p 4

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You and sun gave all the children they're food.. and after a couple of hours, the children slowly got picked up.

While sun was busy with some of the parents you decided to clean a little, you were at the crafting area placing all the crayons and markers in place.. "what are you doing friend?~" you yelped and jumped in surprise. "Geez! Sun! DONT do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" You deeply sighed placing a hand on your chest to clam your heart down..
"Oh I'm terribly sorry friend~ but What are you doing?" He asked again as he helped you pick up some of the markers

"Aahh...cleaning? Helping?.. what else does it look like?" You asked confused walking to the art supplies closet and placing all the stuff there sun tilted he's head "but its not in your job description silly!" He said bopping your nose, you giggled "well, but I can still do it! So why not?.. I'd feel pretty bad letting you clean all this mess by yourself!" You said with a soft smile and walked to the security desk...

Sun stood there...just staring into space...you are a bit strange...but that just gonna make their game a lot more interesting~...
He reassured himself and kept cleaning the rest of the daycare..

You finished the paper work and organized the things you had to finish in the computer.. you looked at your phon.... 9:30PM...you still got 30 minutes...

You looked up to see sun and had an idea! "Hey sun!" You called and he turned he's attention to you "can I go explore? The pizza plex I mean! I want to meet the rest of the animatronics!" You said happily sun tilted he's head "of course you can friend! but you have only 30 minutes left... I'm not quite sure that its enough to explore much..."
You made your way towards where he was "can you come with me though?" You asked, he looked confused "why would you want me to be out with you??" He blurted out you gave him a gentle tilt "why not?..  I'd prefer not to be alone.." you said sheepishly...looking down he sighed "well... if you want friend sure! I'll just finish here and we'll go.. you'll only be able to meet one animatronic though....and I think I know just the one~.."

he mumbled that last part.. you smiled happily up to him "thanks sun! Your the best!" You gave him a thumbs up and got to the desk to pick up your stuff..

You and sun exited the daycare. You were pretty excited! Jumping a little while walking beside the tall animatronic, as you passed some families and kids you suddenly heard someone calling "yarr!"

You snapped your head to see a pirate looking animatronic.. looking like a fox? An orange one, you excitedly looked back at sun "hey hey sun! Look! look! He looks cool! Can I go say hi to him!?" You said excitedly with sparkles in your eyes.. sun looked to the direction you pointed and he's eyes narrow a bit "friend... I do-"

"Well hey there less!" You turned around to meet with the pirate fox and gasped "u-uh- HI! Omg u-umm I like your h-hat!! I-I love pirates!" You said happily jumping a bit, the fox smiled a bright smile at you and laughed.
"Well! Pleasure meetin' yarr lil lessy! Me name's Foxy! Captain Foxy! And who might yarr be lil less?" You giggled at he's pirate accent "my name is y/n! I'm the new daycare assistant! Its a pleasure to meet you captain Foxy!" You giggled as you tried to mimic he's pirate accent to fail miserably . He looked at sun eyes narrowing before returning back to you smile bright again, chuckling a bit." Well me glad that your startin' to work here! Hope to see yarr around lil lessy!" He said while taking your hand and pressing he's snout at the back of your hand, mimicking a kiss,
You chuckled and did a little bow,

Once waving at the nice funny fox you looked at your phone... damn... its been 27 minutes already?!.. wow.. you looked back at sun and gave him a big smile "welp! I guess I'm gonna go now!... thank you so much! And tell moon goodnight from me! Seeya tomorrow!!"

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now