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I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh, What a thing to do,
And it was all yellow,

Hyunjin arrived at the bowling alley right on time. Or what his idea of 'right on time' was, which is 15 minutes late. He strolled confidently into the building, passing an area packed with arcade games, a restaurant and a bar. Before heading towards the bowling area. The further Hyunjin stepped into the building the more emerged he became in it, surrounded by bright led lighting, neon paint and writing across the walls and kpop songs blasting from the speakers. The song that was playing when he entered was one of his personal favourites, Back For More by Tomorrow X Together. It reminded him of how Minho told him Changbin was friends with the group's eldest member, Yeonjun.

When Hyunjin caught sight of Felix's shoes that he had painted flowers on for him he immediately knew that the group around Lane 8 were his friends. He quickly jogged over to the table they were sat at, immersing himself in the vibrant area. Each lane was seperated and the walls around their lane were wild, the table and seating part was surrounding my black painted walls with neon paint splashes and slogans written across before dipping into the illusional lane surrounded by twisting colours and black and white. Probably made that way to make the game harder and more immersive.

"Hey guys!" Hyunjin exclaimed, smiling brightly towards his friends. "I'm late... aren't I?"

"Hey Hyunjin! Yeah a little, but that's fine we ordered drinks before anyway so we haven't started yet." Minho explained, wrapping his friend in a hug.

After Minho released him from the hug, Felix quickly dragged him in for one too. "I ordered you a coke, that okay?"

"Uh yeah, that's okay, thanks!" He then went around to hug the others, ignoring how warm he felt hugging Jisung.

"Should we get started?" Chan exclaimed, unwrapping his arm from where it sat around Felix's waist.

"YEAH!!" Changbin cheered, with extreme enthusiasm.

"Let's do this!" Hyunjin laughed, "3RACHA v DANCERACHA?"

"Sounds good mate!" Felix smiled, throwing his arms over Minho and Hyunjin's shoulders and shoving himself into the space between them. "It's on Christopher!" He 'threatened' his soulmate, glaring at him from the less-than-a-metre gap between one trio to the other.

Starting off was Changbin, he grabbed a bowling ball and rolled it down the lane perfectly. It almost went straight down and scored a strike but, much to Changbin's disappointment, the ball swerved last minute, went down the side and missed all of the pins.

"Oh come on!!" He groaned, clearly pissed off. He tried again but the same thing happened, leaving him questioning his tactics.

Next up was Minho, with little to no bowling experience. He even asked to have the bumpers up but Chan said no because it needed to be 'fair and square'.

He walked up, stopping just a few steps behind the line. The ball was held in his hands completely the wrong way, he held it in both hands and to bowl it he merely dropped it and let it roll.

"DID YOU JUST SCORE A FUCKING STRIKE?" Changbin yelled with a look on his face that showed his utter disbelief.

"OH MY GOD! I DID!" Minho jumped up and down with the other two members of his team as they cheered in celebration.

"Chill out, you haven't won yet!" Jisung said, hinting to the three that their celebratory actions pissed him off.

Then we had Chan, who was beaten at bowling by Hannah EVERY single time back in Australia and therefore had 0 confidence in his skills. He just decided to wing it, he grabbed a ball and bowled it. Successfully knocking 4 pins down, much to his surprise. He bowled it again and the other 6 tumbled to the ground winning him a spare.

"That wasn't too bad Chris but Felix is literally the LEGEND when it comes to this!" Hyunjin exclaimed as Felix stretched and grabbed a ball.

He confidently bowled the ball only for it to fall into the gutter seconds after coming in contact with the floor.

"WHAT?" Felix said, in his thick deep Australian accent. He decided it was just bad luck and went again, confident in his abilities.

That confidence soon disappeared.

"Legend, huh?" Chan teased his boyfriend, after it happened yet again.

"Shut up!" Felix snapped back, very annoyed.

"Anyway! MY TURN!" Jisung switched the conversation quickly and picked up one of the balls. He took a deep breath and stepped towards the line, swung his arm out and-


"WHAT THE FUCK? HOW'D I DO THAT??" The ball had left his hand when he swung behind him and fallen to the ground.

"Only Han Jisung could do that one!" Changbin chuckled, the entire group were laughing really hard. Even Jisung was despite being embarrased, but Chan? He was on the floor, splitting his sides almost shrieking with laughter. He thought it was THAT funny.

Finally it left Hyunjin, who didn't even know how to bowl to be honest. He lifted the ball, and just let it go. It rolled down the lane and much like it did with Minho, scored a strike. Beginners luck, it seems.

The 6 carried on with their first game, scoring strikes and spares. Some of them knocking a few over, some of them knocking none at various turns. It was fun and they all enjoyed it. Ironically DANCERACHA, with their lack of experience and Felix who in reality was far from a bowling legend, won the first round and left 3RACHA literally pissed.

"Another round anyone?" Chan suggested.

"Maybe some food first? Then round two!" Minho replied with an, agreed by the group, better idea.

"Yeah! That's great, I'm starving!" Chan smiled, looking towards his boyfriend with love.

"Oh fuck yeah, me too!" Felix chuckled as the group began to order what they wanted to eat.

The Stars I Draw For You- HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now