Chapter nine

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I made my choice, and.
Every night I'm livin' like thеre's no tomorrow

Husk turned around and his eyes immediately locked onto the clawed metal hand that wrapped around his wrist with a vice like grip. He raised his head only for his eyes to lock onto red ones with small blue pupils in the centre.

"Let's talk." Vox said as Valentino shot the demon in the head before walking over with a snarl.


Vox dragged Husk behind them before walking into a nearby alley to which they immediately threw Husk into causing him to fall to the floor his wings drooping.

"What's going on with the little princessa and prince of hell and my y/n?" Valentino asked his Italian accent becoming very thick.

"That's none of your business." Husk growled pushing himself up into a sitting position.

Valentino sneered "of course it's my fucking business. Y/n is mine! She is my fucking business! So you better fucking tell me!" He screamed at Husk.

"No." Husk said with a glare.

Valentino's face went into a blank expression a dark shadow casting over his eyes as his lips broke out into a dark smirk, he looked at Vox who looked back at him eagerly and with a nod from Vakentino, Vox immediately walked over to Husk and pulled his fist back before repeatedly punching Husk in the face, blood starting to fly from his nose.

Some of it splattered onto the walls of the alley.

Staining the brick walls with the red substance.

Most of it landing on Vox.

"Fine! Fine! I'll tell you! Fucks sake....." Husk breathed out as Vox finally got off of him "Argus,Charlie and Vaggie are trying to find ways to get y/n back to Earth she'll be safe she won't be under your control anymore." Husk coughed out.

Valentino's eyes narrowed with anger "She wouldn't actually agree to that....would she?" Vox asked his brows furrowing in fear of losing you.

"She fucking better not." Valentino growled "get the fuck out of here. If you tell anyone at that pathetic hotel about this I will not only rip off your wings and shred them to pieces but I will fucking rip out your heart and eat it myself,Understood?" He asked looking down at Husk as if he was nothing but a pathetic piece of shit.

Looking down at the floor Husk nodded his head slowly with a small frown.

"Good, now Leave." Vox said to which Husk replied by immediately spreading his wings and flying away.


Angel Dust stood behind the bar making drinks while you were sat on the couch shaking from what had happened while Argus rubbed your back trying to calm you down.

"Hey...It's okay. You're safe now. No one can hurt you." Argus said reassuring as he wiped away your tears with his thumb.

Suddenly, the main doors burst open and Husk walked in with a groan.

"Husk! There you are! Where have you been?" Vaggie asked.

"I got in a fight with an old...'friend' at the club." He lied. "Pass me the whiskey."

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