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Chapter 461

Wu Qi has completely lost his mind.

At this time, the psychological hints Charlie gave him were extremely strong, driving him to just “fill his stomach” in his mind!

The three classmates collapsed and went forward desperately to pull him away. He lay on the ground like a mad dog, eating and cursing.

The headteacher just ran out with a few doctors. Seeing this scene, the doctors who were used to seeing mental illness were also frightened.

They have seen all kinds of mental illnesses, but this is really the first time they saw…

This is too cruel, right? !

As a result, a bunch of doctors hurried forward and dragged the person back from the sh!t abruptly, then tied the person to a special bed with a fixed belt, and pushed the person into the mental hospital.

At this moment, the entire Aurous Hill School of Finance and Economics is spreading Wu Qi’s video.

Countless people will vomit on the spot after watching it, but everyone is still watching it with strong nausea, watching this video of Wu Qi’s destruction.

Many people clapped their hands and cheered excitedly when they saw Wu Qi’s end, because they in the school knew that Wu Qi was a super pervert. He liked to control girls psychologically, and then forced them to self-harm and commit suicide. To satisfy his twisted psychology.

Many people with a sense of justice dislike or even hate him, but because no one can provoke him, Wu Qi has never paid any price for his actions.

However, Wu Qi, who likes to give other people psychological hints the most, has turned into a shocking mental retard. This is not only irony, but also a hatred! They are really happy!

The Wu family’s private plane has landed at Aurous Hill Airport.

From Suzhou to Hangzhou to Aurous Hill is very close, the high-speed rail only takes about one and a half hours, so there are no flights between the two cities, and it only took half an hour for Wu’s private plane to fly here.

After that, Regnar Wu took Wu Qi’s brother Roger Wu and several top doctors and quickly got off the plane.

On the side of the plane, several Rolls-Royce had been waiting for a long time, and the group was divided into three cars and went straight to the SanityLab Hospital.

This Mental Hospital was not far from the airport, so the group rushed to the hospital quickly.

When they reached there, Wu Qi was tightly tied to the bed, struggling with all his strength, and a towel was stuffed into his mouth. This was because he couldn’t get away and tried to bite his tongue and kill himself. The doctor blocked his mouth quickly.

At this time, Wu Qi seemed to be suffering from rabies, and the whole person was completely mad.

When Regnar saw that his son became like this, he was heartbroken and hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Wu Qi, Dad is here!”

Wu Qi can’t recognize his father at all at this time, he just wants to fill his stomach…

So he pulled his feet and arms vigorously, his wrists and ankles were tied with belts, so he quickly got all scars and even faint bleeding.

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Where stories live. Discover now