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And you know, for you,
I'd bleed myself dry,
For you,
I'd bleed myself dry

Hey Hyune, how are you feeling? ......

Hyunjin? It's Minho, are you okay? We miss you. .......

Hey Jinnie, please let us know you're okay soon. We're all really worried about you. .......

-15 missed calls from 4 chats: Felix <3, Minho <3, Chan, Changbin-

CALLING: Hyunjinnie :)

'If you've recieved this message, Hyunjin doesn't hate you he's just either distracted or sad'


"Nothing. Absolutely nothing!" Minho sighed, throwing his head back against the wall by accident and groaning in pain.

Changbin, rubbing his boyfriend's head, let out a sigh too. "It's been 3 weeks, have you not tried going to his apartment or..?"

"Nope, tried that. He wouldn't answer the door and he's too paranoid to get another key for me or Fe."

"Well I saw that coming." Chan joined the conversation, "Jisung hasn't been spotted in days either."

"Wait how come?" Felix asked, sitting on the swivel chair beside his soulmate and resting his hand on Chan's thigh. The group were in the 3RACHA studio, Chan and Felix sat on the swivel chairs around the equipment (Chris sat there all the time and found himself ruining the songs because he mindlessly fiddles with the buttons and sliders) and Minho and Changbin sat close together on the couch against the back wall, facing the eldest and youngest of the four.

"I don't know exactly but I have a feeling that article got into his head too, I think he might be panicking over his fear of writing on his arm." Chan spoke, intertwing his fingers with his soulmate after he placed his hand on top of Felix's.

"So he's paranoid his soulmate might get scared or even hurt because they think that he's dead?" Changbin summarised.

"Basically." Chan said, concern ridden in his tone. "At least that's what I think." He found himself, yet again fiddling with the buttons of his equipment.

Silence enveloped the room for a few moments as they all thought about ways to support their friends.

"Why don't you try calling Jisung?" Minho suggested, breaking the not so awkward silence.

Chan nodded in reply, pulled his phone out of his pocket and without needing to scroll through because he had pinned Jisung's number, called his best friend.

Hey Jisung? Oh hi Chan. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? I've not seen you a few days, that's all. I was worried something had happened. Oh. Has something happened? Well, I dunno. No but yes... What's going on? Please tell me, I care. Do you think my soulmate thinks that I'm dead? I mean, unless your soulmate is Hyunjin. I wouldn't assume so. That's really not funny in this situation Chris. Sorry... Just give some advice, please. Okay, you aren't going to like it though... Hit me. Maybe, just write on your arm.


"Great, he hung u-" Chan was stopped mid-sentence (and mid-eyeroll) by the sound of his phone ringing. "Oh wait."

Sorry... I didn't mean to hang up. It's fine, so are you gonna take my advice you asked for or...? Fine, I'll figure out something to write. But what? Well...what do you do best? I don't think being gay is gonna work. No, I mean what if you wrote a song. OH MY GOD! YES! THAT'S PERFECT! ....... Jisung? What do I write about though? Your inability to think for yourself? Oi- Maybe... THE STARS!


"I'm assuming that went well..." Minho spoke, breaking the silence that developed after Chan's phone shut off.

"What makes you think that?" Chan laughed.

"Well you were laughing like the entire second call and you have a massive grin across your face." Changbin was in fact, correct.

"It's sarcasm Bin."

"Oh, thanks Minho." Changbin awkwardly chuckled. "But did it go well? Is he okay?"

"It went really well, he's got something he's gonna plan to write on his arm." Chan smiled, one of the two weights having been lifted from his chest.

"Because he can't draw to save his life?" Felix joked, earning a playful punch from his boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Jisung set off to write his song.

"What the actual fuck am I gonna call this thing?" He muttered, until it hit him. Stars, are yellow.

"Yellow." He whispered.

The Stars I Draw For You- HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now