Chapter two

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Another one of those ruthless nights
Yeah, yeah, yeah

As the limo continued to drive down the streets of hell a sense of awkwardness began to form around you and your mind plagued with regret and doubt from signing a contract with him.

Valentino looked at you his eyes filled with a large amount of malicious joy. "Now, i think it's time to get you ready for your new life here in Hell." Without another word, he reached out and gently pulled you back into his lap, his arms wrapping around you once again. "But first....i have one last thing to do." He said before sinking his teeth into your shoulder hard enough to break skin but not hard enough to make you bleed.

As you felt his teeth ripping into the flesh of your shoulder a loud gasp escaped your lips and you arched your back in pain as every nerve in your body filled with pain and adrenaline.

Feeling a thrill from your reaction he bit down harder drawing blood as he hissed in pleasure by the taste of you intoxicating him and sending a chill of pleasure down his spine.


"you're gonna be so good for me..." he mumbled his voice barely audible but loud enough for him to hear his own voice.

Hesitantly, he pulled away and licked the wound clean licking any blood that escaped from the wound his tongue leaving behind a patch of red saliva he leant closer to whisper in your ear "You belong to me now, Y/n. You're going to learn to love the pain I give you." His grin widened.

Wincing in pain you twisted your head to look at the mark he had left your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat not only was there a large bite mark but in the middle of the bite mark permanently carved into your skin was his name....


His eyes flashed with possessive triumph at the sight of his own mark, smirking at the fact he now has complete control over your life from now on.

But...unbeknownst to you....

You're the only one with his mark.

No other porn star that works under Valentino has that mark on them meaning you are his and his alone but that's how he wants the only he wants.

But why?

It's funny because not even HE knows why.

"You'll never be free of me now,Doll. You're mine." He growled with a dark smile

'What in the nine circles of hell fucking is wrong with me? What is this I'm feeling? It's not a need for control...or power?? And why am I only now just experiencing this feeling? It's probably nothing....'

"That's permanently there...isnt it..?" You asked already knowing the answer but wanting to confirm it so you don't get even the smallest shine of hope that it won't be there forever.

Valentino's grin widened and became even more menacing, his clawed finger began to trace the mark making you wince. "Yes, it is. For eternity."He leans in once again, his lips brushing against your ear.

"...I guess this won't be that bad..."you said trying to make light of the situation mainly for yourself.

"Oh, you're so wrong my dear...but keep telling yourself that, Doll." He grabbed your chin harshly forcing you to look into his eyes. "Like I've said multiple times...You're mine now, and I'm going to make sure you know that." Feeling a shiver go down your spine at his words you swallow nervously

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