Chapter ten

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Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me, baby.

As the time started going by, you continued to lay in bed staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. 

Your mind reeling with Valentino's messages forbidding you from thinking about anything else other than him and his manipulative messages that are making you slip deeper and deeper into his grasp.

Letting out a deep breath you took your phone off charge and slipped it into your pocket before heading downstairs, as you reached the bottom your eyes immediately landed on Husk behind the bar and a few of the others standing around in different areas of the lobby which you found strange due to the fact you swore you saw them go upstairs around the same time you did.

With a shrug you walked over to the bar and sat on the stool across from Husk causing him to look at you and raise a brow "You look like shit."

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." You said trying to make yourself sound believable but even a deaf person could tell you were lying.

"Alright, Kid, cut the bullshit. You can stop this fake fucking act of 'Valentino isn't that bad' and 'I'm fine with this exploiting job' it's obvious that you're not!" Husk said mocking you causing Angel Dust, Vaggie and Argus to turn their heads to the two of you.

"It's not an act. And it sure as Hell ain't fake. I am fine, I'm fine with this job, I'm fine with being in Hell...I'm fine with.....I'm fine with Valentino." You stated with a slight glare but it wasn't anger at him it was more anger at yourself for allowing this to happen but at the same time you were angry at him but only because your emotions were all over the place.

You didn't know how you feel
about Valentino.

You don't know if you hate him.

Or Like him.

He's completely fucked up your thoughts and feelings and it's driving you insane.

And it's affecting your relationship with your friends.

The people who ACTUALLY care about you.

"You know what. You're just like your fucking brother! Acting like you're not a fake piece of shit but you are! You're always acting as if this shit is normal! As if Valentino controlling your fucking life isn't the worst thing ever. As if you actually want to be a porn star!" Husk yelled.

"You know what. Fuck you!" You yelled "Who the fuck do you think you are to say how I feel! This job is a fucking piece of shit I can agree with you there but there's nothing I can fucking do! I'm bound to that fucker!" You screamed and Husk's ears lowered...he's seen this before way too many times.

Especially with Angel Dust.

you were self-destructing.

"I can't deal with this right now" you said taking a deep breath before walking to the front doors and slamming them shut as you left.

"Y/n, come back!" Charlie called out as she ran over to stand with Vaggie.

"Husk go after her." Vaggie demanded.

"Fine." He grumbled making his way to the front doors.

"I'm coming with." Angel and Argus spoke up before the three of them left to find you.

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