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So then I took my turn,
Oh, what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.

Jisung sat in his favourite cafe once again. In his favourite spot. At a seat with a small but big enough oak wood table, the chair he was sat in and the empty one opposite identical to it. The large softly tinted pane windows curved around the cafe, that was stood on the corner of a street in Jisung's neighbourhood. The tinted windows automatically brought peace over whoever stepped inside the aesthetically pleasing corner cafe, dimming the sunlight slightly and leaving room for the sweet scented candles to flicker scattered across the room. The hanging plants and soothing, quiet background music (currently being Still With You by Jung Kook of BTS) made Jisung feel so incredibly at ease there, one of the many reasons he adored the cafe so incredibly much. It was quite like a second home to him, he knew the staff very well and went there many times each week. He found working easier there, on his laptop which had a slightly cracked screen and a selection of mismatched keys that he stole from Changbin's old purple one without him knowing just to fix it.


The bell on the door rang as it opened, letting in the intense sound of the bustling streets for a moment before disappearing with the same sound.


This unexpected sound, however, very much caught Jisung's attention and he shot his head up to find a familiar yet mysterious shoulder length head of golden blond locks heading towards the counter. Who was that and why did they intrigue Jisung so much? He decided to shrug it off and direct his attention to his laptop. A sigh left Jisung's lips, it had run out of battery. He only hoped it had saved whatever he was working on automatically, but it couldn't have been that important if he'd forgotten it so quick. He shut his laptop and-

"OH MY GOD!" Jisung jumped out of his skin at the sight of someone sat on the seat opposite him. He took a moment of dramatic deep breaths with his hand on his chest before collecting himself. "Oh hi Hyunjin! What are you doing here?"

"Hiya! Sorry for scaring you I just came to see my sister, Yeji, the barista if you don't know her by name. Then I saw you here and thought it would be the perfect time to ask you about a choreography thing!" Hyunjin explained, talking wildly quick but luckily Jisung does it too so he could understand him.

"I'm the last person to come to for choreography advice, trust me on that. Also I did not know you actually could talk to me."

"No, I know. It's just that we've split up the different parts for who's centre when and Minho suggested us choreographing our own parts for when we're centre and to work with that, y'know." He began, taking a sip of his coffee his sister had just brought over then putting it back down when it burnt his mouth, "Ouch, anyway. My part is during your verse in the song 3RACHA about 3RACHA by 3RACHA, shall I go on? So I was wondering if there was a certain emotion or vibe you wanted me to portray through the dance? I'm also just shy and easily distracted, to answer your other somewhat question."

"Oh, that's kinda awesome and I think it's sweet you wanted to ask me," Jisung smiled, "But I don't have half a fucking clue, go nuts with it Hyunjin!"

The Stars I Draw For You- HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now