Chapter three- NSFW

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I shoulda' guessed that this would happen

The porn set came into view along with the multiple cameras and demons standing around ready to start filming.

Valentino walked beside you into the filming area, his eyes never leaving you. He watches as you began to prepare for your scene, a mix of anticipation and fear etched on your face. Valentino's smirk widens, taking pleasure in the control he has over you. When you're ready, he steps forward and clears his throat. "Alright, let's begin." he says before stepping to the side revealing a lanky shark demon that will be your filming partner for the upcoming scenario.

All you know is that for this scenario you have to act innocent and oblivious to everything going on which only made you hate having to do this stupid job even more, luckily for you this wouldn't be your first time but you knew it would still hurt like a bitch and it wouldn't be your last.

The shark demon grins menacingly at you, its sharp teeth glistening in the lights above he began to circle around you before lunging forward. Suddenly pinning you against the wall with surprising strength for his build causing you to gasp.

Valentino watches intently from behind the camera, a mix of satisfaction and arousal coursing through him as he sits in his chair beside the man filming your encounter. The shark demon begins to blindfold you before beginning to fuck you mercilessly making you moan out loud.

Valentino growls in approval, his cock throbbing under  his pants as he continues to watch. The shark demon starts to pick up speed, slamming into you harder and faster as it takes its pleasure from your body.

To the shark demon this felt like heaven.

A well known fact that every demon knew was that despite their lack of knowledge of humans they knew that humans were perfect for fucking and to fuck a human would feel like being in heaven itself.

"Boss, can I ask you a question." one of the cameramen asked walking up to Valentino as he watched you moaning at the shark demons ruthless pounding.

Valentino turned to the cameraman, a slight scowl forming on his face. "What is it?" he asked annoyed.

"well....a few of us have noticed you've taken a liking to that human girl there." the cameraman said pointing at you "and we want to know if you're love with her, especially since you marked her." The cameraman said gesturing the mark on your shoulder

Valentino smirked as you continued to moan, his eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before him.  "She's quite talented, isn't she? And beautiful." Valentino chuckled softly before returning his focus to making sure everything was going as planned.

" are in love with her?" the cameraman asked curiously but also slightly afraid not wanting to upset his boss.

Valentino couldn't help but smirk as he heard the cameraman's question. "Mmmh. Perhaps I am," he said nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving the scene before him where you were being taken roughly by the shark demon. "But...that's between us, isn't it?" the cameraman nodded nervously in reply "good, because if you tell anyone I won't hesitate to fucking kill you."

In reality, he didn't know what he felt towards you and he didn't understand it...all he knew is he had to have you for himself.

As the shark demon picks up speed, its thrusts growing deeper and more intense making your moans become more frequent, Valentino can't help but feel a surge of power and arousal. The camera captures every moan and gasp that escapes your lips, fueling his desire even further.

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