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Chapter 13
When she came out of the Willson Group, Claire was extremely excited.

Tomorrow grandma will officially announce her new appointment, and she can finally be proud of it!

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help saying to Charlie: “Charlie, thank you! If it weren’t for your encouragement, I wouldn’t dare to take this task.”

Charlie smiled and said, “My wife, you deserve it.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “By the way, my wife, do you want to celebrate such a big event?”

Claire nodded: “How do you want to celebrate?”

Charlie smiled and said: “It just so happens that the anniversary of our third wedding year is coming soon, let’s celebrate together! I’ll make preparations, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Claire asked in surprise, “Are you trying to surprise me?”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded and smiled: “I just want to prepare a surprise for you!”

Claire felt a little sweet in her heart, and said, “Then I won’t ask you exactly what it is!”

Charlie said, “Don’t ask, just wait!”

In order to prepare a special wedding anniversary for his wife, Charlie thought of many plans.

The whole is mainly based on compensation. After all, he used to be poor and didn’t have the money to buy gifts for his wife, and he didn’t even give his wife a formal wedding. Now that he has money, he must compensate her well.

After splitting up with his wife, Charlie went to a jewelry shop named Rare Earth in the center of Aurous Hill City by himself.

Rare Earth is the most famous jewelry store in the region.

Gold, platinum, diamonds, and jade, it can be said to have everything.

Charlie wanted to buy a gift for his wife first, and then go to the best hotel to book a late wedding.

After arriving at Rare Earth, the shopping guides saw him wearing a four-bar Adidas, and they didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

Charlie looked around for a long time, and saw a jade necklace locked in a cabinet.

The material of this necklace is the top ice jade, exquisite atmosphere, very in line with Claire’s temperament.

Charlie looked at the price, thirteen million, which was trivial to him.

So he called a salesperson and said, “Hello, please take this necklace out and let me have a look.”

The other party glanced at Charlie and said, “I don’t have the key, it is in our manager’s hands.”

After speaking, he used the walkie-talkie to say: “Manager Jane, someone wants to see our treasure of the town shop!”

Soon, a very enchanting woman trot over excitedly. Her name was Jane, the sales manager here.

“Which distinguished guest wants to see the treasure of the town shop?”

The salesman pointed to Charlie and said, “Manager Jane, this is the gentleman.”

“Huh?” When Jane saw Charlie, she was as sick as a fly.

How can this kind of filthy rug afford the treasure of the town shop?

Thinking of this, she immediately said to the male shopping guide: “Liu, are you kidding me?”

The other party said: “No, this gentleman really wants to see the treasure of the town shop.”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Where stories live. Discover now