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The rest of the week went like that to sun, every time their little helper walked into the daycare she gave a huge smile towards him, and a small wave, never forgeting to greet him, and never forgeting to say a polite goodbye and goodnight, even to moon who wasnt even there.

She was oh so very strange, sun and moon bothe expacted it to drop in the next up coming days... but it didnt... like every other co worker they had, they thought she'll be nice like this for the first couple of days and then just finally ignore them, or suddenly be a bit more rude, like eaden, the day shift worker, he from the begining was rude, not even lifting a finger to help, always in his phone shooing kids away, they very much expacted the same behavior from the h/c girl... but they didnt get that kind of behavior.. instead, they got a silly y/n, who would greet and say goodbye to the both of the every single day.

Moon reassured them both that maybe she was a bit stubborn, and soon will act like anyone else, but sun doubt it, and he knew even moon didnt believe in his own words.. and for some reason... it made him a bit.. happy.. the thought that someone actually cared about their feelings.. he shook his head immediatly, scowling at himself, of course she didnt care! Where that thought even came from! NO ONE cares.. never did... never will...

But sun knew.. that the tiniest part of him... and even moon.. still hoped.. maybe... just maybe...

It was another normal day, the kids were playing and running, shouting in joy and excitement, sun looked fondly at the children, they gave him and moon such happiness.. they loved their job so much..

Eaden, lazy ass as always, was sitting at the security desk, typing away in his phone, sun scoffed, how pathatic.

Dont worry sunny~ soon~ we'll be done with that good for nothing brat. Have paicience will you?~
It'll be the more fun for us after all~

Sun sighed heavilly, hating to agree with his counter part, turning back to entertain the kids, he suddenly got a massage, oh... you clocked in. Sun wasnt sure if he was genuenly happy or mad, was he mad? Was he annoyed by your presents?.. well he sure wanted to be, he wanted go hate your silly, dumb, (cute) childish personality, he wanted to hate that beaming smile, thos e/c gleaming jelws.. he oh so wanted to hate that (beautiful) body, trying to ignore random errors every time he looked too much at specific parts of the h/c girl.. ignoring the warm fuzzy weird feeling, the bust of energy going through his sercits every damn time you walked into that party room..

Dancing so beautifully and passionatly....

He shook his head groaning at his own betraying thoughts, he knew very well that moon had the same damn thoughts... and for some reason... he wanted to see her again, but that cant happen, not if they wont turn off the lights, she came in atleast 2 and a half hours after nap time was over, and she was out before the night sicle even started.

It was so strange, wanting to talk, to know and learn more about the girl.. what was it in her that they both found so....endearing.. what did she do to them? Did she put another virus in them? They cant be true! They made sure she didnt EVER get too close to their circuts, so thats out the window...

Sun watched as you entered the daycare...a small tired smile plestared on your face..

Moon scoffed in their headspace

Why is she never getting eanogh sleep?

The lunar animatronic growled annoyed, they both noticed the small dark circles under the h/c girl's eyes..
Sun (to his amusement) felt as the lunar animatronic got more and more irratated, (not at her of course.) His programing bagging him to put her to sleep, so those circles will disapear!....

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now