Chapter one

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I'm not above a love to cash in
Another lover underneath those flashin' lights

Like I said the last thing you remember is being in your local library reading a book called a 'Grimoire' then next thing you knew you were falling through the floor and after that all you remember is seeing darkness and wondering if you were even still alive.

As you slowly begin to rain consciousness you lift yourself up and look around you were in the middle of a city, filled with ads for sex, drugs, ect all over, and the fact that no one around seems like fully human, from tails to full on fur.

Grabbing the Grimoire you put it in your backpack and zipped it up before slinging it over your shoulder when you see your reflection in the mirror. You don't fit in at all with the others.

That's how you ended up here.

In the streets of hell.

With no idea on what you were going to do.

As you start walking down a street, you try not to draw attention to yourself by keeping your head down and avoiding eye contact with any demon that passes you by.

But that mission of yours was completely destroyed as a red limo pulled up next to you and the back door slid open to reveal a demon in a long red coat with four arms and a bright pink smile and a sing gold tooth.

"Hey there Doll, you look lost." He pat the seat next to him the grin on his face widening. "Come sit down." It sounds like an offer, but there's a demanding aura that surrounded him.

"No thanks...I'm good." You didn't know if he was trustworthy especially since he was a demon.

"Come on, don't be shy." He said darkly before grabbing your wrist and pulling you onto his lap, making your eyes widen the limo door slid shut behind you as all four of his arms wrapped around your waist tightly "I won't hurt you." He whispered almost menacingly as the limo began to drive off to an unknown destination.

"What do you want from me?" You asked him trying to get out of his unexpectedly strong grip.

"I want to help you find your purpose in life. You see, I run a little business here in Hell, and I think you'd be perfect for it." The demon smirks, his pink eyes seemingly glinting with excitement. "How about it?" He asked

"What's this business? And who are you?" You ask eyeing him suspiciously with a stern voice.

"I own a porn studio and strip club, Doll. You'd fit right in with the rest of the demons here. However, you'd be more.....desired. It's not every day a human ends up in hell."He says grinning wickedly. "Oh and who am I? My name is Valentino, I'm an overlord here in hell meaning I'm an extremely powerful demon." He said proudly.

With a sudden burst of strength you finally pull away from him but end up falling on your ass sitting on the floor of the limo looking up at him in shock "what...?" you mumbled out

"Oh come, now. Don't be shy, doll." Valentino pouts slightly before leaning forward to grab your chin, forcing you to look at him. "I can make life here much more.....easy and enjoyable for you...if you cooperate. Now I think you'd be perfect in my studio." He smirked

Your eyes drifted to the side as you began to contemplate the offer before sighing "what's the catch?" You asked your eyes drifting back to him.

With an amused chuckled he smiled more softly "smart girl, there's always a catch. And yours is: you have to do what I say and obey me without question. And if you don't, well... let's just say punishments will be quite severe." He chuckled sadistically

"so, basically, I'd be a porn star but completely under your control and I can't leave...ever?" You asked in shock

"Precisely." Valentino's grin widens, showing off his sharp teeth even more. "You'll be mine, Doll. To do with as I please."

The more you thought about it the more unsure you became "I...I don't know about this."

"Well, think about it, Princessa. You'd get whatever you want and more. Just don't expect any freedom." Valentino winks at you, a dark glint in his eyes he snaps his fingers and a golden contract and pen hover above the palm of his hand "And. You're a natural beauty, sweetheart.
So pure and innocent looking, but you also have a bit of a fiery spirit. Any demon would pay a shit ton of money to watch you get fucked and even to fuck you." He added his Italian accent becoming more strong.

Ignoring his comment the only thing you had on your mind was one question "What are the kind of things I'd get out of it?" You asked with a slight sigh.

His grin widened "Oh, plenty. Fame, fortune, and an abundance of pleasure." His hand moves to rest on your thigh, slowly sliding upward making your body stiffen up.

"You'll be treated like a queen under my wing. l'd protect you, care for you, make sure no one hurts you, and no one and I mean no one will ever touch you without my permission, Ever. if anyone even looks at you funny, I'll break their fucking jaw." He growled "All I ask is you stay with me and become a porn star at my studio. Under my control." He said darkly

There was something hidden behind his words. Something not even he had noticed the words had just came out of his mouth like vomit.

All he knew was that he needed you with him.

He didn't know why.

He just did.

You sat there silently for a few minutes before clenching your fists and closing your eyes taking a deep breath "Swear on your life that you mean everything you've just said and then you have a deal."

His grin widens, and his eyes flash with amusement."Ah, sweetheart, you don't trust easily, do you?" He chuckled "But I assure you, I wouldn't offer a deal I couldn't keep."

"Swear on your life that you'd protect me and make sure no one hurts me and all the other crap you said." You repeated sternly noticing his avoidance.

He leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear as he speaks softly. "I swear on my life. That you will be mine, that I will take care of you anf protect you. Just as I promised." He said with outstretched arms to show he wasn't crossing his fingers before outstretching the hand that held the contract and pen towards you while his other three arms went to rest in his lap.

Warily, you began to read over the contract making sure it was legit and not a scam and said everything that Valentino had said to you. You didn't want to be tricked into something you didn't agree too, once you were happy you hesitated before grabbing the pen from him.

Valentino smiled widely and took your hand in his guiding it to sign the contract, his touch was...surprisingly gentle for such a cruel demon "sign here, sweetheart." He said chuckling darkly

Hesitantly you signed your name on the line and held out his pen for him to take back already having doubts about your decision. With a smirk playing on his lips he takes the pen back and signs it himself "There, it's official now. You're all mine,Y/n." He said with a sadistic smile.


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