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chapter 2

Ten billion? !

Charlie was stunned.

He knew that his grandfather’s family was rich, but at that time he was young and had no idea about money. He only knew that the Wade family was one of the top families in Eastcliff and in the country.

But he didn’t know exactly how much money it had.

But at this moment, he knew it.

Ten billion is just pocket money, and when it is about the entire Wade family, he is afraid it will be more than one trillion!

To be honest, at this moment, he was deeply moved in his heart.

But thinking of the death of his parents, Grandpa couldn’t shirk the blame, and he couldn’t forgive him.

Stephen Thompson saw his entanglement and hurriedly said, “Master, you are the heir of Wade family. You deserve this money, and strictly speaking, it belongs to your father.”

“Master said, if you are willing to go back, you will inherit the trillions of family properties. If you don’t want to go back, this money will be given as your living expenses.”

“Oh yes, Aurous Hill’s largest enterprise, the Emgrand Group with a market value of 100 billion, was wholly-owned by Yejia yesterday. Now all the shares are in your name, you can go to Emgrand Group for the hand over by tomorrow!”

Charlie was a little unbelievable.

Wade Family’s investment is too big for him to handle, right?

Ten billion premium cards, one hundred billion Emgrand Group!

Although Aurous Hill hides the dragon and crouching tiger, the only true god is the Emgrand Group. Any family must bow to their knees in front of the Emgrand Group. It is the emperor of Aurous Hill’s business field!

Even the Willson family and White family who humiliated him today, as well as the Jones family who pursue Claire, are all small in front of the Emgrand Group!

Unexpectedly, it turns out to be his own now?

At this time, Stephen Thompson handed him a business card and said, “Mr. Wade, you may need to calm down and think about it. I won’t bother you anymore. This is my phone number. Please tell me if you have anything to do!”

After speaking, Stephen Thompson turned and left.

After he left, Charlie was still in a daze.

He didn’t know whether he should accept Wade Family’s compensation.

But, thinking about it carefully, the humiliation that he has experienced over the past ten years, and the humiliation he has been given in the Willson family, these are the compensations given to him by the Wade family, why doesn’t he take it?

Moreover, Aunt Lena’s medical expenses still need two million, and it is urgent.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and immediately turned back to the toll office: “Hello, I want to deposit the two million.”

Swipe the card, enter the password, the transaction is successful.

Two million was easily credited to the hospital’s account.

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