80 dolars per hour? heck yeah!

342 7 3


you slamed your hand on the alarm and sat up with a yawn. You hate getting up in the morning... but you dont have a choice realy...
You got out of bed and started to get ready for school...

You got out of your room dressed up in a cute outfit and got to the kitchen

"Good morning honny! How'd you sleep?" You hear your mom calling from the kitchen as you make your way over "hey ma!" You give her a little hug from behind and sit in the kitchen table.. after a few moments mom sits next to you with 3 plates
And you start eating your breakfast...

"Sooo ma..." you glanced up from your plate and see that you caught her attention... "I wanted to talk with you about something..." you clear your throat.. mom now has all her attention on you "ok?" She sais...
you take in a breathe..
"You know that I'm almost 18 now right?" Her eye brows furrow in confusion
"And you know that I'll have to leave someday?..and take care of myself?"
she squinted at you suspiciousy
"Get to the point."
You take another breathe "I wanna get a job. I'm old enough! And I'm responsible enough to have one!"
You finally say,....she sighs..
"What about school? Wont it be too stressful for you?"
She asks with a little concern "I can handle myself just fine! I'm old enough to make my own decisions!"

Mom looked in deep thought for a couple of moments before sighing again...
"But ma I- wait what you say?"
"Fine.. your right. Your old enough to make thos kind of decisions.. and you never let me down so I trust you..."
A huge grin formed on your face
"But!" Your grin dropped a bit
"There would be some rules.. and we'll discuss about it after school.. its getting late."
You glanced at your phon and immediatly started eating faster..

You took your bag and speed walked to the door "bye ma! Cya later! Give dad a hug for me plz thanks!"
And you shut the door behind you. Putting on headphones and hearing your favorite music all the way to school...


you lay in your bed scrolling in your phone searching for a job...
cassier...no way....the less comunication the better.....hhmmm...

You scrolled for almost 30 minutes calling different places.. but or the place was shitty or the pay was shitty..
Hmmmm...what is this?...
You see a picture of a cute bear and tap it...megga pizza plex huh?...hhhmm...
Blablabla...family friendly....words I dont understand...aha!
Programmer.. .
Daycare assistant...
Wait! Daycare?..
You immediatly tapped daycare..
Ok umm yes! Theres an afternoon shift...till...10 pm...I can live with that.. a coworker..k...
You glanced at the pay on your jaw dropped! FRICKING 80 DOLARS PER HOUR! HECK YEAH!!

You have a lot of cousins and you just love kids! With there little chubby hands and face! And their imagination! Aaahh you love kids!!
But not teenagers.. they suck... even though you yourself are a teen but....ok you also suck never mind...

You immediatly called and tried to think what youll say.. oh god you hope you wont make it too akward..

"Hello! Welcom to freddy fezber megga pizza plex! A place to have fun with friends and family! How can I be of serviece?" A voice of a woman answered the phon... she sounded way too cheery...
"Oh-umm hi! I would like to apply for a job-"
"Oh great! Tell me your name, age, expiriences, and what would you like to uply to,"

You talked with the woman for another 10 minutes before she told you a date for an interview. you thanked her and finally hung up

Yyyyeeessss I did it!! Ok, ok, Y/n! Calm down!.. you didnt get the job only an interview...wich was the first one you ever had...oh geez... I hope it will go well...

Your alarm suddenly went off you checked your phon and immediatly jumped "shit! I'ma be late to my class!" You grabbed your personal stuff and quickly made your way to the door "y/n? Sweeti where your off to?" Shit..
"Oh! Umm gotta...math class! Yeah! I have to go so I wont be late ceya ma!"
"Wait! You didnt have dinner ye-"
You shut the door and bolted to your bike.

Once a week you had dancing classes.. the thing you liked to do the most..dance...just feel the rythm and forget obout the world.. you were very passionet about it... your dream was to be famous by your dancing and singing... but...your parents will never alow it.. never had...they were super strickt with school and your grades.. wich were very good!.. you didnt want to let them down... they were lawyers..and wanted you to be one too...or a doctor...or something...but. you didnt want to.. you wanted to dance! You wanted to sing!.. you were very good!...
You sighed deeply as you remembered your argument with your parents you had a year ago...

No! Now its not the time to tink about that!. Focus! Focus on the thing right now!...
You smiled as you got into the studio..


So... yeh! I made you passonate on dancin! Even though I dont know the first thing about dancing!
Anyway hope you guys enjoy! Baaayyaaa

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now