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It's true,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you.

Hyunjin was lying on his bed, staring up at the stars he drew and stuck to his ceiling. His ringtone blared from the device, for what felt like the millionth time to Hyunjin. He didn't touch it though, didn't check the messages or even bother to put his phone on silent. His laptop vibrated, his ipad beeped and there was the distant sounds of knocking on his door. He ignored it all. He had gotten so used to it that he naturally started to block it out. He hardly moved. He ate barely everyday, let alone had anything to drink. He only got up to go to the bathroom. He just laid, staring at the stars. Just like the stars he drew on his arm, hoping one day he'd meet his soulmate. He stopped that too, he gave up on all hope that his soulmate was still out there. He didn't want to waste anymore time hanging onto the little chance someone waiting to link the arms they placed the ink on for love.

That didn't mean the little chance wasn't still there though. Even if Hyunjin had lost hope. Someone out there with a love of stargazing hadn't yet given up on the boy, without even knowing it was Hyunjin.

There's always a chance.

An opportunity.

A reason to carry on.

A person to hope for.

A dream to come true.

A song to sing.

Hyunjin jolted in his spot at a sudden tingle, almost pain, in his arm and in his heart. He decided to ignore it though.

A star to gaze apon.

A smile to admire.

A line to draw.

Something in Hyunjin motivated him, out of the blue, to stand up. Walk to his bathroom and wash his face.

Something to hold onto.

As he splashed the water apon his skin, he noticed something in the mirror.

Someone to hold onto.

Something was sticking out of his right sleeve. It was illegible for a moment. Until he could read the word.


He froze.


And practically collapsed to the floor. Fear, anticipation and hope filled him at that moment. All were emotions he had felt this entire time, except the last one. He sat cross-legged, staring at his sleeve-covered arm. "Is this really happening?" He whispered to himself, on the brink of tears.


He slowly moved his sleeve up his arm gently, revealing something Hyunjin never thought he would see.


He couldn't believe it.


Slightly scruffy yet beautiful handwriting.


He read through every word carefully, admiring every single letter.


Hyunjin quickly came to the realisation that it was a song. And it was called


Wiping the tears of joy from his eyes, he jumped from his seat on the floor. Doused himself in deodorant and quickly brushed his teeth. He then threw a jacket on and ran.


Ran faster than ever to the 3RACHA studio, he knew they'd all be there.

Yellow Stars

The Stars I Draw For You- HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now