Chapter seven

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Cause I know you're poison
You're feedin' me poison.

The streets of Hell were quiet except for the occasional scream but other than that it seemed somewhat peaceful despite being in Hell even though you were enjoying the peaceful atmosphere you just wanted to get the stuff from the shop and then go to the Hazbin Hotel with Angel dust.

When you got into the shop you looked around trying to find a few drinks you think Valentino would like after grabbing a few you go up to the counter to buy them but the cashier isn't there at all. Hesitantly, you decide to just put the drinks in a plastic bag before walking out of the shop and heading back to the studio.

While on your way back you were feeling conflicted about Valentino.

On the one hand, sometimes he was really sweet, caring and loving towards you...but on the other hand sometimes he was sadistic, completely cruel and just pure evil.

You didn't know whether to believe if his kindness was all an act or if it was genuine.

As you were too busy having a mental crisis about your feelings towards Valentino you didn't notice the figure approaching and within a few seconds you bumped into a hard surface and as you stumbled backwards a cold metal arm wrapped around you to support you.

"You really need to stop bumping into me." A familiar voice came.

"Vox? What are you doing out here?" You asked

"I could asked you the same thing,Dollface."

"Well, im here because I asked Val if I could go to the Hazbin hotel and spend time with Angel dust but then i said I'd go to the shop and get him a few drinks before I went. So I'm just going to drop these off then go get Angel and go." You explained.

"Hmm, makes sense. To answer your question, I'm here because I was checking out the sales on my newest piece of technology and there were a lot of sales." He said smoking widely "how about I walk back with you im hanging out with Valentino when I get back anyway."

"Sure." You said with a smile making his eyes soften as the two of you began walking back to the studio side by side.


Valentino sat in his office chair, looking at contracts some of them he ripped up and others he put to the side, when all of a sudden both you and Vox return to the studio.

At the sound of his office door opening he smirked and looks up "Well, well," he says softly. "My little shopper is back already? That was quick of you....oh. Hello, vox." Valentino said greeting his 'friend' with a fake smile

He stands up and walks over to you gently taking the plastic bag from your hand and putting it on the floor beside his desk the whole time his eyes never left yours. "I'm impressed" he complimented as he reached out, to gently caress your cheek with the back of his hand before moving his hand to your lower back and pulling you closer into a warm embrace.

As you were pulled into Valentino's arms, Vox raised a brow he had never seen Valentino show this kind of affection to anyone so why was he showing it to you? Other than his...curiosity. Vox couldn't help but feel....jealous of Valentino.

The sudden show of affection from him took you by surprise and your eyes widened, as your shoulders relaxed you hesitantly hugged him back finding a sense of comfort from his embrace.

Valentino released you from the hug, stepping back to admire your submissive posture as a chill ran down his spine he loved the power he had over you "Now that you're here and you've gone on your little trip, go get dressed properly and go to that hotel with your brother. But I want you to remember that you. Are. Mine." He commands with a sly grin. "Understood, Mio amore?"

Poison (Y.Valentino xF.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now