him.

The book itself was strange but was made it more staring was its name...

'The king's poison.'

While reading the book you began to play around with the locket around your neck before putting the bookmark in your book and taking off the locket to click it open and start at the photo that was framed on the inside.

On the left side was a photo of your family and on the right was a photo of you and Anthony smiling widely your arms wrapped around each other, as the memory of that day came flooding back you found yourself lost in thought.

Until, a loud thud came from the other side of the bookshelf behind you with a confused hum you clicked your locked back around your neck before going on the other side of the bookshelves to see a midnight blue book cover with a golden moon and star design drawn on the front.

Curiously, you picked up the book and headed back to your seat before you started reading the unknown book you put your other book in your backpack then you finally opened the book.

After around an hour of reading all you found out the book was called a 'Grimoire' and contained a bunch of weird spells all of a sudden you got to a weird page that had a drawing of a portal beneath the drawing of a demon's outline.

For once, one of these 'spells' had piqued your opinion your eyes drifted to spell and began reading with interest unaware of the black, swirling void that stretched beneath your chair until finally you were dragged into the gaping abyss with your backpack and the 'Grimoire' unaware of where you were being taken.

All you remember is falling and then seeing darkness. You weren't dead, you knew that you could hear your own heartbeat and the soft sound of your breathing but then again. Were you alive? Or were you just imagining?

You didn't care.

All you cared about was what was behind the black curtains of your closed eyes.


Poison (Y.Valentino xF.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now