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" Pardon?!!"

Taehyung sighs for the umpteenth time that day.

" Yoongi. For the last time...listen carefully. I want you to move in with me." Taehyung explains calmly but it is evident that he is impatient with Yoongi's reaction.

" You want me to move i-"

" YES!!" Taehyung shouts. The people around stare at the two...who actually don't care about the attention they are attracting.

" But-"

" Think about it." Taehyung cuts Yoongi off.
" We get to bond with both the boys, and avoid unnecessary dramas, and heartbreaks."

Yoongi frowns and shakes his head.

" What about your life?"

" What about my life?" Taehyung frowns back.

" Someday, you might decide to marry and have a fresh family..."

" I'll have another mansion. My other family...which I'm not sure I want to have, can stay there."

Yoongi sighs.

" Taehyung..."

" Yoongi. Think about our children. They get to grow up together and we get to shower them with all the love we both have for our kids."

Yoongi blinks once.
There goes that warm fuzzy feeling again. He looks into Taehyung's dark brown orbs, seeing the sincere love for their children. He loves just how Taehyung says 'our children'. Like they are one big family.

It makes Yoongi feel so...


" One month." Yoongi says as he averts his eyes from Taehyung's intense ones.

" Hmm?" Taehyung tilts his head in confusion, looking a lot like Taeyun. Yoongi finds that utterly adorable, that he involuntarily smiles...

And Taehyung immediately decides that Yoongi's smile is the most beautiful he has ever seen.

" We can give it a try for a month. If things go well, good. If not...good too."

Taehyung's face beams. He stands and holds out his hand. Yoongi stands too, giving him his hand. They shake their hands awkwardly before Yoongi pulls back his hand, a pink hue forming in his cheeks. Taehyung smiles at the adorable male.

" So... let's go pick up our kids?"


" And so the sun is a star, and it is surrounded by planets. We live in a planet called earth...."

Jungkook and Taeyun look at Yuntae who is rambling on and on like some sort of space scientist.

" I thought he is just five?" Jungkook mumbles to himself in astonishment.

" So that's why my teacher says I am a joker." Taeyun mumbles too, his eyes wide as he looks at the genius Yuntae.

" Are you two listening?!" Yuntae raises his voice and the other two flinch to look at the little kitten boy who is frowning at them.

" is the sun...?" Taeyun grins sheepishly. Yuntae sighs and face palms himself. Jungkook can't help but chuckle. The boy is just like Yoongi, in every little way.

" Boys!" Yoongi's voice resonates in the restaurant. The boys' eyes sparkle when they see their parents.

" Appa!" Little Yuntae giggles and stretches his hands towards Taehyung who gladly lifts him and showers him with endless kisses.

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