Chapter eight

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(Tw: sexual assault.)

Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow up your poison

"Alright, We need to find a way to get y/n back to Earth." Vaggie said as you all sat in the main lobby looking at her, either sitting on the sofa's, at the bar or just standing.

"Why?" Sir Pentious asked confused.

"Well for one it's too dangerous for a human like her to be in hell and two we need to do it so Valentino doesn't  have control over her life anymore." Vaggie stated before looking at you "Y/n, how old are you?"

As Vaggie asked the question you grew slightly nervous as everyone looked at you "I'm nineteen..." you replied looking down to avoid their gazes.

"Nineteen?!" Angel asked in shock "I thought you were like mid twenties or something!" 'Fuck...i already felt shitty for giving her cocaine and now...I feel worse.'

"It's been thirteen years since you died." You said

"It feels like longer..." Angel said

"I'm sorry can we talk about the fact that she's nineteen and under the control of Valentino and a fucking porn star." Husk said.

"At least it's not illegal. I am legally an adult...." You said. 'Why the fuck am i defending this? I hate this fucking job...'

"But do you want to do it?" Argus asked

"No...I hate it." You replied honestly.

"Also, kid. It's the fact that you're going to waste your life being a porn star. You're classed as an adult but you're still young." Husk stayed

"Yeah and if we don't get you back to Earth. Then like Husk just said you'll be spending the rest of your life as a porn star unable to have fun because you're under the control of a sadistic asshole." Vaggie said venom lacing her tongue.

"Well, how about you, Husk, Angel and sir Pentious go to a club. To help you relax while me,Vaggie and Argus look for a spell to get you home." Charlie said with a smile.

"Yeah, come on, toots." Angel said wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"Charlie, I think I'd like to join them." Argus said

"Huh? Oh I mean if you want too." Charlie said smiling softly.

"I do." Argus smiled.

"Make sure y/n. Is safe." Charlie whispered and Argus nodded.

"Let's go have some fun!" Angel said before grabbing your hand and dragging you away as Sir Pentious, Husk, and Argus followed.

"I feel so bad for y/n, Vaggie." Charlie said

"I know,babe. We'll find a way to get her out of this don't worry." Vaggie smiled before kissing her girlfriend's forehead.


"Cheers to forgetting our problems!" Angel said holding up his shot glass to which you all clinked your glasses together before downing your shots after around an hour of drinking you felt your soberness leaving your body as you slowly became intoxicated by the alcohol.

"Um, Y/n?" Argus asked while leaning closer to you.

"Yeah?" You asked despite your tipsy state your words were clear as day, Hell, you could probably say to someone you're sober and they'd most likely believe it.

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