p 6 why so....different..

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well hello there starlight~ long time no see~” his raspy and low voice echoed through the darkness, you blinked multipul times to get your vision adjusted to the darkness, after a few seconds you saw him, standing right in front of you with all his glory, the stars on his outfit casted a gentle hue, and the intimidate glow from his red orbs was casted upon your figure and the desk, you stared in awe for a couple of seconds before shaking your head and offering a friendly smile “oh! Hey moon! Its been a while.” you chuckled awkwardly as you rubbed your fore arm, looking away from his intens stare.

You heard a cackle echo around you, causing a shiver run down your spine, “yes, I suppose it has.” you nodded as you sat down, taking your phone out and turning on your flash light “so how have you been? How’s naptime so far?” you asked casully as you shined the flashlight at your math book and notebook, internly groaning that you still had to finish that annoying math problem.

Moon stared at you quietly for a couple of moments “its been alright.” he simply answered, looming over your figure and a bit over the desk, trying to see just what were you up to, he was a bit surprised that you seemed unaffected by him at all, talking to him so casually like you talked to his counter part.
“so…you heard what I talked with sun earlier?..” you asked glancing up at him, then the notebook, and then back to your math problrm, slightly chewing on the back of the pencil, trying to solve it…
There was a quiet pause, and you didnt look up, too focused on your math problem, your eyes widen a bit in surprise when suddenly a light gray and dark blue clawed hand entered your sight of view, you froze as moon’s hand slowly made its way to the pencil you were chewing on, slolwy taking it out of your mouth and holding it for a minut, a string of silava conected from the tip if the pencil and your mouth, and you heard a faint whirr coming from the darkness, blushing, you immediatly wiped the silava away and looked up to moon in slight confusion.

its not healthy to chew on the pencil star, you can accidantly swallow sharp splinters not to mention how toxic the pencil’s coal is.” moon explained quietly, slowly setting the pencil (that was full of bite marks already)  next to your math book, you stared at him as he continued, standing up to his full hight “and to answer your question, yes, I heard.
After a couple more seconds of you staring you shook your head, trying to ignore the burning sensation in your cheeks, “oh, u-umm.. I-I… uhh.. w-well.. thanks for the concern, I honestly didnt think about that, its just a small habit I picked up from a young age,” you chuckled awkwardly, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck, moon eyed you curiously, his face plate tilting to the side with a soft click. “a-and..uuh.. a-about the idea I had,” you cleared your throat, trying to stop stuttering already. “what did you think about it? Would you like an upgrade?.....do you want me to do it too?... ” you asked carefully, fidgeting with your pencil, you werent the worst at robatics, you actually took some classes at the subject, and it did interest you a bit, but you were far from professional, you hardly knew about wires, you only knew the basics, and in progreming you knew very little as well, you mean, you knew how to read a little bit, so if there was a screen full of lines of code you mostly knew what was going on, but still, the  fazbear company was very advanced, their robatics were sold world wide, they even stared selling robots to act as cashiers, front desk, even secretary, you were in no place to be in that position of reparing a robot, much less a whole new upgrade??

you did have very good points on sunny, and the upgrade might do us well.” moon said calmly, not minding your inner growing anxiety, and panic.
“b-but. What if I-I mess up?? I-I’m in n-no position t-to give an u-upgrade! Especialy for an animatronic a-as advanced as yourself!” you sounded your anxiety, moon seemed like he was about to say something but stopped, there was a quiet pause, “were not that advanced.” he stated quietly,  but oh, oh.. you heard.

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now