p 2: let the game begin~

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Its been a few days and the date of the interview finally arived.
It was in the early afternoon. So youll have just a few minutes to get ready right after school...

You ran home and changed clothes, put on some makeup, and made your long hair into a ponytale. You grabed your tiny bag with your wallet gum sunglasses and some other stuff and ran to your bike. You didnt finish your driving lessons yet.. but in a month you will! And mom and dad told you that you could use mom's old car! So it works out for you.

Surprisngly the pizza plex was pretty close to your house! I mean you saw a lot of people go there but you always thought it was a mall or something.. wich it kinda was.. but with a bunch of robots! Like huh?!? So cool! How you never heard of it?

I mean you did see a couple of ads but you always thought that the robots werent real! Turns out you were wrong! And boy you glad you were! Sure robots can be a lil bit freaky (a lot! You were terrified of meeting one.) But come on! Theyre cool as hell!! And you would like being on theyre good side before they take over the world.
You cant wait to meet one! Even though theyle probably talk like GPT or siri or whatever. Its still be a fun experience!

You got to your destination.
And damn it was big. Like huge! Wow! Oh! Theres the cute bear! With a chicken a eligator and you think its a...fox?..no, a wolf! Cool! So those are all robots? Nice!
You walk in and suddenly met with a bunch of people, shouting kids, and robot staff. Wow now theyre a bit creepy. But thats ok!

You start to walk between the screaming children and tired looking adultes, Some teens too. Your searching for a human empolee but.. you cant see anyone...huh...odd..

you keep searching for like, 10 minutes, and nothing. You give up and walk towards one of the robot staff. One is standing and just watching the crowed. You walked up to him and he immediately moved he's gaze towards you. Staring deep into your soul with empty eyes. You feel a shiver going down your spine. You shake it off and turn to him.
"Uuuh.. hi? I came here for an interview...but theres no one here... and I dont know where to go?.."
He stared at you for a couple of seconds before speaking in a robot voice "name." You blinked and shook your head. "Oh! Uuh m-my name is y/n." The robot stared for a couple more seconds before turning and wheeling away.

When you realized he's taking you somewhere You akwardly jogged after him before catching up to him.
After a couple of minutes turning corners and walking through the crowed. You entered a hall and then turned to a door. He stopped there and stared at you. You looked to the door.

MANAGER wad writen in big letters. Shit. Your not ready! Manager?? You thought your gonna talk with a normal employee! Shit shit shit! You can still just walk away!.. but the pay was so damn good! Ugh... hopefuly you wont make a fool out of yourself. You turned to the robot with a smile.
"Uuh.. thanks! See ya later I guess?.."
He tilted he's head but gave you a nod and whilled away. You gulped and knocked on the door.

You heard a faint 'come in'.. you took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door..

It was a nice office. A carpet on the floor. Some paintings on the walls. Some plants too, in the end of the office there was a desk. With a big computer and behind it someone... you slowly made your way infront of the desk.. a woman with black short hair, blue eyes, and big round glasses. she looked pretty young.. not too young though.. she wore a white, button up shirt with blue pants. She turned her gaze towards you, and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "may I help you?" You snapped back to reality.
"Oh! I'm y/n l/n...I-ummm... came here for my interview?..." it sounded more like a question then a statement. She immediatly smiled
"Oh! Yes! Miss l/n! Its so nice to meet you! My name is Abigail."
She extended her hand and you shook it.

~♡twisted love♡~ yan! sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now