part 7, an upgrade!

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Its been a very stressfull week, getting adjusted to the new scedual, running betweenn dancing classes to work, to school. Especially with all the tests this week, you were exhasted, not to mention, sleep deprived, wanting to get up early to see your parents and going to sleep in the unholy hours of the night to learn and studdy, you felt like what you studied in the daycare wasnt enough.

Its been 3 weeks since you started working at the pizzaplex, you rushed through the plex’s enternce, it was a monday, and it was pretty bussy today, and lucky you! You were late, you really didnt want to, but your teacher insisted that you help her explain something in biology to a freshmen who needed help, that poor kid was left alone by all the teachers, no one wanting to help him out, so you stuck with him 37 fucking minuts. explaining something the teacher should have explained, luckily you managed to help, but you were late to your work, and now you were rushing between tired parents being dragged by their overenergized kids, teens laughing and giggling about who knows what, and staff bots going through the crowds, helping random customers (scaring the abselut shit out of people.)

As you managed to make it to an eempolyee only area you groaned at the peson that cought you, oh god please not now!.....well shi- “Y/N! I’m so happy to see you again! How have you been darling~” you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him, too tired to deal with his creepyness today, offering a polite, and quite forced smile, “hey,  charles! Sorry, I’m a bit late, dont have time to chat.” you said quickly as you opened your locker to get your uniform and employee ID, “oh come on sugar~ your working too hard, you need to chill sometimes. Ho-”

“no can do, sorry. OH SHIT! Gottagocharlesseeyabye!” you rambled as you rushed to the daycare, stuffing the uniform in your bag, you’ll change in the daycare bathroom or something, you need to clock in! Now.

You burst into thr daycare’s bathroom and changed as quick as you could, checking in the mirror that you looked ok,  and rushed to the massive wooden doors,  you stopped infornt of them, wheezing as you leaned on your knees, slowly regaining some of the air into your lungs, you opened the door, only to be met by the oh so fammiliar noise of children’s shouts and screams, the daycare bubbly music booming,

a tired smile spread over your face as you closed the door behind you, inhaling the soft smell of slight cleaning supplies and snacks, and a whole lot of dirtiness, you sighed heavily and made your way towards the security desk only to cringe, a very angry eaden stood there, glaring daggers at you, and as always, he left quite the mess for you to clean behind, you sighed and offered a friendly smile “hey eaden, sorry I’m late. How was your day so far?” eaden scoffed, arms crossed tight over his chest “oh dont give me that bullshit,” he hissed, and you sighed again, “plz, dont swear around the kids-”

“fucking hell bulshit!” he said a bit louder and you flinched, raising your hands to quiet him down, “eaden! Thats not funny. You cant swear around the children!” you said more sternly, he huffed, “I realy dont give a fuck! wanna tell me why you were late?? again.” he glared, you groaned, holding the bridge of your nose in frustration, “are we really going to do this again? Here? Infront of the children??” you cant believe this guy “oh yeah were gonna do it here! This is the fifth time!! And I dont give a shit about your ‘lil miss perfect’ attitude! Stop fucking being late! I am fucking sick of waiting for you!”

“its not like you have anything else to do! I try very hard to be on time! And being 10 minutes late wont kill somebody!” he huffed rolling his eyes,“whatever.” he growled, pushing you as he made his way out, you stumbled and before you could fall to the ground two big matel hands caught you just in time, sun immediatly scooped you up,earning a surprised squeak out of you, “are you alright sunshine? That noughty man didnt hurt you did he?” you quickly blinked away the small tears of frustration, you didnt even notice them untill your vission was a bit blurry “I-I’m fine s-sunny…thanks…”  you said quietly, the small quiver in your voice not going unnoticed by the bright animatronic, sun nerrowed his eyes as he watched eaden make his way out of the daycare, slowly and gently setting you down on the floor, looking at your face for a moment, trying to read your expression.

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now