Chapter twelve- NSFW

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Warnings: bondage, degrading,

I got so good at bein' untrue
I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear. I disassociate, disappear
Yeah, yeah, yeah


Valentino began to look around the whole of the studio looking for you his eyes filled with pride for himself for his actions the previous day after a while he gave up and decided to impatiently wait for your return. When you got back from the hotel he was super clingy with you, like a puppy.

As soon as you changed your clothes into something more comfortable you could feel his gaze on your form but this time it wasn't completely also felt as if he was admiring you. When, you laid down in bed he snapped out of his daze and got dressed before climbing in beside you, clinging to you like a spider monkey, all four of his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him.

With a swarm of blinding rays the sun looking thing in the sky hung in the air and you slowly woke up but when you tried to pull away to get ready Valentino refused to let go and so you stayed like that until he woke.


It had been a few hours since Valentino had awoken luckily for you he said you could have the day off but only today and so you decided to do something that you knew wouldn't change anything but you did anyway.

"Val, I don't want to do this anymore." You spoke up as he sorted out his guns. As those words left your lips his body froze completely.

"Oh y/n....did you forget that I fucking own you? I'm the reason you're still alive. If I hadn't taken you in you'd be fucking dead. You wouldn't have been reunited with your pathetic brother and besides.....You're mine. You don't have a fucking choice anymore" he stated with a malicious smirk as he waved his hand and a red chain made of smoke bound you to him he tugged on the chain and you fell to your knees before him.

His smirk widened and he held out his hand and the contract with your name appeared right in your face the sight of your own name on the twisted contract made you sick to your stomach not only from the fact you were stuck but also with the fact you let this happen to yourself.

"I'll always take care of you, Mio Amore. Just be good and do everything I tell you." He cooed walking over and leaning down to whisper in your ear his grip on the chain around your neck never faltering closing your eyes you nod your head warning a very pleased smile from him.

"Good girl, now.....strip." He added his eyes narrowing.

He was right.

You couldn't escape him....

You were bound to him.


With a deep breath you hesitantly start to take off your clothes following his commands.

"Good," he purred his eyes raking over your naked form "Now, lie down on the bed." He ordered stepping closer, his presence looming over you waiting like a predator for to comply.

When you complied to his orders he let out a chuckle "Perfect," he purred while trailing his fingers over your chest, making your skin tingle under the feeling of his sharp claws. His touch is both enticing and frightening, a dangerous mix of desire and dominance, and a large amount of his sadistic nature. Smirking he leant down his lips grazing your ear, his breath warm against your skin as he opened his mouth.

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