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Chapter 17
Thinking of this, Sabrina hurriedly changed into a flattering look, and said to Charlie in a charming manner: “It’s really an honor for our Shangri-La and my old classmates to come by, Mr. Charlie.”

She felt that by complimenting Charlie, she could make Charlie forget or ignore what she had done just now.

However, she took Charlie too kindly.

When Issac Craven heard Sabrina’s words, he asked in surprise: “Sabrina, are you Charlie’s classmate?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Sabrina said hurriedly: “Charlie was the monitor of my college class. We have a very good relationship!

Issac Craven said immediately: “I will report to the President’s Office tomorrow, and you will be the personnel director of Shangri-La!”

From the team leader to the personnel director, there are at least three levels in Shangri-La, and the remuneration is more than ten times, and most of the employees are in control of life and death. He is definitely one of the executives.

At this time, Charlie said coldly: “Mr. Isaac, do you know what my relationship is with Sabrina?”

Issac Craven thought that Charlie was dissatisfied with this arrangement, and immediately said: “If Mr. Charlie is not satisfied, then let Ms. Sabrina be promoted directly to vice president!”

Charlie suddenly said, “Because I didn’t have a membership card, I called Sabrina for help, but she actually humiliated me for no reason, and even wanted security to beat me several times. You actually want to promote her to vice president. What do you mean? Deliberately want to fight against me?”

Hearing this, Issac Craven felt cold.

The flattering hit the horse’s leg!

Immediately, his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Sabrina.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped Sabrina’s face fiercely, and cursed: “Even Mr. Charlie dared to offend, you have the courage of the bear heart and leopard? Don’t you want to live?”

Sabrina was so frightened that she was soft, knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, crying: “Mr. Charlie, I was wrong.”

Issac Craven kicked Sabrina abruptly, kicked her a few meters away, and cursed: “You are not a dog with long eyes! I will let you know today and it has caused Mr. Charlie’s price!”

Having said that, he shouted to the security guard beside him: “Beat her fiercely! Beat her half to death, and then give her plastic face a good look, and then tell the whole Aurous Hill that no company will dare to use her in the future!”

Sabrina was so frightened that she hurriedly said: “President Issac, I was wrong, please forgive me!”

Issac Craven was furious, and shouted: “Now you know it was wrong? Why did you go? You can offend Mr. Wade too? If it wasn’t for the face of Mr. Wade, I would kill you!”

Sabrina broke down and cried. She knelt on the ground and crawled all the way to Charlie, kowtowing her head again and again: “Class monitor Wade, I was wrong, sorry! Please let it for the sake of classmates.”

Charlie asked her indifferently: “Sabrina, classmate, why did you insult me ”‹”‹and my wife just now?”

Sabrina cried bitterly and said, “Class monitor, I was confused just now. I blame my bad mouth. Please forgive me.”

Charlie said: “If people do not offend me, I will not offend others, but if they offend me, I will never forgive others!”

After that, he snorted and said: “You brew your own bitter wine, drink it yourself!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Where stories live. Discover now