part 8... bonding timmmee~

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HAYA GUYS! Sorry its been so long! But I finally finished it! Ill try to upload more frequently but I cant promise anything with my scattered brain!😅😅 again sorry, thank yall for even reading this shit. Love ya!❤️❤️❤️


You make your way to the daycare, charles with you, and now, his even entering the daycare area with you… which you less apreciate.. his been very… clingy lately.. which is very weird for a man that seems almost 40 years old.. its starting to really creep you out.  Like dude, I’m literaly half your age.. stop fucking hitting on me.

As you stand next to the giant wooden doors, you nod and smile politely as you listen to charles ramble on and about, you jump with a soft yelp when the doors are suddenly swung open by sun…. A huge smile on his face as his eyes nerrow.

“well HEELLOO! Y/N! Who is this new lil friend of yours?..” sun trails off, looking charles up and down, you see something in his eyes that you cant read, but before you can answer charles answers for you, “excuse me, sundrop, we were in the middle of a very importent discussion! You are not allowed to interupt employees as they speak. Not to mention its very rude. ” charles says bitterly, and youre taken aback by how he spoke to sun…. Like he was some mindless maciene.. you could feel anger bubble inside of you as charles continue speaking.

“i suggest you get back to your station, come on y/n, lets get out of here.” he grumbled under his breath, he reached for your hand and you immediatly snatched it away, “Im terribly sorry mr. charles, but I have work to do, and I believe youve got some as well, good bye!” and before he could even replie you zoomed into the daycare and shut the doors in his face, leaning against them with a heavy sigh as you sagged to the floor…

“ugh.. this guy.. I swear he gets on my nerves too often.. hey are you ok there sunny?” you asked a bit concerned as you looked up to meet his eyes, he offers a friendly smile “I’m right as rain!” he says happily, swinging his arms above his head, his tale swinging a bit too quickly, making you chuckle “I’m more then used to being….. umm.. mistreated.. like that.” he sighs, the sigh coming out of his voice box a bit staticy,  you rub your face as you get up, stretching your limbs, its been a pretty long day at school today, and you cant wait to just finish up with work and go to bed, you have a test next week, and you finished your homework at school, so you’ll be free for the rest of the day,  and you cant wait to spend it by dancing and napping..

You exchange some more small talk with sunny and he goes back to the children as You make your way to the desk, floping into the chair, you feel more then hear your stomach giving a small growl, you shuffle and bussy yourself as you ignore your belly and the annoying pain that sattles in your stomach… living today off only on some chips and an energy drink.. you forgot your breakfast at home that day, you smile when you catch some of the kids shrieking with laughter.. sighing and contiueing your work.

Unfortunately there wasnt any spare snacks at snacktime and you were left hungry, but nothing you couldnt manage, so another day without eating much, so what?..

As the day continued you noticed sun stealing weird glances at you, and after the 10th glance you had enough, finishing up with helping the little girl you were bussy with and going to sun, you called him and gave a little wave as you made your way closer to him, and as usual, he was surrounded by the kids, he shooed them away as he gave you his attention, “hey suflower! Whats up?” he said cheerfully, his tale wagging a bit more furiously, you smiled up at him with a quirked eyebrow and a half smile “I actually came here to ask you the same thing.” you held in a giggle from his confused expression, his still learning how to control his facial expressions, and its so funny and cute how his expressions turn so reall to his emotions. “you keep glancin at me? Is there something wrong? Or am I just that pretty?” you did a cute little pose with a wink and laughed at his surprised face, he smiled “well, as much as you are beautiful.. I did pick up on your vitals and blood pressure.” you grow still, a bit nervous at this realization.. he smiles sweetly down at you, bending at the waist to tower even more over you, his tale swinging more lazily as he looks down at you.
you fight the urge to squirm and face him head on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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