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And your skin,
oh yeah,
Your skin and bones,

"So I was thinking... maybe I should get the chicken and you get the pizza. Then I could have some of your pizza?" Minho said, sitting comfortably in the lap of his boyfriend. He had one arm around him, hand resting on Changbin's shoulder and the other hand holding his phone with the app, that they were ordering food from, open.

"Yeah, sure but only if I get some of your chicken." Changbin suggested, adjusting his body slightly to improve the comfort of both him and his soulmate.

"How about, no?"

"What? Why not?" Changbin groaned at his boyfriend's antics. "How come you get to eat my pizza but I don't get any of your chicken?"

Minho put a finger up against his boyfriends lips. "Hush, now what do you want to drink?"

"Lemonade." A sigh of annoyance left Changbin's mouth. "I'm not done being pissed off with you, this isn't fair. Why can't I share your chicken? Or have a pizza all to myself?"

"Just-" He made a shh-ing sound, "Can I borrow your credit card?"

"What? No!"

Minho looked at his boyfriend with 'puppy dog eyes' in hopes Changbin would give in. It worked.

"Ugh fine, did you leave yours again?" Minho replied to his soulmate's words with a shy nod, taking the card from the two fingers Changbin held it in. "Babe, I told you! Get the damn app!"

"I did! I just can't seem to figure out how it works..."

"We'll sort it out later." Changbin chuckled placing a kiss on Minho's cheek.

"Have you guys ordered yet? Or are you still bickering over it?" Jisung, interrupting their little moment, said with a bored look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, we've done it." Minho replied, moving so he was sat beside Changbin instead of on his lap.

Some time passed (half an hour to be exact) and their food all finally arrived.

"YES! I'M FUCKING STARVING!!" Felix exclaimed, jumping up from his seat when the man placed the food on their table.

"Someone needs to get Felix a swear jar." Minho commented.

"Thanks for the birthday present idea Minho." Chan added, grabbing his and Felix's pizza from the table.

They all grabbed their various foods and drinks and began to eat.


"What's up Ji?" Felix asked, taking another bite into his pizza slice.

"This burger is so good!" Jisung laughed, before biting into it again.

"Minho! Oh my god! Look at that!" Changbin turned Minho's attention to the wall before grabbing a piece of chicken from Minho's bowl.

"There's nothing there-" His attention turned back to his soulmate, who was half way through a bite into a piece of chicken. "Oh fuck you!"

"You do it first." Changbin winked at his riled up boyfriend, who was pouting cutely.

"Ugh get a room, will you?" Chan groaned as he ignored his boyfriend, who was trying to shove a piece of stray pineapple into his mouth.

The 5 boys laughed, smiled, joked and enjoyed their food. Meanwhile, Hyunjin was in his own world. Picking at his fries, staring into his phone screen. He was reading a news article he came across whilst scrolling. He was so captured by it that he didn't even notice his friends were calling his name.

"Hyunjin?" Chan spoke, coming to sit next to him. All his friends had gathered around him, worried looks across their faces.

"Oh, sorry." He whispered, not realising how quiet he was being.

"What's wrong?" Minho asked, genuine concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

"Speak up Hyune, we can't hear you." Felix said.

"I'm fine!" Hyunjin shouted, getting up from his seat abruptly. "I wanna go home."

He ran past his friends and out the door of the bowling alley, tears in his eyes. Minho and Felix immediately ran after him, Jisung and Changbin following.

"I guess, I'll pay and clear up then?" Chan said to himself, confused.

"I'll sort it out." The man who brought their food came back and started clearing their stuff up, which was mainly empty stuff.

"Thanks mate." Chan nodded, "Hey, aren't you Seungmin's boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm Jeongin."

"Chan." He nodded again, smiling at Jeongin.

"You might wanna go check on your friend now..."

"OH YEAH, Thanks Jeongin! BYE!" Chan yelled as he ran out the door and after his friends.

After running after the figure of Jisung, who was running after Changbin, who was running after Felix and then Minho, who was obviously running after Hyunjin, Chan finally came to a stop.

"HYUNJIN!" Minho finally caught up to the younger, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Why'd you run after me?" Hyunjin replied, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Because we're worried about you! What's made you so upset?" Felix asked, pulling his best friend into a hug.

"I think my soulmate is dead." He spoke, in between his sobs and sniffs.

"You've said that before Jinnie, it's not true though." Minho said.

"But that was as *sob* a joke, now i'm *sniff* serious. I saw this article *sob* on the news about *sob* this person who never met their soulmate and *sniff* their soulmate never drew on their arm. They thought their *sob* soulmate was just nervous to write or draw something *sniff* but they were actually *sob* dead the *sob* en- *sob* -tire time. *sob* What if my soulmate is dead?"

"Oh Hyunjin, I'm sure they aren't." Felix moved a piece of hair out of his best friend's tear-soaked face.

"Promise?" Hyunjin whispered, as they all pulled him into a group hug. Pretty much oblivious to the fact that they were stood in the middle of a park.

"I wish I could promise, but I can tell you I believe he's out there. I'm sure he loves watching the stars."

The Stars I Draw For You- HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now