p 3 first day of the job..ppl can be so weird..

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another day...another morning...and another late night studdying... ugh... you were exhasted...

You yawn as you stretch you arms above ur head... and finally you get out of bed.. starting your morning routin..

You put on some short plain jeans, colorful shirt with long sleeves a black neckless, and some other julery. Your hair is tied into a lazy bun, that actually turns out pretty cute how it looks a bit messy..
You put your personal things in your school bag such as headphones, tiny mirror, wallet, gum, your phon and a charger just incase..

You get out of your room, bag in hand, your greated by the smell of pancakes.mmmmm...yum!
Oh! And dad's here too! Nice!

Your father sits at the kitchen table, black strong coffee siting near he's plate, dad is focused on the news paper he's holding, you walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Hi dad! How was work yesterday? I missed you!" You say as you sat across from him, he immediatly turns he's full attention on you and a big smile forms on he's face "well good morning dear! Work was fine. I managed to crack the case! and I missed you too sweetie." He wears a fond look on he's face.. smile soft.. you smile brightly back and turn to mom who is getting breackfast on the table "thank you honey, so Y/n! How is school? Did something happend when I was away?" He asks happily, turning he's gaze to the food, and starting he's meal "oh.. it was fine..." you say taking a bite out of the delicious pancake and mom gasps "it wasnt 'just fine' it was amazing! Your daughter got the best score out of her class in Psychology!
She needs a little bit help in mathametics but in all the other subjecets she's fantastic!"
Mom praised and you blushed a little focusing more on your food..
"O-oh... I'm not that great..."
"Our daughter is the best."
Dad said happily smiling softly at you "I'm very proud of you sweetie.."
You smiled bright... those words ment so much to you.. those words were worth all the hard work "thanks dad! And mom!"

After you finished your meal you hugged your parents and got out to school....you felt like you forgot something....

After a long day at school and some annoying brats trying to flirt with you, your going home.. but as you walked you got a ping and opened your phone to see an email... curious. And a bit confused you open it..

Oooohhh! Geez! You totally forgot! Today you start working!
Luckily you wernt late.. but your going to be if you wont hurry so you start to speed walk while reading the email...

You once again stood infront of the massive building... welp...lets do it!
You walk in and start to look around, hundreds of People, and screaming kids were laughing and having fun! Some teens messing with a staff bot.. poor robot..

you slowly make your way through the crouds and to the daycare... as you get to the garage door you see a man standing there looking to every side...probably waiting for someone?... when he locks eyes with you he smiles a bit and walks up to you ""why hello there! Are you miss
L/n?" You nodded and he's smile got wider "my name is charles! Its nice to meet you!" He extanded he's hand and you shook it he held your hand firmly and held it a little bit more then necessary, you gave a sheepish smile "hello! Nice to meet you too mr charles!" He laughes "plz, no misters! Anyways I'm here to give you this!" He gave you a bag, confused you curiously looked inside "its your new uniform! You'll have to wear it at all times while working! This is your card to get in the daycare!" You took the card and smiled "thank you." You said politely. And he's smile got wider... "ok, now you go change! I'll wait right here for ya! I still need to show you a few things, Nd then youll offically be the daycare attendent!" He said warmly, you nodded and headed to the nearest bathroom..

Slowly getting out and looking at yourself in the mirror..
It was a white button up shirt with long puffy sleeves, one with red and yellow stripes, the other a soft blue with yellow stars... oh you hope its gonna glow in the dark!
They gave you a mini skirt as well, half blue stripes and yellow stripes, the other yellow with red stars, they gave you some ribbons with bels,

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now