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Chapter 381

Claire was frightened by Junwei Gao’s vicious look.

Elaine next to her was also panicked to the extreme.

At this moment, Elaine couldn’t wait to smoke a few big mouths.

Why are you so obsessed with your heart that you have to match Junwei Gao with your daughter?

It’s good this time, I got my daughter and myself in…

She looked at Claire and cried guiltily: “Claire, Mom didn’t know that was the case, I’m sorry for you…”

Claire sighed while crying, but couldn’t say a word.

Junwei Gao stared at Elaine, gritted his teeth and said: “I didn’t need to do this to you. I originally wanted to take a genius doctor to cure him after hitting your husband, so that she would be grateful to me at first and be with me……”

Speaking of this, Junwei Gao cursed fiercely: “Who would have wanted to kill Charlie halfway through this rubbish! Otherwise, maybe she would have been my woman at first! The blame is that you are blind and have found such a son-in-law!”

Elaine immediately sat down and shouted wildly: “I said Charlie was a Rubbish. I didn’t expect that after eating soft meals at our house for so many years, now he has led us, mother and daughter, to such an end…”

Claire said indignantly: “Mom! This is not Charlie’s fault at all! Don’t you understand yet?”

Elaine cried and said, “Why do you keep maintaining that waste! It’s all for this reason, do you still maintain him? Do you still have your mother in your eyes?”

Junwei Gao was troubled by her noisy headache, frowned and said: “Okay, don’t be here chirping, it doesn’t matter who protects whoever, you mother and daughter, neither of you can escape my palm!”

After that, he looked at Elaine with a nasty smile, and said: “Aunt, don’t you want me to be your son-in-law? Or just let me be your lover?”

Elaine’s face was pale in fright, and the whole person was struck by lightning!

She never dreamed that Junwei Gao, who had previously said that he wanted to marry Claire and be her son-in-law, was an upright gentleman on the surface, but behind the back, he was such a s*umbag!

After the husband Jacob was involved in a car accident, she was very grateful to Junwei Gao for arranging the ICU ward and inviting a genius to treat him.

Moreover, seeing Junwei Gao broke another leg because of this, she felt even more guilty.

But as a result, all of this is just a play he directed and acted on her!

Junwei Gao was the real culprit why she and her husband Jacob had a car accident!

Besides, is he still a person?

At this age, she’s estimated to be of same age with his mother, he is not going to let her go?

It’s not as good as a pig and a dog!

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Where stories live. Discover now