Chapter Eleven

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What the ever living fuck is going on! Why I am with Pansy, why did I let myself be cursed. Everything has gone to shit, I am trapped inside my own mind. Cassie and Tom have ended. She is moving out. She told me she loved me! I cannot say it back. That should have broken this, I do love her. I fell pretty fucking hard and quick for that girl. And now she's gone. Who knows if I will every see her again. I hate every second of this. Tom won't even look at me to figure out what is going on and my father thinks I am having a phase again. Give me a damn time turner so I can go back and never hook up with this slut in the first place. Although what is funny is that my dick is never fully hard. Even that knows not to be fully satisfied. She wants to get married, I can't do this. This isn't what I want. What can I do? FUCK! My only saving grace is that she hasn't topped up the spell for 36 hours, maybe I can play along and make her think that she has done it? Hopefully that will work. It better damn work.

Pansy comes to the house, timing It well as Cassie has now gone. She kisses me, her perfume reeks. I wanna hurl.

"Oh Matty, I am glad that bitch is gone now, we can truly be happy and live our lives" oh fuck off you scabby cunt. Tom saunters over. Saved by the bell. "Mattheo, father needs your assistance, Pansy you aren't welcome." Tom has clearly finished saying goodbye. He drags me along and apparates us to our meeting place with father. It is just the three of us. "Mattheo, snap out of this charade, I know you're in there, she hasn't topped the spell for a reason, father made her think she had" he punches me in the face. I fall to the floor. He picks me up and whispers in my ear. "Come back Mat, I need you, she needs you, we need you. We both love you. Please. Come back" he picks me up off the floor and my haze has gone.

"Took you fucking long enough! 1 fucking year Thomas!! What the hell!" I am fucking furious. "I am going to kill that bitch, no one is going to stop me." My father puts his hand on my shoulders. "Leave her to me, her father has already been informed of her activities, she will be dealt with. You have my word son." Ok maybe someone has stopped me, but that is besides the point, she took everything from me. Tom filled me in properly about Cassie. I feel like shit, I know it wasn't my fault, but I should have been stronger. It pisses me off. I need to get her back. We need to get her back. "Don't be stupid, you still need to play the part until Pansy is dealt with." Tom reminds me. Fuck sake! "Fine, but dad, make it quick. I cannot promise I can play the part for long" he nods and we all head back to the house. Iris is in the kitchen cooking lunch, as per it smells divine. How this woman hasn't opened a café or restaurant is beyond me. "Oh hey sweetie, we were going to check out Cassie's store, wanna join?" here goes nothing. "Yeah, sure thing sweetheart" I gag internally. I glance to Tom who is somehow finding my torture amusing. I will ram my dick in your ass raw! He cocks an eyebrow.

We arrive at the store and I must say she has done well. It is quite busy, between people simply buying books or people lounging round with a complimentary coffee and reading. I over hear her talking to our father. "I want to make this a cat sanctuary to, I mean what's not to love when you read a book than a kitty curled up in your lap." She is fucking adorable. "Urgh, I cannot stand the bitch, why has this done well, it should have flopped, I turned her life upside down yet there she stands, happy. I need to turn up the heat." Pansy mutters beside me, it is taking every fibre in my being not to spark this bitch out. I simply pretend I do not hear what she said. "Coffee?" I offer and she nods, I go make us both one. I see my old friends in the back laughing and joking. Theo catches my eye, I nod. He returns, I think he knows I am back but knows I need to go along with this. How long for I do not know, but the sooner the better. I turn to pass Pansy her drink, she takes it and wanders off. I stand outside the store, I need air. Looking through the window I can truly see how proud I am of Cassie, she has come so far in a short space of time. Her confidence in herself now is remarkable. She sees me through the window. I can hear her thoughts. "I wish things were different, I cannot stand looking at them together, It should be me, not her, I didn't want to leave, it kills me not seeing them every day. If only he knew how I really felt" oh I do baby girl. I take Pansy to dinner and get her drunk enough so that she passes out as soon as she hits the pillow in bed. Now. Time to face my true woman.

I stand outside her door, at her new home. I get the courage to knock. I feel her the other side of the door. "Princess please, open up" the door swings open and she drags me inside. I pin her to the door and crash my lips onto hers. "Tom broke the spell earlier, when you left, I need to keep playing the game with her, my father has a plan but for obvious reasons he cannot tell me, I heard everything you thought in the shop and I knew I couldn't stay away baby girl. I love you to" I see her tears forming. I kiss her again, but I know it cannot go further or shit will hit the fan again. "Play along baby, I promise you we will all be back together soon" I hug her tightly and leave her speechless. I quickly apparate back and shower her scent off me. I climb in beside the troll and go to sleep.

3 months later

"Father I am getting really pissed off at this point, I cannot carry on. I will slip up soon!" I am pacing his office. I can speak freely in here as he has a constant silence charm. I mean he wouldn't be the man he is if he didn't have a space where he could conduct business in private.

"You will be free soon, by the end of the week, I gave you my word, it just took longer than I thought" he reassures me.

Meanwhile I know Tom has been keeping his distance as well, he said he is keeping the charade up with me but glad that our girl knows what has been happening.

It is the end of the week, I cannot keep still, I need to know how I am supposed to be getting out of this 'arrangement'. My father calls a meeting and all active death eaters are to attend. Pansy being only one of two active females currently seems nervous. Good enough. "I have gathered you all here today as I have discovered that someone has been manipulating one of my boys, and as you can imagine I am not happy" I try to keep a straight face, there is chatter amongst the members. I look to Pansy and she is fiddling with her hands. "who would be stupid enough to pull that off my Lord?" Lucius asks. "Well, I am glad you asked Lucius, I clearly know who it is, and not only have they manipulated my sons mind, but they in turn have torn my newly found family apart, it is unacceptable" he slams his hand to the table and everyone shits themselves. "I say make an example of them my Lord" good old Rudolphus Lestrange, he is always good for blood sport. "Oh don't you worry they will be" my father glares at Pansy.

She fails to acknowledge him. "Miss Parkinson, do you have anything to say for yourself?" her eyes widen. "I uhh, no my Lord" shit house. "Very well, I hope you realise how much of a disappointment you are now to your family, stooping so low. All because you father betrothed you to Master Goyle. Playing the hand of Mattheo wanting you back, of course your father would never question that, but rest assured you will be marrying Goyle, this evening in fact. You see Mattheo broke free of your spell 3 months ago and while he has played his part extremely well, I have been making these arrangements, all the best Mrs Goyle" I bark out a laugh. "can I be excused now father" he nods and I cannot get out of there quick enough. I need to hold my girl. I need to feel her warmth again. I get to her apartment and slam on the door. I know she is in there.

I hear a muffled sound.

I kick the door in, and there she is, laying in a pool of blood. "NO" I scream out. "I was coming to bring you home princess, please hold on we will fix you, please do not leave me now. I love you more than life itself. Come back to me and Tom baby girl, we both need you" I apparate to St Mungo's. Once she is in there care send for our family to be by her side.

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