Chapter six

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What's the worst part of this hell?
I can only blame myself

As you finished shooting for the night you stumble back into the bedroom and collapse to the floor completely exhausted.

Valentino watched as you left the room, his gaze cold and predatory he was already plotting his next move, eager to see what depraved acts he can push you to perform.

After a few moments you began to break down crying before holding your head in your hands in an attempt to silence your sobs.

Hearing your muffled sobs from the other room, Valentino's heart raced with excitement. Quickly he went into the room and locked the door behind him quietly before striding over to your side of the bed.

As you sit on the floor continuing to quietly sob you were completely unaware of his presence.

"What's the matter, Y/n?" he asked, his voice dripping with sweet venom "Can't handle a little hard work?" He snarled as he towered over you, his shadow looming large.

"Val......" you gasp taken by surprise from his unexpected presence.

Valentino grinned, his eyes alight with sick amusement. "Afraid of me?" He whispered, as he gently caressed  your cheek with the back of his hand.

"" You mumbled cursing yourself for stuttering.

Valentino's chuckle turns into a menacing laugh "Good girl," he says softly before grabbing your face and throwing you to the floor.

You look down and close your eyes as your body lands with a soft thud, the air rushing out of your lungs in a painful gasp. Valentino kneels down beside you, his hand tracing circles on your clothes. "Tell me what's wrong," he growls.

"..i'm just stressed and tired that's all..." you say lying through your teeth.

Valentino's eyes narrow as anger began to rise "Liar," he hissed "You're hiding something from me." He leans in close, his hot breath fanning across your neck as he whispers threateningly, "Tell me the truth or I'll make sure you fucking regret it."

"You know what it is. I'm disgusted with myself because of what l've become...." you sigh

Valentino's grip tightens on your throat as he forces himself onto your trembling lips. "and like I've said before you're mine now," he rasps between kisses. "And I'll make sure you never forget it."

"I know Valentino..." you reply trying to hide your upset tone.

"Call me Val," Valentino demands. His hand travels down to the hem of your robe, his fingers brushing against your bare skin as he lifts it up smirking. "And remember who's in charge here." he smirk before blowing his red smoke into your face

As you inhale it, your eyes go fully red before they return to their normal colour.

Valentino smiles cruelly, taking in your now changed behaviour "That's better," he said, before kissing your lips and getting ready for bed.

"Val.." you speak up anxiously.

"Yes, my dear?" Valentino asks, turning to face you. His eyes glint with amusement as he takes in your nervous demeanour.

"Can I go to that...Hazbin hotel? Angel dust wants to spend more time with me but we feel like we can't while at work."

Valentino chuckles darkly. "Oh, you're already asking for permission to leave?" he asks, walking over to you. His hand reaches out and grips your chin firmly, forcing you to look up at him. "You're mine now," he stated firmly

"i...i know Val i just....i just wanted to go to the hotel so i can spend time with my brother a..and i can even go to the shop before then and go to shop and a get a few drinks for you from the shop and then come straight back." You said trying to convince him to let you go.

"So you want some bonding time with your brother huh?" Valentino smirks his mind filled with suspicion not trusting anyone at that hotel
"Well, I'll allow it." He lets go of your chin and moves back to the bed. "But you better not step out of line or make any trouble," he warns.

"Thank you Val..." you smile

Valentino smirked loving his control over you. "Don't mention it, Doll. Oh and don't forget those drinks."He climbed into bed and pat the spot next to him. "Now come here and snuggle up." His voice was soft but commanding.

"I won't." You say before climbing into the bed and hesitantly cuddling up to him.

Valentino pulled you close, his arms wrapping around your waist. "Do you feel better now?" he asks, his lips brushing against your ear as he gestured to your little break down earlier.

Slowly, you nod, you weren't being completely honest and even a blind person could tell but he seemed to buy it.

Valentino smirked, content with the submissive atmosphere that has settled between the two of you. He kissed your forehead before drifting off into sleep, knowing that you're right where he wants you - under his control. Not long after you fall asleep as well.

He was the first to wake up he felt well rested and ready to take on the day. He glances at the clock and realizes it's already past noon with a sigh, he got out of bed and grabbed some clothes for himself.

When you woke up you slowly say up rubbing your eyes "Val...can I still go to the hotel? And do you still want me to go get your drinks."

Valentino paused for a moment, considering your request. "Hmm," he said finally. "You have my full permission."

"thank you, Val..." you got dressed and left the studio and immediately headed to the shop hiding your face with the hoodie covering your body.

Valentino smirked darkly as he watched you leave the studio, confident that you wouldn't cause any trouble.


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